SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista, through a request for proposal (RFP), is seeking to secure renewable natural gas (RNG) or responsibly sourced gas (RSG) resources for its customers over the long term. RNG is derived from organic waste streams that would otherwise release methane to the environment as they decompose. These sources include, for example, landfills, wastewater treatment plants, food waste and dairy waste. RNG is produced by capturing that methane that would otherwise escape to the atmosphere and purifying it to make it very similar to conventional natural gas. RSG is natural gas that has undergone independent third-party assessments for environmental best practices.
In 2021, Avista announced aspirational goals to reduce natural gas emissions 30% by 2030 and to be carbon neutral in its natural gas operations by 2045. To reach these goals, and to meet Oregon’s Climate Protection Program and Washington’s Climate Commitment Act carbon reduction requirements, Avista is exploring several different strategies, including transitioning from conventional natural gas to RNG.
The RFP is open to parties who currently own, propose to develop, or hold rights to resources, or those marketing a resource or portfolio of resources meeting Avista’s requirements for RNG/RSG. Bidders may submit multiple proposals; each proposal may include certain configuration, contracting or pricing options. Avista anticipates RNG/RSG deliveries to be no earlier than January 1, 2024.
Avista anticipates proposals from both new and existing resources such as:
- Landfill RNG
- Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Synthetic RNG
- Dairy RNG
- Food Waste RNG
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant RNG
- RNG commodity portfolios (bundled or unbundled)
- Carbon Capture with synthetic RNG byproduct
- Hydrogen
- Other RNG offerings meeting Avista’s needs
- RSG resources from suppliers and brokers from major US or Canadian basins that has undergone independent third-party assessments or scoring for environmental best practices are desired.
RFP responses are due by Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023. The RFP and bid instructions are available on the Avista website at: myavista.com/RNGRFP
About Avista Utilities
Avista Utilities is involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy. We provide energy services and electricity to 411,000 customers and natural gas to 377,000 customers in a service territory that covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.7 million. Avista Utilities is an operating division of Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA). For more information, please visit www.myavista.com.The Avista logo is a trademark of Avista Corporation.
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