OMB Number:
3235-0059 |
January 31, 2008 |
Estimated average burden hours per
response |
14. |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
o |
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o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
D.R. Horton, Inc.
of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
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1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
To Be Held On
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dear Fellow Stockholder of D.R. Horton:
You are invited to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of D.R. Horton, Americas Builder. Our
2009 Annual Meeting will be held at our corporate offices
located at: D.R. Horton Tower, 301 Commerce Street,
Fort Worth, Texas 76102, on Thursday, January 29,
2009, at 10:00 a.m., central time, for the following
To elect seven directors.
To vote on a stockholder proposal concerning amending our equal
employment opportunity policy.
To vote on a stockholder proposal concerning a majority vote
standard for the election of directors.
To conduct other business properly brought before the meeting.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on Tuesday,
December 2, 2008, are entitled to notice of and to vote at
the 2009 Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
While we would like to have each of you attend the meeting and
vote your shares in person, we realize this may not be possible.
However, whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, your
vote is very important. For convenience of our stockholders,
proxies may be given either by telephone, electronically through
the Internet, or by mail.
A form of proxy on which to indicate your vote by mail and an
envelope, postage prepaid, in which to return your proxy are
decide later to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting, you may revoke
your proxy at that time and vote your shares in person. If you
desire any additional information concerning the 2009 Annual
Meeting or the matters to be acted upon at the meeting, we would
be glad to hear from you.
Very truly yours,
Chairman of the Board
Fort Worth, Texas
December 18, 2008
Cover Page
D.R. Horton Tower
301 Commerce Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
for the
To Be Held On January 29,
Place and Purposes of Meeting
Our 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on
Thursday, January 29, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., central
time, at our corporate offices located at: D.R. Horton Tower,
301 Commerce Street, Fort Worth, Texas. The purposes of the
2009 Annual Meeting are set forth in the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to which this Proxy Statement is
attached. D.R. Horton, Inc. is referred to as D.R.
Horton, Company, we, and
our in this Proxy Statement.
of Proxies
This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of D.R.
Horton. D.R. Horton expects that this Proxy Statement and the
accompanying form of proxy will first be made available to our
stockholders of record on or about December 18, 2008. The
cost of this solicitation will be paid by D.R. Horton. The
solicitation of proxies will be made primarily by use of the
mail. In addition, directors, officers and regular employees of
D.R. Horton may make solicitations without special compensation
by telephone, telegraph,
e-mail or
personal interview. They may request banks, brokers, fiduciaries
and other persons holding stock in their names, or in the names
of their nominees, to forward proxies and proxy materials to
their principals and obtain authorization for the execution and
return of such proxies to management. D.R. Horton will reimburse
such banks, brokers and fiduciaries for their reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses in connection therewith.
and Voting of Proxies
Stockholders may vote either by casting votes in person at the
meeting, or by marking, signing and dating each proxy card
received and returning it in the prepaid envelope, by telephone,
or electronically through the Internet by following the
instructions included on the enclosed proxy card. The telephone
and Internet voting procedures are designed to authenticate
votes cast by use of a personal identification number. The
procedures, which are designed to comply with Delaware law,
allow stockholders to appoint a proxy to vote their shares and
to confirm that their instructions have been properly recorded.
Stockholders who hold shares in street name through
a broker or other nominee may be able to vote by telephone or
electronically through the Internet in accordance with the
voting instructions provided by that institution.
Any proxy given may be revoked by a stockholder at any time
before it is exercised by filing with D.R. Horton a notice in
writing revoking it, by duly executing and returning a proxy
bearing a later date or by voting by telephone or Internet.
Proxies also may be revoked by any stockholder present at the
2009 Annual Meeting who expresses a desire to vote his or her
shares in person. If you require directions to our meeting,
please contact Investor Relations at
(817) 390-8200.
Subject to such revocation and except as otherwise stated
herein or in the form of proxy, all proxies duly executed and
received prior to, or at the time of, the 2009 Annual Meeting
will be voted in accordance with the specifications of the
proxies. If no specification is made, proxies will be voted FOR
the nominees for election of directors (see
Proposal One Election of Directors),
AGAINST the stockholder proposal concerning an amendment to our
equal employment opportunity policies, (see Proposal Two
Stockholder Proposal Concerning Amending our
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy), AGAINST the
stockholder proposal concerning a majority vote standard for the
election of directors (see Proposal Three
Stockholder Proposal Concerning a Majority Vote Standard for the
Election of Directors) and, at the discretion of the proxy
holders, on all other matters properly brought before the 2009
Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Shares and Voting Rights
December 2, 2008 has been set as the record date for the
purpose of determining stockholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the 2009 Annual Meeting. There were
316,657,842 shares of D.R. Hortons Common Stock,
$.01 par value, issued and outstanding on the record date.
On any matter submitted to a stockholder vote, each holder of
Common Stock will be entitled to one vote, in person or by
proxy, for each issued and outstanding share of Common Stock
registered in his or her name on the books of D.R. Horton as of
the record date. A list of such stockholders will be available
for examination by any stockholder at the offices of D.R. Horton
set forth above for at least ten days before the 2009 Annual
The D.R. Horton Bylaws provide that if the holders of a majority
of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to
vote are present in person or represented by proxy, there will
be a quorum. The aggregate number of votes entitled to be cast
by all stockholders present in person or represented by proxy at
the 2009 Annual Meeting, whether those stockholders vote for,
against or abstain from voting on any matter, will be counted
for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists. Broker
non-votes, which are described below, will be considered present
for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists.
Non-Votes and Vote Required
If a broker holds your shares, this Proxy Statement and a proxy
card have been sent to the broker. You may have received this
Proxy Statement directly from your broker, together with
instructions as to how to direct the broker to vote your shares.
If you desire to have your vote counted, it is important that
you return your voting instructions to your broker. Rules of the
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) determine
whether proposals presented at stockholder meetings are
routine or non-routine. If
a proposal is routine, a broker or other entity holding
shares for an owner in street name may vote on the proposal
without voting instructions from the owner. If a proposal is
non-routine, the broker or other entity may vote on the
proposal only if the owner has provided voting instructions. A
broker non-vote occurs when the broker or
other entity is unable to vote on a proposal because the
proposal is non-routine and the owner does not provide
instructions. Proposal One, the proposal to elect
directors, is a routine proposal under the rules of the
NYSE. As a result, brokers or other entities holding shares for
an owner in street name may vote on Proposal One even if no
voting instructions are provided by the owner.
Proposals Two and Three, the stockholder proposals, are
non-routine proposals under the rules of the NYSE. As a
result, brokers or other entities holding shares for an owner in
street name may vote on Proposals Two and Three only if
voting instructions are provided by the owner. If you do not
provide your broker with voting instructions for
Proposals Two and Three, your shares will not be counted as
shares present and entitled to vote with respect to the vote
required for these proposals.
The following table reflects the vote required for each proposal
and the effect of broker non-votes, withhold votes and
abstentions on the vote, assuming a quorum is present at the
Effect of Broker Non-Votes,
Vote Required
Withhold Votes and Abstentions
(1) Election of Directors
(1) The seven nominees who receive the most votes will be
(1) Broker non-votes and withhold votes have no legal effect; however, withhold votes may have an effect under our Corporate Governance Principles
(2) Consideration of stockholder proposal concerning
amending our equal employment opportunity policy
(2) An affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of our common stock which has voting power present in person or represented by proxy and is entitled to vote
(2) Broker non-votes have no effect; abstentions have the same effect as a vote against the proposal
(3) Consideration of stockholder proposal concerning a
majority vote standard for the election of directors
(3) An affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of our common stock which has voting power present in person or represented by proxy and is entitled to vote
(3) Broker non-votes have no effect; abstentions have the same effect as a vote against the proposal
If any other proposals are properly presented to the
stockholders at the meeting, the number of votes required for
approval will depend on the nature of the proposal. Generally,
under Delaware law and our Bylaws, the number of votes required
to approve a proposal is a majority of the shares of Common
Stock present and entitled to vote at the meeting. The enclosed
proxy card gives discretionary authority to the proxy holders to
vote on any matter not included in this Proxy Statement that is
properly presented to the stockholders at the meeting. The
persons named as proxies on the enclosed proxy card are Donald
R. Horton, Chairman, Donald J. Tomnitz, Vice Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer, and Bill W. Wheat, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer.
Sharing the Same Address
The broker, bank or other nominee of any stockholder who is a
beneficial owner, but not the record holder, of the
Companys Common Stock may deliver only one copy of this
Proxy Statement and our Annual Report to multiple stockholders
sharing an address, unless the broker, bank or nominee has
received contrary instructions from one or more of the
In addition, with respect to record holders, in some cases, only
one copy of this Proxy Statement and our Annual Report will be
delivered to multiple stockholders sharing an address, unless
the Company has received contrary instructions from one or more
of the stockholders. Upon written or oral request, the Company
will deliver free of charge a separate copy of this Proxy
Statement and our Annual Report to a stockholder at a shared
address to which a single copy was delivered. You can notify
your broker, bank or other nominee (if you are not the record
holder) or the Company (if you are the record holder) that you
wish to receive a separate copy of our proxy statements and
annual reports in the future, or alternatively, that you wish to
receive a single copy of the materials instead of multiple
copies. The Companys contact information for these
purposes is: D.R. Horton, Inc., Attention: Investor Relations,
D.R Horton Tower, 301 Commerce Street, Suite 500,
Fort Worth, Texas 76102, telephone number:
(817) 390-8200,
or e-mail:
Stockholder Communications through the Internet
Stockholders may elect to receive future notices of meetings,
proxy materials and annual reports electronically through the
Internet. The consent of stockholders who have previously
consented to electronic delivery will remain in effect until
withdrawn. To consent to electronic delivery:
stockholders whose shares are registered in their own name, and
not in street name through a broker or other
nominee, may simply log in to, the
Internet site maintained by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
and follow the step by step instructions; and
stockholders whose shares are registered in street
name through a broker or other nominee must first vote
their shares using the Internet, at:,
the Internet site maintained by Broadridge Financial Solutions,
Inc., and immediately after voting, fill out the consent form
that appears on-screen at the end of the Internet voting
The consent to receive stockholder communications through the
Internet may be withdrawn at any time in order to resume
receiving stockholder communications in printed form.
Our Board of Directors currently consists of seven members who
will serve until the 2009 Annual Meeting, and until their
successors have been elected and qualified. On November 20,
2008, Mr. Richard I. Galland, retired from the Board of
Directors and each committee of the Board of Directors on which
he served. Upon Mr. Gallands retirement, the Board
decreased its size from eight to seven members.
By unanimous resolution, the Nominating and Governance Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors, as nominees to the Board
of Directors, our seven current Directors of the Company, each
of whom is listed below under the caption Nominees for
Director. After review and consideration by the Board
of Directors, the Board nominated the seven Directors for
election as directors of D.R. Horton at the 2009 Annual Meeting.
Unless otherwise specified in the accompanying proxy, the shares
voted by proxy will be voted for each of the persons named below
as nominees for election as directors. The seven nominees
receiving the most votes cast, which is a plurality of the
votes, will be elected for one year terms and will serve until
the next annual meeting of stockholders and their successors
have been elected and qualified. We do not know of any reason
why any of the nominees would be unable to serve. However, if
any of the nominees should become unavailable to serve as a
director, the Board may designate a substitute nominee or reduce
the size of the Board. If the Board designates a substitute
nominee, the persons named as proxies will vote FOR
that substitute nominee.
The Corporate Governance Principles of the Company address the
situation in which a director does not receive a majority of
affirmative votes cast. Under such principles, any nominee for
director who, in an uncontested election, receives a greater
number of votes withheld from his or her election
than votes for his or her election at the annual
meeting (Majority Withheld Vote) will
promptly tender his or her resignation. The Nominating and
Governance Committee, which is comprised of only independent
directors, will consider the resignation and recommend to the
Board whether to accept the tendered resignation. The Board will
act upon the Nominating and Governance Committees
recommendation within a reasonable period of time. The action
taken by the Board will be publicly disclosed in a report filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
SEC) and may include, without limitation,
acceptance or rejection of the tendered resignation or adoption
of measures designed to address the issues underlying the
Majority Withheld Vote. The foregoing description is qualified
in its entirety by reference to our Corporate Governance
Principles, which can be found under the Investor Relations and
Corporate Governance links on our website at
According to our Bylaws, any stockholder may make nominations
for the election of directors if notice of such nominations is
delivered to, or mailed and received at, the principal executive
office of D.R. Horton not less than thirty days prior to the
date of the originally scheduled meeting. However, if less than
forty days notice or prior public disclosure of the date
of the originally scheduled meeting is given by D.R. Horton,
notice of such nomination must be so received not later than the
close of business on the tenth day following the earlier of the
day on which notice of the originally scheduled meeting was
mailed or the day on which such public disclosure was made. If
nominations are not so made, only the nominations of the Board
of Directors may be voted upon at the 2009 Annual Meeting.
The Board
of Directors Unanimously Recommends that Stockholders Vote
Each of the Following Director Nominees.
for Director
The following is a summary of certain information regarding the
nominees for election as directors.
Director Since
Principal Occupation and Business Experience
Donald R. Horton
Mr. Horton has been Chairman of the Board of D.R. Horton
since it was formed in July 1991, and he was President from July
1991 until November 1998. He has been involved in the real
estate and homebuilding industries since 1972, and he was the
founder, sole or principal stockholder, director and president
of each of D.R. Hortons predecessor companies since their
respective organization, which date from 1978 to 1990.
Bradley S. Anderson
Mr. Anderson is a Senior Vice President of CB
Richard Ellis, Inc., an international real estate brokerage
company, and he has held various positions in Phoenix, Arizona
with its predecessor, CB Commercial Real Estate Group, Inc.,
since January 1987. He served as Interim Chairman of the Board
of Continental Homes Holding Corp. from October 1997 through
April 1998, when it merged into D.R. Horton, and he became a
director of D.R. Horton at that time. Mr. Anderson has been a
member of both the Audit and Compensation Committees since 1998
and he has also been a member of the Nominating and Governance
Committee since November 2003.
Michael R. Buchanan
Mr. Buchanan has significant commercial banking experience with
several banking institutions serving the real estate and
homebuilding sectors. He retired from commercial banking in
March 2002. From March 2002 to March 2003, Mr. Buchanan was
engaged as a senior advisor to Banc of America Securities. From
1998 to March 2002, Mr. Buchanan was a Managing Director of Bank
of America, an executive officer position in which he was head
of its national real estate banking group. From 1990 to 1998,
Mr. Buchanan was an Executive Vice President of NationsBank,
which later merged with Bank of America. Mr. Buchanan is also a
member of the board of directors and the asset committee of
Piedmont Office Realty Trust, Inc. (formerly Wells Real Estate
Investment Trust), a publicly held, non-traded real estate
investment trust. Mr. Buchanan was appointed to the Audit
Committee in July 2003 and the Compensation Committee in January
2004 and he has also been a member of the Nominating and
Governance Committee since November 2003.
Director Since
Principal Occupation and Business Experience
Michael W. Hewatt
Mr. Hewatt is a certified public accountant and owner of Hewatt
& Associates, CPAs, an auditing and tax services firm. He
has worked for Hewatt & Associates or its predecessor firms
since 1980. From 1971 to 1979, Mr. Hewatt worked in the tax
and audit areas at Coopers & Lybrand (currently
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP) and was an audit manager for five
years during this period. Mr. Hewatt is a member of the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA), the AICPAs peer review
program, former member of the board of directors of the Texas
Society of Certified Public Accountants and former President of
the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants
Fort Worth Chapter. Mr. Hewatt has been a director of D.R.
Horton since 2005 and has been a member of the Audit,
Compensation and Nominating and Governance Committees since that
Bob G. Scott
Mr. Scott is currently retired from his most recent position as
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Summit
Bancshares, Inc., a NASDAQ listed company. He was with Summit
Bancshares from 1994 to 2006. Mr. Scott was an insurance
consultant for Alexander & Alexander from 1992 to 1994.
From 1972 to 1992, he was the controller and treasurer of Texas
American Bancshares/Texas American Bank, an NYSE listed
company. Mr. Scott was an auditor at Ernst & Ernst
(currently Ernst & Young LLP) from 1969 to 1972.
Mr. Scott previously was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force.
Mr. Scott has been a director of D.R. Horton since 2007 and has
been a member of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating and
Governance Committees since that time.
Donald J. Tomnitz
Mr. Tomnitz is Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of D.R. Horton. He was a Vice President in charge of
various divisions of D.R. Horton from 1983 until he was elected
Vice President - Western Region of D.R. Horton in August 1994.
From July 1996 until November 1998, Mr. Tomnitz was President of
D.R. Hortons Homebuilding Division; in January 1998
he was elected an Executive Vice President of D.R. Horton; in
November 1998 he was elected Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of D.R. Horton; and in March 2000, he became President
as well. Mr. Tomnitz previously was a Captain in the U.S. Army,
a Vice President of RepublicBank Dallas, N.A., and a Vice
President of Crow Development Company, a Trammell Crow company.
Bill W. Wheat
Mr. Wheat is an Executive Vice President and the Chief Financial
Officer of D.R. Horton, positions he has held since October
2003. Mr. Wheat was a Senior Vice President and Controller from
2000 until 2003. From 1998 until 2000, Mr. Wheat was an
Accounting Manager with the Company. From 1991 to 1998, Mr.
Wheat held financial planning and assistant controller positions
with The Bombay Company. Prior to 1991, Mr. Wheat was an
auditor with Price Waterhouse LLP (currently
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP).
Executive Officers
Stacey H. Dwyer, age 42, is an Executive Vice President and
Treasurer of D.R. Horton and is in charge of investor relations
for D.R. Horton. She has been an employee of D.R. Horton since
1991. She was promoted from Assistant Secretary to Assistant
Vice President in 1998 and from Assistant Vice President to
Executive Vice President in 2000. She also became Treasurer in
October 2003. Prior to 1991, Ms. Dwyer was an auditor for
Ernst & Young LLP.
Samuel R. Fuller, age 65, prior to his retirement in May
2008, was a Senior Executive Vice President of the Company and
had been employed by the Company since 1992. In 1995, he was
promoted to Controller. In 2000, Mr. Fuller was promoted to
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and in
2000 he was also appointed a director. In October 2003,
Mr. Fuller was promoted to Senior Executive Vice President.
He retired from the Board of Directors in November 2003.
Governance Standards
Our Board of Directors has adopted a number of standards to
comply with requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and
the final rules of the NYSE and SEC relating to Sarbanes-Oxley
and other corporate governance matters. Our Board has adopted
the D.R. Horton Corporate Governance Principles, which contain a
number of corporate governance initiatives designed to comply
with the NYSE listing standards (the NYSE Rules)
and the rules and regulations of the SEC (the SEC
Rules) relating to corporate governance. The
significant corporate governance initiatives adopted by the
Board of Directors are discussed below. The Corporate Governance
Principles can be found under the Investor Relations and
Corporate Governance links on our website at
Our Board of Directors is comprised of a majority of independent
directors in accordance with the NYSE Rules. Our Board made the
independence determination of its members based on the
Independence Standards discussed below.
Our Board has adopted a set of Independence
Standards, consistent with the NYSE Rules, to aid it
in determining whether a member of the Board is independent
under the NYSE Rules. In accordance with these Independence
Standards, a director must not have a direct or indirect
material relationship with the Company or its management, other
than as a director. The Independence Standards specify the
criteria by which the independence of our directors will be
determined, including strict guidelines for directors and their
immediate family members with respect to past employment or
affiliation with the Company, its management or its independent
The Independence Standards are contained in the Corporate
Governance Principles set forth on our website under the
Investor Relations and Corporate Governance links. These include
the following:
A director who is an employee or whose immediate family member
is an executive officer of D.R. Horton is not independent
until three years after the end of such employment relationship.
A director who receives, or whose immediate family member
receives, more than $120,000 per year in direct compensation
from D.R. Horton, other than director and committee fees and
pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
service (provided such compensation is not contingent in any way
on continued service), is not independent until three years
after he or she ceases to receive more than $120,000 per year in
compensation. Compensation received by an immediate family
member for service as a non-executive employee or non-member of
senior management of D.R. Horton will not be considered in
determining independence under this test.
A director is not independent if (i) the director or an
immediate family member is a current partner of D.R.
Hortons internal or external auditor, (ii) the
director is a current employee of such a firm, (iii) the
directors immediate family member is a current employee of
such a firm and personally works on D.R. Hortons
audit, or (iv) the director or an immediate family member
was within the last three years (but is no longer) a partner or
employee of such a firm and personally worked on D.R.
Hortons audit within that time.
A director who is employed, or whose immediate family member is
employed, as an executive officer of another company where any
of D.R. Hortons present executives serves on that
companys compensation committee is not independent until
three years after the end of such service or the employment
A director who is an executive officer or an employee, or whose
immediate family member is an executive officer, of a company
that makes payments to, or receives payments from, D.R. Horton
for property or services in an amount which, in any single
fiscal year, exceeds the greater of $1 million, or
2% of such other companys consolidated gross revenues, is
not independent until three years after falling below such
If a director serves as an executive officer, director or
trustee of a charitable or educational organization, and D.R.
Hortons contributions to the organization are less than
$500,000, then the relationship will not be considered to be a
material relationship that would impair a directors
For purposes of these Independence Standards, an
immediate family member includes a
directors spouse, parents, children, siblings, mothers and
sons and
brothers and
and anyone (other than domestic employees) who shares the
directors home.
Committee Independence, Financial Literacy and Audit Committee
Financial Expert
In addition to being independent based on the Independence
Standards, the NYSE Rules and related SEC Rules require that
each member of an audit committee satisfy additional
independence and financial literacy requirements, and at least
one of these members must satisfy the additional requirement of
having accounting or related financial management expertise.
This additional requirement can be satisfied by the Board
determining that at least one Audit Committee member is an
audit committee financial expert within the
meaning of the SEC Rules. Accordingly, the Corporate Governance
Principles contain a set of standards that relate to audit
committee independence, financial literacy and audit committee
accounting and financial management expertise. Generally, the
additional independence standard provides that (i) a member
of the Audit Committee, or his or her immediate family members,
are prohibited from receiving any direct or indirect
compensation or fee from the Company or its affiliates, and
(ii) he or she may not be an affiliated person of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries. Generally, the financial
literacy standard provides that the Board, in its business
judgment, shall determine if each member is financially
literate, taking into account factors such as the members
education, experience and ability to read and understand
financial statements of public companies. Also, audit committee
financial experts must have five additional attributes, which
are (i) an understanding of generally accepted accounting
principles and financial statements, (ii) the ability to
assess the general application of such principles in connection
with the accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves,
(iii) experience preparing, auditing, analyzing or
evaluating financial statements that present a breadth and level
of complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable
to the breadth and complexity of issues that can reasonably be
expected to be raised by the Companys financial
statements, or experience actively supervising one or more
persons engaged in such activities, (iv) an understanding
of internal control over financial reporting and (v) an
understanding of audit committee functions. All together,
attributes (i) through (v) are referred to as the
Financial Expert Attributes. The audit
committee financial expert standards are set forth in the
Corporate Governance Principles.
Based on the independence, financial literacy and financial
expert standards discussed above, the Board has determined that
Bradley S. Anderson, Michael R. Buchanan, Michael W. Hewatt and
Bob G. Scott are (i) independent, for purposes of serving
as independent members of the Board of Directors, the
Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Governance
Committees, (ii) independent, for purposes of serving as
independent members on the Audit Committee, and
(iii) financially literate, for purposes of serving on the
Audit Committee. The Board has also determined, as set forth
below, that Mr. Hewatt, Mr. Buchanan and
Mr. Scott each have the Financial Expert Attributes
described above.
Mr. Hewatt. Mr. Hewatt acquired the Financial
Expert Attributes primarily through his more than 30 years
of experience working as a certified public accountant for
Coopers & Lybrand LLP and Hewatt &
Associates, CPAs and its predecessor firms.
Mr. Hewatts experience as an auditor provided him
active experience in conducting audits and reviewing financial
statements. This active accounting experience further developed
Mr. Hewatts understanding of generally accepted
accounting principles and financial statements and his ability
to assess the application of such principles in connection with
accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves.
Mr. Hewatts active status as a certified public
accountant requires him to stay current on pronouncements and
advisory notices issued by accounting, auditing and tax
regulatory boards and organizations.
During his career as a certified public accountant,
Mr. Hewatt has served on various management teams directly
responsible for designing and conducting testing procedures on
financial statements for compliance with applicable controls and
procedures, such as estimates, accruals and reserves, and
evaluating related internal control structures. These types of
compliance reviews were documented, evaluated and used in
forming audit procedures. In connection with certain audits and
compliance testing, Mr. Hewatt prepared and issued reports
to boards of directors, whereby he gained understanding of the
functioning of boards of directors and related committees.
Mr. Hewatt has additional experience in providing
management advisory services and providing tax advisory and tax
preparation services, which has provided Mr. Hewatt with a
strong background in the Internal Revenue Code and dealing with
the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Hewatt has worked with
clients which include public and private companies, governmental
organizations and non-profit organizations.
Mr. Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan acquired the
Financial Expert Attributes primarily through his experience as
a commercial banker in the real estate and homebuilding sectors,
including serving as head of Bank of Americas national
real estate group. Mr. Buchanans responsibilities as
a banker required him to analyze and evaluate financial
statements in order to make credit and lending decisions. In
this regard, he developed significant expertise in understanding
the integrity of the financial information used to prepare
financial statements and how such information should be used to
analyze and evaluate a companys financial condition and
its ability to meet the companys debt obligations. As head
of the national real estate group at Bank of America,
Mr. Buchanan also actively supervised others in conducting
financial statement and financial condition analysis and
Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott acquired the Financial
Expert Attributes through his more than 32 years of
experience in various roles such as a controller
and/or chief
financial officer of publicly held companies. Mr. Scott
also served on the audit staff of Ernst & Ernst (a
predecessor to Ernst & Young LLP) in the years of
Mr. Scott received a certificate of Certified Public
Accountant in 1970. Mr. Scotts responsibilities
provided him direct experience in preparing, analyzing,
evaluating, planning, reviewing and finalizing financial
statements and auditing such financial statements for publicly
traded companies. Mr. Scott, in his financial and
accounting roles, directed financial systems, reporting,
planning, financial controls, strategic planning, mergers and
acquisitions and assisted with investor relations. Through
Mr. Scotts direct accounting experience, he developed
knowledge and understanding of generally accepted accounting
principles and financial statements and the ability to assess
the application of such principles in connection with accounting
for estimates, accruals and reserves. Mr. Scott, through
his accounting experience, has also had direct responsibility
for designing and conducting testing procedures on financial
statements for compliance with internal controls and procedures.
Through Mr. Scotts experience as a chief financial
officer of a publicly traded company, he gained an understanding
of board and audit committee functions through his direct
interaction with the board and audit committees.
As provided by the safe harbor contained in the SEC Rules, our
audit committee financial experts will not be deemed
experts for any purpose as a result of being
so designated. Such designation does not impose on such persons
any duties, obligations or liabilities that are greater than the
duties, obligations and liabilities imposed on such persons as
members of the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors in the
absence of such designation, and such designation does not
affect the duties, obligations or liabilities of any other
member of the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors.
The Board also determined that Donald R. Horton, Donald J.
Tomnitz and Bill W. Wheat are not independent members of the
Board, because they currently are executive officers of, and
employed by, the Company.
of Ethical Conduct for the CEO, CFO and Senior Financial
In accordance with SEC Rules, the Audit Committee and the Board
have adopted the Code of Ethical Conduct for the CEO, CFO and
Senior Financial Officers. The Board believes that these
individuals must set
an exemplary standard of conduct for D.R. Horton, particularly
in the areas of accounting, internal accounting control,
auditing and finance. The ethics code sets forth ethical
standards the designated officers must adhere to and other
aspects of accounting, auditing and financial compliance. The
full text of the Code of Ethical Conduct for CEO, CFO and
Senior Financial Officers has been posted to the
Companys website, and can be found under the Investor
Relations and Corporate Governance links. Information relating
to any amendment to or waiver of a provision of the Code of
Ethical Conduct for the CEO, CFO and Senior Financial Officers
will be disclosed on the website within four business days
of such amendment or waiver.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Board of Directors has adopted a Corporate Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics for employees and directors of
D.R. Horton in accordance with the NYSE Rules. The Board adopted
the Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to
provide guidance to the Board and management in areas of ethical
business conduct and risk and to provide guidance to employees
and directors by helping them to recognize and deal with ethical
issues including, but not limited to, (i) conflicts of
interest, (ii) corporate opportunities,
(iii) confidentiality, (iv) fair dealing,
(v) protection of corporate assets, (vi) compliance
with rules and regulations, including insider trading of
securities, and (vii) confidential reporting of unethical
behavior and hotline telephone numbers. The Corporate Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics can be found on our website
under the Investor Relations and Corporate Governance links.
for Directors
The Nominating and Governance Committee utilizes a variety of
methods for identifying nominees for director, including
considering potential director candidates who come to the
committees attention through current officers, directors,
professional search firms, stockholders or other persons. Once a
potential nominee has been identified, the Nominating and
Governance Committee evaluates whether the nominee has the
appropriate skills and characteristics required to become a
director in light of the then current
make-up of
the Board of Directors. This assessment includes an evaluation
of the nominees judgment and skills, such as his or her
depth of understanding of the Companys industry, financial
sophistication, leadership and objectivity, all in the context
of the perceived needs of the Board of Directors at that point
in time.
In addition to the foregoing, the Companys Corporate
Governance Principles provide that each member of the Board of
Directors should have the following minimum characteristics:
the highest personal and professional ethical standards,
integrity and values;
a commitment to representing the long-term interests of the
practical wisdom and mature judgment;
be objective and inquisitive; and
be prepared to offer his or her resignation in the event of any
significant change in personal circumstances that could affect
the discharge of his or her responsibilities as a director,
including a change in his or her principal job responsibilities.
Ordinarily, directors who serve as chief executive officers or
in equivalent positions for other companies should not serve on
more than one other board of a public company in addition to the
D.R. Horton Board, and other directors should not serve on more
than two other boards of public companies in addition to the
D.R. Horton Board. Because of the value the Board places on
having directors who are knowledgeable about the Company and its
operations, neither the Board nor the Nominating and Governance
Committee believes that arbitrary term limits on directors
service are appropriate.
Age Policy
On January 25, 2007, our Board adopted a retirement policy
for directors. Under the policy, directors may not stand for
reelection after they have reached the age of 75. Directors
serving on the Board on January 25, 2007, which include all
current directors other than Bob G. Scott, are exempt from this
Voting Policy
Our directors are elected under a plurality standard, meaning
the seven nominees who receive the greatest amount of votes are
elected as directors, regardless of whether a majority of votes
are received by any individual director. However, under our
Corporate Governance Guidelines, any nominee for director who,
in an uncontested election, receives a greater number of votes
withheld from his or her election than votes
for his or her election at the annual meeting must
promptly tender his or her resignation. The Nominating and
Governance Committee will consider the resignation and recommend
to the Board whether to accept the tendered resignation. The
Board will act upon the Nominating and Governance
Committees recommendation within a reasonable period of
time. The action taken by the Board will be publicly disclosed
in a report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
for Nominating or Recommending for Nomination Candidates for
Any stockholder may submit a nomination for director by
following the procedures outlined in our Bylaws and described
under Proposal One Election of Directors
in this Proxy Statement. In addition, the Nominating and
Governance Committee has adopted a policy permitting
stockholders to recommend candidates for director for
consideration by the committee, which will consider such
candidates on the same basis as candidates identified through
other means. Stockholders wishing to recommend candidates for
election at the 2010 Annual Meeting must give notice to the
Nominating and Governance Committee no more than 150 days
and no less than 120 days prior to the anniversary date of
this Proxy Statement. All director candidates shall, at a
minimum, possess the qualifications for director discussed
above. Each notice must set forth (1) the name and mailing
address of such stockholder, (2) the number of shares
beneficially owned by such stockholder, (3) the name, age,
business address and residence address of each candidate,
(4) the number of shares of Common Stock, if any,
beneficially owned by each candidate, and (5) all other
information relating to such person that is required to be
disclosed in the solicitations for proxies for election of
directors under the SEC Rules and NYSE Rules. The Nominating and
Governance Committee may request additional information to
assist in the evaluation of the candidacy of such person.
Procedures For Accounting, Internal Control, Auditing and
Financial Matters
In accordance with SEC Rules, the Audit Committee has
established procedures for (i) the receipt, retention and
treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal control,
auditing or financial matters (collectively, Accounting
Matters) and (ii) the confidential, anonymous
submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable
Accounting Matters. The Audit Committee oversees treatment of
complaints and concerns in this area. The full text of the
Complaint Procedures For Accounting, Internal Control,
Auditing and Financial Matters has been posted to the
Companys website, and can be found under the Investor
Relations and Corporate Governance links.
Sessions of the Board of Directors
In accordance with the NYSE Rules, the non-management members of
the Board of Directors have held and will continue to hold
regularly scheduled executive sessions of the non-management
directors, each of whom is independent. Michael R. Buchanan,
Chairperson of the Nominating and Governance Committee, presides
at these independent sessions. During the 2008 fiscal year, the
non-management directors met four times in executive session.
with the Board of Directors
You can communicate with any member of our Board of Directors by
sending the communication to the Chairperson of the Nominating
and Governance Committee, who also serves as the Presiding
Director. Currently, Mr. Buchanan serves as chairperson of
the Nominating and Governance Committee. Send communications to:
Presiding Director
c/o Chief
Legal Officer, D.R. Horton, Inc., 301 Commerce Street,
Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Our Chief Legal
Officer will review the communications and determine if such
communications come within the purview of a Board committee or
Board member(s). After such
determination, these communications will be promptly forwarded
to such Board member(s) or the Presiding Director as applicable.
The Presiding Director reports these communications to the Board
on a quarterly basis. Further information may be obtained on our
website at under the Investor Relations and
Corporate Governance links.
and Committees of the Board
During the 2008 fiscal year, the Board of Directors of D.R.
Horton held four meetings and acted three times by written
consent. Each director attended all of the Board meetings and at
least 96% of the committee meetings for each committee on which
he served during the 2008 fiscal year. Executive sessions of our
non-management directors, all of whom are independent, are
regularly held. The sessions are scheduled and chaired by the
Chairperson of the Nominating and Governance Committee, who also
acts as our Presiding Director. Directors are encouraged to
attend annual meetings of our stockholders. The 2008 annual
meeting was attended by all of our current directors.
of the Board
The Board of Directors has four committees: the Executive
Committee, the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and
the Nominating and Governance Committee. The Board of Directors
has adopted governing Charters for each of the Audit Committee,
the Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Governance
Committee. Each of the Charters of the Audit Committee, the
Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Governance
Committee is posted on the Companys website, and can be
found under the Investor Relations and Corporate Governance
The Executive Committee, while the Board is not in session,
possesses all of the powers and may carry out all of the duties
of the Board of Directors in the management of the business of
D.R. Horton which by state or federal law or the NYSE Rules may
be delegated to it by the Board of Directors. During our 2008
fiscal year and currently, the Executive Committee was and is
composed of Messrs. Horton, Tomnitz and Wheat.
and Governance Committee
The members of the Nominating and Governance Committee are
Michael R. Buchanan, Bradley S. Anderson, Michael W. Hewatt and
Bob G. Scott, with Mr. Buchanan serving as Chairperson.
Each committee member has been determined by the Board to be
independent in accordance with the NYSE Rules. During the 2008
fiscal year, the Nominating and Governance Committee met three
times and took no action by written consent, and each member
attended in person or by telephone conference all of the
The Nominating and Governance Committee Charter has been posted
to the Companys website under the Investor Relations and
Corporate Governance links. The Nominating and Governance
Committees primary purpose is to provide assistance to the
Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibility to the
stockholders by:
identifying individuals qualified to become directors consistent
with criteria approved by the Board, and recommending to the
Board for selection the qualified candidates for directorships
to be filled by the Board or by the stockholders;
developing and recommending to the Board a set of corporate
governance principles applicable to the Company; and
overseeing the evaluation of the Board and management.
The members of the Compensation Committee are Bradley S.
Anderson, Michael R. Buchanan, Michael W. Hewatt and Bob G.
Scott, with Mr. Anderson serving as Chairperson. Each
committee member has been determined by the Board to be
independent. During the 2008 fiscal year, the Compensation
Committee met eleven times and acted by written consent one
time, and each member attended in person or by telephone
conference 90% or more of the meetings.
The Compensation Committee Charter has been posted to the
Companys website under the Investor Relations and the
Corporate Governance links. The Charter provides that the
Compensation Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in
discharging its responsibility to the stockholders with respect
to the Companys compensation programs and compensation of
the Companys executive officers.
The Compensation Committee Charter also sets forth the
responsibilities and duties of the committee regarding reviewing
the compensation for the Chief Executive Officer and other
executive officers, monitoring incentive and equity-based
compensation plans, preparing an annual report on executive
compensation and reporting to the Board of Directors.
The members of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors are
Michael W. Hewatt, Bradley S. Anderson, Michael R. Buchanan, and
Bob G. Scott, with Mr. Hewatt serving as Chairperson. The
Audit Committee met eight times during the 2008 fiscal year and
took no action by written consent, and each member attended in
person or by telephone conference all of the meetings.
As discussed under the caption Corporate Governance
Standards beginning on page 9 of this Proxy Statement,
each member of the Audit Committee has been determined by the
Board to be independent and
financially literate in accordance with NYSE
Rules, the SEC Rules, and the corporate governance and
independent standards adopted by the Board. Also,
Messrs. Buchanan, Hewatt and Scott each has been determined
by the Board to be an audit committee financial
expert under such rules, regulations and standards as
are set forth in the Companys Corporate Governance
Principles posted on our website.
The Audit Committee operates pursuant to an Audit Committee
Charter, which was approved and adopted by the Board of
Directors. A copy of the adopted Audit Committee Charter is
posted to the Companys website under the Investor
Relations and Corporate Governance links. The duties and
responsibilities of the Audit Committee are set forth in its
Charter. The Audit Committees primary purposes are to:
assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities
relating to the:
integrity of the Companys financial statements;
Companys compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
independent auditors qualifications and
independence; and
performance of the Companys internal audit function and
independent auditor; and
prepare an Audit Committee report to be included in the
Companys annual proxy statement.
Further discussion regarding the Audit Committees
processes and procedures regarding D.R. Hortons audited
consolidated financial statements for the year ended
September 30, 2008, and other matters are discussed in the
Audit Committee Report set forth on page 49 of this Proxy
of Directors
Our Board of Directors annually approves compensation and fees
paid to our non-management directors, each of whom is listed in
the table below. Traditionally, the Board has strived to set
non-management director compensation at a level that pays
reasonable cash and equity compensation. We believe that we
consistently pay annual non-management director compensation
that is within the range of the total compensation paid to
non-management directors of companies in our peer group based on
publicly available information. In November 2008, our Board
approved non-management director compensation for the 2009
fiscal year at the same level as compensation for the 2008
fiscal year.
In our 2008 fiscal year, our non-management director
compensation consisted of two primary components, cash fees and
stock options.
Fees Paid in Cash. Each non-management
director receives $10,000 per Board meeting attended in person
or by tele-conference, paid quarterly and not to exceed $40,000
per year. In addition, each non-management director who serves
on a committee of the Board of Directors receives an annual fee
of $5,000 per committee paid quarterly, and each non-management
director who serves as the Chairperson of a Committee of the
Board of Directors receives an annual fee of $2,500 per
committee paid quarterly.
Stock Options. When a new non-management
director joins our Board, he or she has traditionally been
awarded 10,000 stock options. These stock options have an
exercise price equal to the closing price of our common stock on
the date of grant. Traditionally, these stock options have
vested over five years and have a ten year term. In addition to
the initial grant received upon joining the Board, we have
awarded stock options to non-management directors at other
times. On February 11, 2008, each non-management director
was awarded 10,000 stock options. These stock options have an
exercise price of $14.50 per share, the closing price of our
common stock on the date of grant, have a vesting schedule in
five equal installments over five years and have a ten year
term. Additional information about stock option grants to our
non-management directors is set forth in the table on the next
Compensation for Fiscal Year 2008
Fees Earned or
All Other
Paid in Cash(2)
Stock Awards
Option Awards(3)
Bradley S. Anderson
Michael R. Buchanan
Richard I. Galland
Michael W. Hewatt
Bob G. Scott
(1) |
During the 2008 fiscal year, the Company paid director fees only
to non-management directors. No director of the Company who
receives compensation from the Company for services other than
as a director received any additional compensation for serving
as a director of D.R. Horton. Mr. Galland retired from the
Board and from each committee of the Board on November 20,
2008. |
(2) |
Amounts represent non-management director fees paid in cash
during the 2008 fiscal year. |
(3) |
The amount listed is the compensation expense related to the
vesting of stock option awards granted in the 2008 fiscal year
and prior years calculated in accordance with SFAS 123(R)
and recognized in the Companys 2008 fiscal year financial
statements. The compensation expense recognized in our 2008
fiscal year financial statements was based upon the grant date
fair value, which was determined using a Black-Scholes option
pricing model pursuant to SFAS 123(R). Compensation expense
recognized in fiscal 2008 for stock options granted to directors
on February 11, 2008 was $5,682 per director. Further
information regarding the valuation of stock options can be
found under Note J in the Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended September 30, 2008. As of
September 30, 2008, Messrs. Anderson, Buchanan,
Galland, Hewatt and Scott held 34,000, 40,000, 40,000, 30,000,
and 20,000 outstanding stock options (vested and unvested),
respectively. |
The following table shows the beneficial ownership of the Common
Stock of D.R. Horton as of December 2, 2008 by (i) all
D.R. Horton directors, (ii) all D.R. Horton executive
officers, and (iii) all D.R. Horton directors and executive
officers as a group. Unless stated otherwise, the shares are
owned directly and the named beneficial owners possess sole
voting and investment power with respect to the shares set forth
in the table.
Amount and Nature of
Common Stock Beneficially Owned(1)
Number of Shares
Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner
Beneficially Owned
Donald R. Horton
Bradley S. Anderson
Michael R. Buchanan
Stacey H. Dwyer
Samuel R. Fuller(4)
Michael W. Hewatt
Bob G. Scott
Donald J. Tomnitz
Bill W. Wheat
All directors and executive officers as a group (9 persons)
* |
Less than 1% |
A named executive officer. |
(1) |
Beneficial ownership includes the following shares which the
executive officers and directors could acquire by exercising
stock options on, or within 60 days after, December 2,
2008: Mr. Horton: 366,666, Mr. Anderson: 18,000,
Mr. Buchanan: 24,000, Ms. Dwyer: 130,613,
Mr. Fuller: 151,960, Mr. Hewatt: 10,000,
Mr. Scott: 2,000, Mr. Tomnitz: 421,166 and
Mr. Wheat: 80,663. These options represent an aggregate of
(2) |
The percentages are calculated based on 316,657,842 issued and
outstanding shares on December 2, 2008. For each person,
separately, his or her percentage was calculated by including
his or her options set forth in footnote (1) in both the
numerator and denominator, and for the group, the percentage was
calculated by including the 1,205,068 options set forth in
footnote (1) in both the numerator and denominator. |
(3) |
These shares do not include (i) 2,048,341 shares
directly owned by Donald Ryan Horton, an adult son of
Mr. Horton, and 2,037,280 shares directly owned by
Douglas Reagan Horton, another adult son of Mr. Horton,
(ii) 2,359,590 shares held by the Douglas Reagan
Horton Trust, (iii) 2,359,589 shares held by the
Donald Ryan Horton Trust, (iv) 1,368,005 shares held
by the Martha Elizabeth Horton Trust, and
(v) 1,499,984 shares held by the Donald Ray Horton
Trust. Mr. Horton disclaims any beneficial interest in
these shares. These trusts were established by Mr. Horton
and his wife for the benefit of their descendants. Terrill J.
Horton serves as the sole trustee of these trusts. Terrill J.
Horton is a retired director of the Company and the brother of
Donald R. Horton. Donald R. Hortons address is D.R.
Horton, Inc., D.R. Horton Tower, 301 Commerce Street,
Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. |
(4) |
Mr. Fuller retired from the Company on May 31, 2008. |
(5) |
These shares do not include 4,000 shares owned by an IRA
for the benefit of Mr. Fullers spouse.
Mr. Fuller disclaims any beneficial interest in these
shares. |
(6) |
These shares do not include 20,568 shares owned by an IRA
for the benefit of Mr. Tomnitzs spouse.
Mr. Tomnitz disclaims any beneficial interest in these
shares. |
(7) |
These shares do not include 116 shares owned by an IRA for
the benefit of Mr. Wheats spouse and 332 shares
held in trust for the benefit of Mr. Wheats child.
Mr. Wheat disclaims any beneficial interest in these shares. |
Other Beneficial Owners
Based on filings under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, available as of December 2, 2008, the only other
known beneficial owners of more than 5% of D.R. Horton Common
Stock outstanding were the following:
Shares Beneficially Owned
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.(2)
100 E. Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
(1) |
Based solely upon information contained in the most recently
filed Schedule 13G/A of FMR LLC, filed with the SEC on
February 14, 2008, reflecting beneficial ownership as of
December 31, 2007. According to this Schedule 13G/A,
FMR LLC had sole voting power for 1,064,529 of these shares, no
shared voting power, sole dispositive power for all of these
shares and no shared dispositive power. |
(2) |
Based solely upon information contained in the most recently
filed Schedule 13G of T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc, filed
with the SEC on February 13, 2008, reflecting beneficial
ownership as of December 31, 2007. According to this
Schedule 13G, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. had sole
voting power of 8,337,428 of these shares, no shared voting
power, sole dispositive power for all of these shares and no
shared dispositive power. |
Discussion and Analysis
Our Compensation Committee has undertaken to design a fair and
competitive compensation program for executive officers that
will attract, motivate and retain highly qualified and
experienced executives, reward superior performance and provide
incentives that are based on performance of the Company. Our
executive compensation program consists of several components,
including base salary, cash bonuses, equity awards and deferred
compensation plans and retirement benefits. This compensation
discussion and analysis discussion provides more information
our compensation objectives;
the relationship between the components of our compensation
program and our objectives; and
factors considered by the Compensation Committee in establishing
compensation levels for our named executive officers, who, for
our 2008 fiscal year, included:
Donald R. Horton, Chairman of the Board;
Donald J. Tomnitz, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer (Principal Executive Officer);
Bill W. Wheat, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer (Principal Financial Officer);
Stacey H. Dwyer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer; and
Samuel R. Fuller, Senior Executive Vice President.
The above listed named executives officers are also expected to
be our named executive officers for our 2009 fiscal year, except
for Mr. Fuller who retired in May 2008.
Compensation Objectives
Our primary compensation objectives are to:
attract, motivate and retain highly qualified and experienced
award compensation that motivates and recognizes valuable, short
and long-term individual and company performance;
provide a compensation program that provides flexibility to
ensure that awards are competitive within our peer
group; and
implement a compensation plan that aligns the executives
interests with those of our stockholders.
As a leading national homebuilding company, we employ key
executives who have delivered targeted results in very
challenging homebuilding market conditions. Our key executives
and officers may encounter other professional opportunities due
to the extensive national industry experience gained during
their employment with us. As a result, we believe we must
provide salaries and total compensation packages that are
attractive and competitive in the homebuilding industry. We
believe the executives interests are aligned with our
stockholders interests by motivating and retaining our key
executives so that they can use their national homebuilding
expertise with us rather than with one of our competitors in the
homebuilding or land and lot development business.
Many of our key executives and officers have experience in both
up and down cycles in the homebuilding industry. The
Compensation Committee considers this type of industry
experience to be very valuable in the current volatile and
challenging homebuilding market. We believe that to maintain our
position as a leader in the homebuilding industry, and to
effectively operate through the current down market, the Company
provide executive compensation programs that continually
motivate and seek to retain our experienced and talented
We also believe it is important to have a significant portion of
an executives overall compensation tied to his or her
total value to the Company. When reviewing an executives
value, we review factors such as the number of years with the
Company, significance of job function, ability to analyze and
make decisions on significant business and financial objectives,
and the ability to work as an important member of senior
management and serve as a leader for other employees. We believe
that by placing importance on these qualities, we are aligning
individual and corporate performance with the compensation that
is ultimately paid for performance.
Due to the significant number of years of dedicated service our
executives have with us, the Board of Directors and Compensation
Committee have chosen not to pursue written employment
agreements with our executives. Rather than using fixed
employment agreements, we believe our balanced cash and equity
compensation program provides us with an effective tool in
retaining and motivating our executives.
for Determining Compensation
and Role of Compensation Committee
Our Compensation Committee evaluates and approves the
performance and compensation for our Chairman and our Chief
Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee also makes
compensation recommendations to the Board with respect to other
named executive officers. The Compensation Committee also
administers our equity programs such as awards under our 2006
Stock Incentive Plan and all other compensation plans that are
intended to qualify as performance based under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
(Section 162(m)).
The members of the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors are Bradley S. Anderson, Michael R. Buchanan, Michael
W. Hewatt and Bob G. Scott, with Mr. Anderson serving as
Chairperson. Richard I. Galland retired from the Board and each
committee on which he served in November 2008. Each Compensation
Committee member has been determined to be independent under the
NYSE listing standards, an outside director under
Section 162(m), and a non-employee director
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act. The Compensation Committee is
responsible for approving all cash and equity compensation paid
or awarded to Mr. Horton, Mr. Tomnitz and other
executive officers who are awarded compensation under our
Amended and Restated 2000 Incentive Bonus Plan (the
2000 Restated Bonus Plan) or our 2006 Stock
Incentive Plan (the 2006 Equity Plan), if
such compensation is intended to qualify as performance based
compensation under Section 162(m). In the 2008 fiscal year,
only Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz were awarded compensation
under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan as described in more detail
below. The duties of the Compensation Committee are summarized
under the caption Meetings and Committees of the
Board beginning on page 14 and are more fully set
forth in the Compensation Committee Charter, which is available
on our website at under the Investor Relations
and Corporate Governance links.
Role of
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer review and discuss
salary and bonus compensation of our other named executive
officers and make compensation recommendations to the
Compensation Committee regarding these executive officers. At
the request of the Compensation Committee, our Chairman also
provides a recommendation concerning the annual base salary and
incentive bonus program for our Chief Executive Officer, but not
for himself, as Chairman. For other executive officers, our
Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer review and discuss the
annual base salary and cash bonus compensation for these other
executive officers and make recommendations to the Compensation
Committee. The Compensation Committee considers these
recommendations when making its recommendation to the Board. In
addition, our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer make
recommendations to the Compensation Committee with regard to the
compensation packages for new executive officers and adjustments
in compensation for other executive officers when necessary.
Use of
the Companys Historical Data
When evaluating executive compensation decisions, the
Compensation Committee evaluates and considers many of the
Companys short and long-term achievements that place us as
a leader in the U.S. homebuilding industry. Based on
publicly available information at our 2008 fiscal year end,
these achievements include:
market capitalization consistently near the top of public
seven consecutive years closing more homes in the U.S. than
any other homebuilder;
only homebuilder to close more than 26,000 homes in the United
States during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008,
during what we believe to be one of the most significant
declines in the housing market in recent years;
generation of cash flow from operations of approximately
$1.9 billion and $1.4 billion in the 2008 and 2007
fiscal years, respectively; and
reduction of approximately $600 million and
$1.7 billion in debt in the 2008 and 2007 fiscal years,
Review of
We review the compensation of our executive officers on a
regular basis. In our 2008 fiscal year, the Compensation
Committee formally met in November and December 2007 and in
January, February, July and November 2008 to review and discuss
executive compensation matters. In addition, the Compensation
Committee Chairman and other members of the Compensation
Committee also have discussions with management during the year
and occasionally request that management gather market
information regarding executive compensation matters for the
Committees review and consideration. The Compensation
Committee believes it is appropriate to exercise its judgment
when reviewing and setting the total mix of compensation related
to short and long-term awards and cash and equity awards rather
than relying on a set formula or percentage allocation. The
Compensation Committee believes an important part of an
executives value is helping us achieve our business plan
in good and bad markets. Accordingly, we exercise judgment in
determining the mix of compensation we believe to be in line
with our business objectives and that we believe to be
appropriate for the executive under review in view of his or her
industry expertise and role at the Company.
with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m)
When reviewing and setting compensation awards to our
executives, we consider the tax deductibility of their
compensation under Section 162(m). Section 162(m)
generally does not allow a tax deduction to publicly-held
companies for compensation over $1 million paid for any
fiscal year to the companys named executive officers
(other than the chief financial officer). However,
Section 162(m) exempts qualified performance-based
compensation from this $1 million limit if certain
requirements are met. We generally intend for awards to our
executive officers under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan and the
stock options under our 2006 Equity Plan to qualify for the
performance-based compensation exemption under
Section 162(m). However, we exercise judgment and may award
compensation that does not qualify for tax deductibility under
Section 162(m) in order to meet corporate objectives or to
adapt to changing circumstances. Accordingly, the Board of
Directors and the Compensation Committee may award
non-deductible compensation to our executive officers as the
Board and Committee deem appropriate.
Use of
Compensation Survey Data
The Compensation Committee utilizes compensation data of our
peer group of publicly-traded homebuilding companies to analyze
compensation decisions in light of current market rates and
practices, and to help ensure that our compensation decisions
are reasonable in comparison to our peer group and the value of
the executive to us; however, the Compensation Committee does
not attempt to position compensation at any specified level
within the peer group. The peer group compensation data is
annually compiled by our management from publicly available
information and provided to the Compensation Committee for its
consideration as described in more detail below. Our peer group
consists of the following publicly-traded homebuilding companies:
Peer Group
Beazer Homes USA
M.D.C. Holdings
Centex Corporation
Pulte Homes
Hovnanian Enterprises
Ryland Group
KB Home
Standard Pacific
Lennar Corporation
Toll Brothers
of Compensation
Salaries Named Executive Officers
Base salaries paid to our named executive officers serve to
provide a fixed or base level of compensation to our executives.
When reviewing and setting an executives base salary, we
consider the following factors:
level of experience and responsibility;
ability to contribute to meeting operating objectives;
providing a level of pay to retain the executives services
in light of market conditions;
average base salary of comparable executives in our peer
group; and
recommendations of our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer,
other than for themselves.
After taking into consideration the above factors, 2008 and 2009
fiscal year base salaries for our named executive officers were,
or are, as set forth in the table below.
Base Salary
Donald R. Horton
Donald J. Tomnitz
Bill W. Wheat
Stacey H. Dwyer
Samuel R. Fuller(1)
(1) |
Mr. Fuller retired from the Company on May 31, 2008. |
The Compensation Committee determined to keep the base salaries
of Mr. Horton, our Chairman, and Mr. Tomnitz, our
Chief Executive Officer, the same in the 2009 fiscal year as
they were in the 2008 fiscal year. Based on our review of the
publicly available peer group compensation information, the base
salaries of our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer were
below the average salaries of comparable positions in our peer
group for the most recently completed fiscal year. For example,
proxy statements show that the chief executive officers at our
peer group companies, not including our chief executive officer,
had an average base salary of approximately $1,046,261. The base
salaries of Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz have remained
at the current levels since 2001 reflecting the Companys
effort to tie the largest portion of compensation to
performance. We believe that by setting base salaries toward the
lower range of base salaries for our peer group, our top two
executives are properly incentivized to earn performance-based
compensation under their incentive bonus plans.
In November 2008, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors approved, base
salary increases for Mr. Wheat, our Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer, and Ms. Dwyer, our
Executive Vice President and Treasurer. Mr. Wheats
and Ms. Dwyers base salaries increased from $200,000
to $250,000 for the 2009 fiscal year primarily to provide each
of them with a larger fixed portion of his or her overall
compensation and to complement his or her annual bonuses, which
historically have been discretionary and not fixed at any level.
We believe the base salary of Mr. Wheat was below the
average salary for comparable responsibility in our peer group
for the most recent completed fiscal year based on publicly
filed proxy statements of our peer group. For example, proxy
statements show that the chief financial officers at our peer
group companies, not including our chief financial officer, had
an average base salary of approximately $552,897. Based on our
review of publicly available peer group compensation
information, we believe the base salaries for Ms. Dwyer and
Mr. Fuller were at levels that are within the range of base
salaries for comparable responsibilities in our peer group for
the most recent completed fiscal year; however, because similar
positions for Ms. Dwyer and Mr. Fuller are not readily
reported in the proxy statements of our peer group, our belief
is based on the subjective business judgment of our Chairman and
our Chief Executive Officer.
Traditionally, base salaries for our executives have been at a
level below the average of our peer group which is consistent
with the Companys practice of focusing on maintaining a
low level of selling, general and administrative expense. Our
executives are awarded base salaries primarily based on their
tenure with, and their level of responsibility within, the
Company on operating and financial matters. When setting base
salaries, we do not use a percentage or ratio that base salary
should be in relation to total compensation, but we do believe
that incentive bonus compensation should continue to be a
significant portion of total compensation.
Fiscal Year Incentive Bonus
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In
furtherance of our compensation philosophy to award incentive
bonuses based on company performance, during the 2008 fiscal
year, our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer had the
opportunity to earn incentive bonuses under our 2000 Restated
Bonus Plan. The incentive bonuses are intended to make up a
significant portion of our Chairmans and our Chief
Executive Officers annual compensation. Annual incentive
bonus goals and awards for Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz
were the same in the 2008 fiscal year. We believe that
Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz should each be equally
incentivized to implement the key
performance goals below, which are important to the Company in
the current difficult homebuilding market. The 2008 fiscal year
incentive bonuses for Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz were
based on three performance goals set by the Compensation
Committee. The three performance goals were:
2008 Performance Goals
for Incentive Bonus
Adjusted Pre-Tax Income
Operating Cash Flow
Selling, General and Administrative Expense
(SG&A) Containment
We believe these three performance goals were important to the
Company in fiscal 2008 in light of the current difficult housing
market. We believe adjusted pre-tax income is an important
performance goal because it strongly focuses our executives on
important components of quarterly adjusted pre-tax income,
namely, revenue from home closings and controlling ordinary
operating items that go into cost of sales. We believe that
operating cash flow is also an important performance goal
because it focuses our executives on reducing our land, lot and
speculative home positions while also focusing them on
controlling land lot purchases and development and construction
spending. The generation of positive cash flow in a contracted
credit market allows the Company to have available cash to pay
usual operating expenses and service short and long-term
financing obligations. We further believe that the third
performance goal of SG&A containment balances the other two
goals by focusing our executives on controlling selling, general
and administrative costs in a period of uncertain sales and
revenue from home closings.
After deciding on these three performance goals, these goals
were further grouped into two categories or components, referred
to as the First Cash Component and the
Second Cash and Equity Component. The First
Cash Component pertains only to the adjusted pre-tax
income performance goal, and the Second Cash and
Equity Component pertains only to the operating cash
flow and SG&A containment
performance goals.
First Cash Component Adjusted Pre-Tax
Income. Under the First Cash Component,
Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz had the opportunity to earn
a bonus based on achieving positive adjusted pre-tax income. The
maximum bonus that could be earned based on positive adjusted
pre-tax income was as follows:
Cash Component
Bonus Amount
Performance Goal
Adjusted Pre-Tax Income
(1) |
For the first quarter, we use 6% of positive adjusted pre-tax
income for the month of December rather than 2% for the entire
quarter. In December 2007, 6% of positive adjusted pre-tax
income for the month was 1.99% of positive adjusted pre-tax
income for the entire first quarter of fiscal 2008 in terms of
dollars paid. This is in line with the 2% for the other three
quarters as set forth in the table. |
The hurdle or threshold for achieving a bonus under the First
Cash Component was the attainment of positive
adjusted pre-tax income. If no positive adjusted pre-tax income
was attained, then no bonus would be paid under this component.
Under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan, adjusted pre-tax
income means consolidated income before income taxes,
excluding inventory impairments and land option cost write-offs
and goodwill impairments, as publicly reported by the Company in
its consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles.
The percentages of adjusted pre-tax income listed above were
determined by the Compensation Committee in the first quarter of
the 2008 fiscal year. For the first quarter, we use the month of
December, rather than the entire first quarter in order to give
the Compensation Committee time in November or December of each
year to review final results of operations prior to awarding
final past fiscal year compensation and prior to determining the
compensation for the next fiscal year, and to meet the
Section 162(m) requirements for timely establishing
performance goals. The Compensation Committee has traditionally
selected the pre-set adjusted pre-tax income bonus percentages
that it believes, based on a review of publicly-available
information, were within the range of the percentages being used
by its peer group who used a similar pre-tax income goal, and
were in line with the Companys goal of maintaining a
reasonable level of SG&A expense.
Second Cash and Equity Component Operating Cash
Flow and SG&A Containment. Under the Second
Cash and Equity Component, Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz
had the opportunity to each earn performance bonuses based on
achieving levels of operating cash flow and SG&A
containment as ranked against the Companys peer group.
Following the end of the 2008 fiscal year, the Compensation
Committee reviewed the levels of operating cash flow and
SG&A containment attained by the Company and then ranked
these amounts with the levels of operating cash flow and
SG&A containment achieved by the Companys peer group.
The data for these rankings were taken from publicly filed
reports and earnings releases filed or issued by the Company and
the companies in our peer group. Bonuses that could be earned by
each of Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz under the Second
Cash and Equity Component were as follows (with the relative
weights noted in parentheses):
Cash and Equity Component
Tier One
Tier Two
Tier Three
Performance Goal
2nd or
5th or
(Maximum Bonus)
(Target Bonus)
(Minimum Bonus)
Operating Cash Flow (59%)
$2.7 million, plus
$1.5 million, plus
150,000 restricted shares
75,000 restricted shares
no restricted shares
SG&A Containment (41%)
$1.3 million, plus
$800 thousand, plus
150,000 restricted shares
75,000 restricted shares
no restricted shares
Based on the information in the above table, and assuming a
stock price of $13.33, the maximum Tier One (Maximum level)
bonus was approximately $8 million, the maximum
Tier Two (Target level) bonus was approximately
$4.3 million and the Tier Three (Minimum level) bonus
was $0. The hurdle or threshold for achieving bonuses under both
operating cash flow and SG&A containment is the ranking of
no worse than 6th place because in that case no bonus on
that performance goal would be achieved.
Prior to paying any amount on either the First Cash Component or
the Second Cash and Equity Component, the Compensation Committee
had the discretion to adjust downward the amount awarded or
earned on any performance goal depending on a variety of
factors, including (i) the level of the Companys
consolidated pre-tax income on both an adjusted and non-adjusted
basis, (ii) the compensation earned by the participant in
comparison to the aggregate compensation earned by members of
our peer group, (iii) the Companys stock price at the
time of its considerations, and (iv) other factors listed
in the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan.
Fiscal Year Incentive Bonus Paid
The total incentive bonus paid to each of Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz under the First Cash Component and the Second
Cash and Equity Component was $1,848,482 as discussed below.
First Cash Component. Under the First Cash
Component, a total of $848,482 in cash was paid to each of
Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz for the 2008 fiscal year.
The $848,482 paid was based on 6% of positive adjusted pre-tax
income achieved during the month of December 2007 ($848,482 was
equivalent to 1.99% of adjusted pre-tax income for the entire
first quarter ended December 31, 2007). No bonuses were
paid based on adjusted pre-tax income for the remaining three
quarters in the 2008 fiscal year because no positive adjusted
pre-tax income was achieved.
Second Cash and Equity Component. Under the
Second Cash and Equity Component, a total of $1 million in
cash was paid to each of Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz.
After the end of the 2008 fiscal year, the Compensation
Committee determined that the Company had attained operating
cash flow and SG&A containment that ranked in Tier One
for both the operating cash flow and SG&A containment goals
as compared to the ranking of the same metrics of the companies
in the Companys peer group. The achievement of a
Tier One ranking on both performance goals could have
entitled Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz to a maximum bonus
of approximately $8 million as set forth in the table
above. However, the Compensation Committee decided to exercise
its discretion and reduced the $8 million potential bonus
to $1 million for each of Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz. Because negative discretion was used to reduce
the bonus amounts to the lower end of the bonus range, cash
rather than equity was used to pay the bonuses. In deciding to
reduce the bonuses, the Compensation Committee took into
consideration the 2008 fiscal year consolidated financial
results of the Company and the continued difficulties facing the
homebuilding industry.
Fiscal Year Long Term Incentive Awards
Consistent with our compensation philosophy, we balance our
annual or short-term incentive bonus program by providing a
long-term incentive bonus program. Under our long-term incentive
bonus program, our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer have
the opportunity to earn incentive bonuses based on performance
over a period longer than one year. We believe that by awarding
a portion of compensation that
is earned over a longer time period, the interest of our
executives is aligned more closely with the interest of our
long-term stockholders in creating value in our common stock.
On February 11, 2008, the Compensation Committee awarded
two forms of long-term incentive awards to Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz. The first long-term award was made under the
2008 Performance Unit Plan in the form of performance units. The
second long-term award was made under the 2006 Equity Plan in
the form of stock options. Historically, when Mr. Horton
received a greater number of long-term awards, such as
performance units and stock options, than Mr. Tomnitz, it
has been because the Compensation Committee takes into account
Mr. Hortons status as founder of the Company, his
role as Chairman of the Board and his role in long-term
direction and strategy of the Company. Additional information
regarding the award of performance units and stock options is
described below.
Performance Units. Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz were awarded a target amount of 300,000 and
200,000 performance units (the Performance
Units), respectively, on February 11, 2008. The
Performance Units will vest, if at all, after the completion of
the performance period, which is the period of January 1,
2008 through September 30, 2010 (the Performance
Period). The final value of the Performance Units will
be ultimately based on the relative ranking of two performance
goals and the price of our common stock on September 30,
2010. The performance goals established for the Performance
Units are return on investment (ROI)
and net sales gains percentage (in units)
(NSG%), as compared to the same metrics of our
peer group. ROI means our annual pre-tax income or loss divided
by our annual total assets. We believe this is an important
performance goal for the Company because it measures our
profitability relative to our total assets and measures our
efficiency at using assets to generate pre-tax income. NSG%
means the gross number of home sales contracts less
cancellations in terms of units. We believe this is an important
performance goal to the Company because it incentivizes the
executives to focus on new home sales. Because NSG% nets out
cancellations, no credit is given in calculating NSG% for buyers
who cancel their sales contracts in the performance period.
The two performance goals of relative ROI and NSG% are each
given 50% weighting. The Performance Units may be adjusted
upward (up to 200%) or downward (to 0) from the initial
target award amount depending upon the relative ranking of the
Companys performance against the Companys peer group
performance. The adjusted number of Performance Units will then
be multiplied by the closing price of the Companys common
stock on the last day of the Performance Period and the final
payout amount may be paid in cash, equity or a combination of
both, at the discretion of the Committee. Prior to paying any
amount on the Performance Units, the Compensation Committee, has
the discretion to adjust downward the amount awarded or earned
on the Performance Units depending a variety of factors,
including (i) the level of the Companys consolidated
pre-tax income on both an adjusted and non-adjusted basis,
(ii) the compensation earned by the participant in
comparison to the aggregate compensation earned by members of
our peer group, (iii) the Companys stock price at
that time, and (iv) other factors listed in the 2008
Performance Unit Plan. The following table shows how the
Performance Units may be adjusted based on relative ranking.
Potential Payout as% of Target
Performance Goal
11th -
Return on Investment (ROI)
Net Sales Gains % (NSG%)
The hurdle or threshold for achieving a bonus under both ROI and
NSG% is the ranking of no worse than 8th place because a
ranking of
10th or
11th place
would result in no bonus on that specific goal. We chose these
performance goals because we believe that continuing to focus on
selling homes leads to the generation of cash flow and reduction
of inventory and return on investment focuses on generating a
return on the assets of the Company. We believe both of these
goals are important to shareholders for the Performance Period.
Additional information on the annual compensation expense and
grant date fair value of the Performance Units is set forth in
the Summary Compensation Table on page 36 and the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table on page 38 of this
Proxy Statement.
Stock Options. Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz were awarded 300,000 and 200,000 stock options,
respectively, on February 11, 2008 by the Compensation
Committee. These stock options vest in 20% installments over
five years on each grant date anniversary of February 11 and
have a ten year term. These stock options have an exercise price
of $14.50 per share, which is equal to the closing price of our
common stock on the NYSE on the date of grant. Additional
information on the annual compensation expense and grant date
fair value of these stock options is set forth in the Summary
Compensation Table on page 36 and the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table on page 38 of this Proxy
Other Named Executive Officers
Corporate. For the 2008 fiscal year, a
discretionary bonus of $350,000 was awarded to each of Bill W.
Wheat and Stacey H. Dwyer. At the end of the applicable
performance period, which may be a fiscal year, or any period
within a fiscal year, the Board of Directors approves
discretionary bonuses for Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer. For
the 2008 fiscal year, the performance period was the entire
fiscal year. The process of awarding discretionary bonuses to
Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer includes review and
consideration by our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
(CEO), who then make a recommendation to our
Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee then
considers the recommendation and makes a recommendation to the
Board of Directors. The bonuses recommended by our Chairman and
CEO were not based on quantitative formulas or percentages or
numerical weightings, but rather were related to the subjective
evaluations of the performance of each officers direct or
advisory responsibilities in functional areas such as financial
reporting, treasury management and financial analysis, as well
as the level of retention risk related to the Companys
ability to continue to employ each officer in a challenging and
competitive homebuilding market.
For the 2008 fiscal year, when our Chairman and CEO considered
discretionary bonuses for Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer,
they considered each officers level of direct
responsibility and oversight over functional areas and level of
advice each officer provided in functional areas.
Mr. Wheats areas of direct responsibilities relate to
the effectiveness and integrity of the Companys financial
reporting process, both at corporate and at our regions and
divisions, including the effectiveness and integrity of the
Companys financial, internal and disclosure controls and
procedures. Mr. Wheat has direct responsibility over these
functions because of his role as Chief Financial Officer.
Ms. Dwyers areas of direct responsibility relate to
her role as head of investor relations and as treasurer, and her
role in performing financial analysis related to our financial
performance and related to asset and inventory acquisitions,
dispositions and valuations. In addition, other functions that
apply to both Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer include
(i) the financial, capital, credit, treasury and other
corporate management functions, (ii) analysis of and
recommendations regarding financial and operating metrics
related to asset and inventory acquisitions, dispositions and
valuations, (iii) contributions to the implementation of
the Companys strategies, and (iv) the ability to work
within a team of key executives and managers and to manage,
develop and effectively work with direct report employees and
others throughout the Company. These other functions apply to
both Mr. Wheat and to Ms. Dwyer because these
functions overlap or are interrelated and involve important
financial and management functions of the Company. Our Chairman,
CEO and Compensation Committee concluded that Mr. Wheat and
Ms. Dwyer each performed and managed his or her primary
functions and other interrelated functions in an effective
manner and as a result, in order to continue to promote
teamwork, the bonus recommendations resulted in the same bonus
amounts for each of them.
The amount of bonus awarded to each of Mr. Wheat and
Ms. Dwyer was not benchmarked or tied to any other
performance metrics or pay of similar executives at peer
companies. The final bonuses were amounts that our Board,
Compensation Committee, Chairman and CEO considered to be in
line with the Companys goals of maintaining a low
administrative cost structure and that would allow the Company
to continue to retain each of these executives. The compensation
decision processes for Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer are not
materially different. At the end of the 2008 fiscal year,
Mr. Fuller did not receive a discretionary or other bonus
due to his retirement from the Company in May 2008.
Stock Options. Mr. Wheat and
Ms. Dwyer were each awarded 120,000 stock options on
February 11, 2008 by the Compensation Committee for the
same reasons discussed above. These stock options vest in 10%
installments over nine years of the grant date anniversary with
the final 10% vesting 9.75 years after the grant date
anniversary, and these stock options have a ten year term. These
stock options have an exercise price of $14.50 per share, which
is equal to the closing price of our common stock on the NYSE on
the date of grant.
Additional information regarding these stock options is set
forth in the Summary Compensation Table on page 36
and the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table on page 38
of this Proxy Statement. Mr. Fuller did not receive stock
options in fiscal 2008 due to his contemplated retirement from
the Company in May 2008.
Fiscal Year Incentive Bonus
The Compensation Committee has determined that the 2009 fiscal
year incentive bonus program will be substantially the same as
the 2008 fiscal year incentive bonus program, except that the
2009 fiscal year maximum bonus limits under the Second Cash and
Equity Component have been reduced by half from the 2008 fiscal
year maximum limits as described below.
We believe that performance-based bonuses should continue to
comprise a significant portion of the compensation of our
Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer. We also believe we
should seek to structure our performance-based awards in a
manner to be tax deductible under Section 162(m) to the
extent reasonably feasible and to the extent that such structure
is in line with our operational and financial objectives. The
Compensation Committee believes that a balanced executive
compensation program is best served by providing the Company
with a program that has compensation plans that allow for a mix
and balance of short and long-term compensation components,
including (i) a short-term or annual cash performance plan,
(ii) a long-term (more than one year) cash performance
plan, and (iii) a short-term and long-term equity plan. In
furtherance of this objective, the Compensation Committee and
our stockholders have approved three incentive plans:
D.R Horton 2000 Restated Bonus Plan our
primary short-term cash plan.
D.R Horton 2008 Performance Unit Plan our
primary long-term (more than one year) cash plan.
D.R. Horton 2006 Equity Plan our primary
short and long-term (one year or more) equity plan.
The Compensation Committee will continue to evaluate what it
believes is an effective use of these three plans. Below, we
discuss in more detail the nature of these plans and how we may
implement the features of these plans in our 2009 fiscal year.
2000 Restated Bonus Plan. The D.R Horton, Inc.
Amended and Restated 2000 Incentive Bonus Plan, referred to
herein as the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan, is
the primary plan under which our Chairman and our Chief
Executive Officer are awarded short-term or annual incentive or
performance-based bonuses. We generally intend for awards issued
to covered employees under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan to
qualify for the performance-based compensation deduction allowed
by Section 162(m). However, there can be no assurance that
these awards will satisfy the requirements for deductibility
under Section 162(m), and the Company and the Compensation
Committee reserve the right to pay bonuses outside of the 2000
Restated Bonus Plan.
Under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan, the Compensation Committee
approved the 2009 fiscal year performance-based goals for
Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz. These performance goals
are the same as the performance goals for the 2008 fiscal year.
These three performance goals are:
2009 Performance Goals
for Incentive Bonus
Adjusted Pre-Tax Income
Operating Cash Flow
Selling, General and Administrative Expense
(SG&A) Containment
In the same manner as in fiscal 2008, in fiscal 2009, these
three performance goals were further grouped into two
components, referred to as the First Cash
Component and the Second Cash and Equity
Component. The First Cash Component pertains only to
the adjusted pre-tax income performance goal, and
the Second Cash and Equity Component pertains only to the
operating cash flow and SG&A
containment performance goals.
First Cash Component Adjusted Pre-Tax
Income. Under the First Cash Component,
Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz may earn a bonus based on
achieving positive adjusted pre-tax income. The maximum bonus
that may be paid based on positive adjusted pre-tax income is as
Cash Component
Bonus Amount
Performance Goal
Adjusted Pre-Tax Income
(1) |
For the first quarter, we use 6% of positive adjusted pre-tax
income for the month of December rather than 2% for the entire
quarter. For example, in fiscal 2008, 6% of positive adjusted
pre-tax income for the month of December 2007 was 1.99% of
positive adjusted pre-tax income for the entire first quarter of
fiscal 2008 in terms of dollars paid. This was in line with the
2% targets set for the other three quarters as referenced in the
table. |
The hurdle or threshold for achieving a bonus under the First
Cash Component is the attainment of positive adjusted pre-tax
income. If no positive adjusted pre-tax income is attained, then
the above bonuses will not be paid. The Compensation Committee
decisions to use the above performance goals and percentages for
fiscal 2009 were based on the same analysis used by the
Compensation Committee in fiscal 2008, as described beginning on
page 24, when it decided to use this performance goal and
the above maximum percentages.
Second Cash and Equity Component Operating Cash
Flow and SG&A Containment. Under the Second
Cash and Equity Component, Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz
may each earn performance bonuses based on achieving levels of
operating cash flow and SG&A containment as ranked against
the Companys peer group. Following the end of the 2009
fiscal year, the Compensation Committee will review the levels
of operating cash flow and SG&A containment attained by the
Company and then rank these amounts with the levels of operating
cash flow and SG&A containment achieved by the
Companys peer group. Maximum potential bonuses that may be
earned under the Second Cash and Equity Component are as follows:
Cash and Equity Component
Tier One
Tier Two
Tier Three
Performance Goal
2nd or
6th or
10th or
(Maximum Bonus)
(Target Bonus)
(Minimum Bonus)
Operating Cash Flow (60%)
2.4 million
$1.2 million
SG&A Containment (40%)
1.6 million
$800 thousand
The hurdle or threshold for achieving bonuses under both
operating cash flow and SG&A containment is the ranking of
no worse than
7th place
because in that case no bonus on that performance goal would be
achieved. Based on the above table, the maximum Tier One
(Maximum level) bonus is $4 million, the maximum
Tier Two (Target level) bonus is $2 million and the
Tier Three (Minimum level) bonus is $0. Based on the
subjective determination by the Compensation Committee, the
operating cash flow goal and the SG&A containment goals are
weighted 60% and 40%, respectively, of the total bonuses listed.
We believe these three performance goals are important to the
Companys success in fiscal 2009 in light of the current
volatile housing market. The Compensation Committee decisions to
use the above performance goals and percentages were based on
the same analysis used by the Compensation Committee in fiscal
2008 when it decided to use these two performance goals.
The performance-based bonuses under the Second Cash and Equity
Component may be paid in cash or equity or a combination of
both. Actual amounts earned will depend on the ranking as
determined by the Compensation Committee at the end of the
performance period. If, after the value of the award is
determined, the Compensation Committee determines to pay a
portion of the earned award in equity, the number of shares to
be awarded will be determined by dividing the closing price of
our common stock (on the day of the award
certification) into the dollar value of that portion of the
earned award to be paid in equity, provided that the maximum
award cannot exceed the limits established under the 2000
Restated Bonus Plan and the awards established in November 2008
for Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz for the 2009 fiscal
Prior to paying any amount on either the First Cash Component or
the Second Cash and Equity Component, the Compensation Committee
has the discretion to adjust downward the amount awarded or
earned on any performance goal depending a variety of factors,
including (i) the level of the Companys consolidated
pre-tax income on both an adjusted and non-adjusted basis,
(ii) the compensation earned by the participant in
comparison to the aggregate compensation earned by members of
the Companys peer group, (iii) the Companys
stock price at that time, and (iv) other factors listed in
the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan.
Other Named Executive Officers
Corporate. Our Chairman and our Chief Executive
Officer recommended to the Compensation Committee, who then
recommended to the Board, that Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer
continue to be awarded bonuses for the 2009 fiscal year based on
the evaluation process and criteria discussed for these officers
under the caption Other Named Executive Officers
Corporate beginning on page 28. At
the end of each performance period (which may be six or twelve
months), our Chairman and our Chief Executive Officer will
evaluate the performance of these officers and make
recommendations to the Compensation Committee and Board of
Directors for their consideration and approval for discretionary
bonuses to be paid based on their performance in the 2009 fiscal
year. No quantitative weights or formulas are expected to be
assigned to the factors discussed previously.
Fiscal Year Long-Term Incentive Awards
Under our long-term incentive bonus program, our Chairman and
our Chief Executive Officer have the opportunity to earn cash
and equity incentive bonuses based on personal and Company
performance over a performance period longer than one year. We
believe that by awarding a portion of compensation that is
earned over a longer time period, the interests of our
executives are aligned with the interest of our long-term
stockholders through the direct goal of creating value in our
common stock.
Long-Term Cash Awards 2008 Performance Unit
Plan. The purpose of the Performance Unit Plan is
to provide the Company with another means of granting executive
compensation tied to long-term performance goals and criteria,
while at the same time further aligning the interests of
management with those of stockholders and maximizing the tax
deductibility under Section 162(m).
The Performance Unit Plan provides that the Compensation
Committee may grant incentive awards denominated in performance
units. Each performance unit awarded under the Performance Unit
Plan has a value on any given date equal to the fair market
value (closing stock price) of the Companys common stock
on that date. In general, at the time of approval the
Compensation Committee will determine the target number of
performance units subject to an award, with the maximum amount
payable under the award equal to two times the target number of
units. The Performance Unit Plan also establishes
performance-based criteria that the Compensation Committee may
select in awarding performance-based bonuses to the participants
under this plan.
On November 20, 2008, the Compensation Committee approved
the award of performance units to Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz as of the first NYSE trading day following
January 1, 2009. The target amount approved for award was
500,000 and 400,000 performance units (the 2009
Performance Units) to Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz, respectively. The 2009 Performance Units will
vest, if at all, after the completion of the performance period,
which is the period of January 1, 2009 through
September 30, 2011. The final value of the 2009 Performance
Units will be ultimately based on the relative ranking of two
performance goals and the price of our common stock on
September 30, 2011. The performance goals established for
the 2009 Performance Units are return on
investment (ROI) and net sales
gains percentage (units) (NSG%), as
compared to the same metrics of the Companys peer group.
The two performance goals for the 2009 Performance Units were
weighted 50% on the Companys ROI, and 50% on the
Companys NSG%. The 2009 Performance Units may be adjusted
upward (up to 200%) or downward (to 0) from the initial
target award amount depending upon the relative ranking of the
performance against the Companys peer group performance.
The adjusted number of 2009 Performance Units will then be
multiplied by the closing price of the Companys common
stock on the last day of the performance period and the final
payout amount may be paid in cash, equity or a combination of
both, at the discretion of the Compensation Committee. Prior to
paying any amount on the 2009 Performance Units, the
Compensation Committee has the discretion to adjust downward the
amount awarded or earned on the 2009 Performance Units depending
a variety of factors, including (i) the level of the
Companys consolidated pre-tax income on both an adjusted
and non-adjusted basis, (ii) the compensation earned by the
participant in comparison to the aggregate compensation earned
by members of the Companys peer group, (iii) the
Companys stock price at that time, and (iv) other
factors listed in the 2008 Performance Unit Plan. The table
below shows how the 2009 Performance Units may be adjusted based
on relative peer group ranking.
Potential Payout as% of Target
Performance Goal
11th -
Return on Investment (ROI)
Net Sales Gains Percentage (NSG%)
The hurdle or threshold for achieving a bonus under both the ROI
and NSG% goals is the ranking of no worse than
8th place
because a ranking of
10th or
11th place
would result in no bonus on that specific goal. We chose these
performance goals because we believe that continuing to focus on
selling homes leads to the generation of cash flow and reduction
of inventory and return on investment (assets) focuses on
generating a return on the assets of the Company. We believe
both of these goals are important to shareholders during the
performance period.
Long-Term Equity Awards 2006 Equity
Plan. We use our 2006 Equity Plan to issue stock
options and other equity based awards. The 2006 Equity Plan
replaced our 1991 Stock Incentive Plan and no further awards
will be granted under the 1991 plan. Historically, the only type
of equity awards we have issued to our employees have been stock
options. We believe that stock options provide an important link
between the performance of our employees and creation of
stockholder value primarily because the stock options only have
value if the stock price increases from the date of grant.
Since 2000, the Compensation Committee has traditionally awarded
stock options to its executive officers on an 18 to
24 month basis, primarily because of the other incentive
bonus awards being received by executives during this time
frame. The Compensation Committee will continue to evaluate when
to make equity awards to its executives and other employees,
which may be more frequent than in the past, based on the total
mix of compensation for the executives and other factors such as
the need to address the volatility in the homebuilding industry.
Generally, when the Compensation Committee decides to grant
equity awards to executive officers, in determining the number
of equity awards to grant and the other material terms of the
equity grants, the Compensation Committee makes a subjective
evaluation of:
the overall performance of the Company in comparison to its peer
an analysis of recent compensation of senior executive officers
in the Companys peer group;
recommendations of the Chairman, other than for himself;
contributions the executive officer made and is anticipated to
make to the Companys success;
level of experience and responsibility of the executive
officer; and
number of stock options previously granted to executive officers
and other employees.
The Compensation Committee approved and granted stock options to
the named executive officers on February 11, 2008 and to
other employees on February 11, 2008 and August 11,
2008. All stock options granted on February 11, 2008 have
an exercise price of $14.50 per share and all stock options
granted on August 11, 2008 have an exercise price of $12.21
per share. All stock options granted on February 11, 2008
and August 11, 2008 were granted at the fair market value
of our common stock, as defined in the 2006 Equity Plan as the
closing price of our common stock on the NYSE on the date of
grant. Recent stock option grants, since the grant in 2002 for
Mr. Horton and the grant in 2000 for Mr. Tomnitz, have
a vesting period of
5 years and for other employees the stock options typically
have a 9.75 year vesting period. However, the Compensation
Committee may choose other time or performance vesting periods
or criteria as allowed under the 2006 Equity Plan. We do not
have a program, plan or practice in place to time the grant of
stock options or other equity awards in coordination with the
release of material non-public information.
In light of accounting industry rule changes regarding the
expensing of stock options, we will continue to evaluate the
type and mix of equity awards to be awarded to our executives
and other employees in the future. Restricted stock and
restricted stock units are among the types of equity awards to
be considered in the future and may be awarded under our 2006
Equity Plan. When considering whether to issue restricted stock
(including restricted stock units) or stock options, the
Compensation Committee will review the following factors (in
addition to the previously listed factors):
expense of issuing restricted stock versus that of issuing stock
objective achieved by issuing restricted stock versus that of
issuing stock options; and
value to employee of receiving restricted stock versus stock
The Compensation Committee believes that both restricted stock
and stock options should remain important choices to it when
considering equity awards. Restricted stock is believed to
provide a strong retention incentive in an uncertain market,
providing compensation in periods where there is volatility in
the stock price, and resulting in fewer shares outstanding
compared to the exercise of stock options. Stock options also
have unique and valuable features to our company and our
employees because of the potential for strong returns if the
stock price increases and the ability of the recipient to defer
paying the exercise price and related taxes until the stock
options are exercised. The Compensation Committee has not made
definitive decisions regarding the awarding of equity awards in
our 2009 fiscal year, but it will continue to evaluate awarding
such equity awards during the current fiscal year.
and Post-Retirement Benefits
Our executive officers do not participate in any qualified
pension plans or defined benefit plans but they do participate
in the retirement plans below. We believe that it is important
to offer these retirement plans to our executive officers as
part of a competitive long-term compensation program that
encourages saving for retirement and that promotes long-term
Profit Sharing Plus Plan (401(k)
plan). Our executive officers participate
in our Company-wide 401(k) plan. Under this plan, executive
officers, like all other eligible employees, may contribute from
1% to 75%, on a pre-tax basis, of their earnings into the 401(k)
plan. For 2008, the maximum that could be contributed was
$15,500 ($20,500 for participants 50 years or older). The
Company makes a matching contribution to the participants
account in an amount of $0.50 for each $1.00 contributed by the
participant up to 6% of his or her salary. The matching
contributions made by the Company on behalf of the executive
officers are listed in the All Other Compensation
column in the Summary Compensation Table on
page 36 of this Proxy Statement.
Deferred Compensation Plan. The Company
established the D.R. Horton Deferred Compensation Plan (the
Deferred Compensation Plan), effective as of
June 15, 2002 and amended and restated it on
December 10, 2008. The Deferred Compensation Plan is a
nonqualified deferred compensation plan maintained primarily to
provide deferred compensation benefits for a select group of
management or highly compensated employees as
defined by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
as amended. The Deferred Compensation Plan permits participants
voluntarily to defer receipt of compensation from the Company.
The participants earn a rate of return on their deferred amounts
based on their selection from a variety of independently managed
funds. The Company does not provide a guaranteed rate of return
on these deferred amounts. The rate of return realized depends
on the participants fund selections and market performance
of these funds. Upon his or her annual election, a
participants Deferred Compensation Plan benefit will be
paid, or commence to be paid, upon separation from service or on
a fixed date. Payment may also be made upon death, disability or
an unforeseeable emergency. Payments are made in a lump sum
unless installments are elected. Amounts payable under the plan
are not secured or held in trust, and the plan
participants rights to enforce payment are the same as a
general unsecured creditor. However, upon a change in control,
all plan benefits will be fully funded through an irrevocable
grantor trust (also know as a Rabbi trust). The
Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended and restated, was adopted
and approved by the Compensation Committee and ratified by the
Board of Directors.
SERP 2. The Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan 2 (SERP 2), as
amended and restated December 10, 2008, a nonqualified
plan, was originally adopted by the Company in 1994 to permit
eligible participants, which include our executive officers, the
regional presidents, most division presidents and other selected
employees, to accrue supplemental Company-funded benefits
payable upon retirement, death or disability. Unlike the
Deferred Compensation Plan, these are not elective deferrals,
but rather the Company credits employer allocations to
participants accounts. Messrs. Hortons and
Tomnitzs participation in SERP 2 is considered by the
Compensation Committee annually at the beginning of the fiscal
year. Pursuant to SERP 2, if the executive is employed by
the Company on the last day of a fiscal year, then the Company
will establish a liability to such officer equal to 10% of his
or her annual base salary as of first day of such fiscal year.
This liability will accrue earnings in future years at a rate
established by the administrative committee for the SERP 2.
Amounts payable under the SERP 2 are not secured or held in
trust, and the plan participants rights to enforce payment
are the same as a general unsecured creditor. A
participants SERP 2 benefit will be paid or commence
to be paid upon separation from service, or if earlier, upon a
change in control. Specified employees, as defined in Code
Section 409A, generally cannot be paid until
six months after separation from service (or, if earlier,
upon a change in control).
Post-Employment Health
Insurance. Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz are
also entitled to post-employment health and dental insurance
coverage that is similar to the insurance coverage that is
currently provided by the Company to each of them, their spouses
and their dependent children. The post-employment insurance
coverage becomes effective upon Mr. Hortons and
Mr. Tomnitzs respective retirement, disability, death
or termination from the Company and coverage shall be for the
life of each of Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz,
respectively, and for the life of Mr. Hortons spouse
and Mr. Tomnitzs spouse, and their children who are
deemed dependent under the terms of our health benefit plan.
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with
management, the Compensation Discussion and Analysis contained
in this Proxy Statement. Based on our review and discussions
with management, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
be included in this Proxy Statement and incorporated by
reference in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
of D.R. Horton, Inc. for the fiscal year ended
September 30, 2008 filed with the Securities and Exchange
Bradley S. Anderson, Committee Chairman
Michael R. Buchanan
Michael W. Hewatt
Bob G. Scott
The Compensation Committee Report does not constitute soliciting
material, and shall not be deemed to be filed or incorporated by
reference into any other company filing under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, except to the extent that the company specifically
incorporates the Compensation Committee Report by reference
Compensation Tables
The following tables show, with respect to our Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Financial Officer and our other named executive
officers of D.R. Horton, the compensation awarded, earned or
paid for all services rendered in all capacities to D.R. Horton
during our fiscal years ended September 30, 2008 and 2007.
Compensation Table
Change in
Value and
Name and
Principal Position
Donald R. Horton
Chairman of the Board
Donald J. Tomnitz
Vice Chairman, Chief
Executive Officer and President
Bill W. Wheat
Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
Stacey H. Dwyer
Executive Vice
President and Treasurer
Samuel R. Fuller(1)
Senior Executive Vice
(1) |
Mr. Fuller retired from the Company on May 31, 2008.
Mr. Fuller was paid a base salary at an annual rate of
$200,000. |
(2) |
The dollar amount listed represents a discretionary cash bonus
paid to the named executive officer. More information on the
2008 fiscal year discretionary bonuses is set forth under the
caption Other Named Executive Officers
Corporate beginning on page 28. |
(3) |
The dollar amount listed represents the amount recognized for
financial statements purposes in accordance with Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards
(SFAS) 123(R) for long-term performance
units awarded in the 2008 fiscal year. For purposes of SFAS
123(R), these performance units are accounted for as liability
awards for which compensation expense is recognized over the
vesting period, which runs from January 1, 2008 through
September 30, 2010. The performance units will ultimately
be valued based on the price of our common stock on
September 30, 2010 and the final performance goal rankings
at September 30, 2010. Assumptions used in determining the
SFAS 123(R) expense in the table include a performance
ranking at the maximum level for each of the two
performance goals and a stock price of $13.02, the closing price
of the Companys common stock at September 30, 2008.
Additional assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts
are included in Note J to our audited financial statements
included in our
Form 10-K
for the year ended September 30, 2008. |
The ultimate value of these awards will depend upon the price of
our common stock and the final performance rankings. For
example, if we had assumed a performance ranking at the
target level rather than the maximum
level without changing the stock price from that used in the
table, the value of these awards at September 30, 2008
would have been $1,065,273 for Mr. Horton and $710,181 for
Mr. Tomnitz. More information on the performance units is
set forth under the caption Performance Units
beginning on page 27. |
(4) |
The dollar amount listed represents the amount recognized for
financial statements purposes in accordance with
SFAS 123(R) for option awards for the applicable fiscal
year. For fiscal 2008, this includes amounts for options granted
in 2008 and prior years. For fiscal 2007, this includes amounts
for options granted in years prior to fiscal 2007 because the
listed officers did not receive option awards in fiscal 2007.
The grant date fair value of the options was determined using a
Black-Scholes option pricing model. Assumptions used in the
calculation of these amounts are included in Note J to our
audited financial statements included in our
Form 10-K
for the year ended September 30, 2008. |
(5) |
For the 2008 fiscal year, the amounts reflect the performance
bonuses paid in cash. For each of Messrs. Horton and
Tomnitz, $848,482 was paid in January 2008 based on positive
adjusted pre-tax income in December 2007 and $1 million was
paid based on performance goals related to operating cash flow
and SG&A containment for the 2008 fiscal year. More
information on these bonuses is described under the caption
2008 Fiscal Year Incentive Bonus
Opportunity beginning on page 24. For the 2007
fiscal year, the amounts reflect performance bonuses paid based
on the Companys consolidated pre-tax income in the first
and second quarters of the 2007 fiscal year. |
(6) |
Amounts represent the above-market portion of earnings on each
executive officers outstanding balance under the SERP 2. |
(7) |
For the 2008 fiscal year, the amounts under All Other
Compensation include the following components: |
a) Credits made by the Company of $40,000, $30,000,
$20,000, and $20,000 to the respective accounts of
Messrs. Horton, Tomnitz and Wheat, and Ms. Dwyer under
the SERP 2 plan. No credits were made to Mr. Fuller as he
was not employed by the Company at September 30, 2008.
b) Matching contributions of $6,900 to the respective
accounts of Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz, $6,975 to the
accounts of Mr. Wheat and Ms. Dwyer, and $2,886 to the
account of Mr. Fuller under the D.R. Horton 401(k) plan.
c) The participants portion of group health plan
premiums of $2,100 paid by the Company for the benefit of each
of Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz.
d) For Mr. Fuller, includes $9,038 related to accrued
vacation and related benefits paid to him as a result of his
In accordance with the SEC rules and regulations governing
disclosure of executive compensation, the amounts reported under
All Other Compensation do not include various
perquisites provided to each named executive officer that are
less than $10,000 in incremental cost to the Company, in the
aggregate, per year. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
All Other
Future Payouts Under
Future Payouts Under
Number of
or Base
Value of
Price of
Stock and
Incentive Plan Awards(1)
Incentive Plan Awards(2)
(# units)
(# units)
(# units)
Donald R. Horton
Donald J. Tomnitz
Bill W. Wheat
Stacey H. Dwyer
Samuel R. Fuller
(1) |
Represents bonus awards made under our 2000 Restated Bonus Plan
to provide the executive with the potential to earn bonuses
based on achieving performance goals during our 2008 fiscal
year. The 2008 bonus program was approved during the first
quarter of our 2008 fiscal year and was based on three
performance goals of (i) positive adjusted pre-tax income,
(ii) relative operating cash flow, and (iii) relative
SG&A containment. The Compensation Committee had
discretionary authority to reduce the amount prior to paying
such awards. |
The first award granted on December 7, 2007 of $848,482
represents the bonus paid in January 2008 based on achieving
positive adjusted pre-tax income during December 2007. No
bonuses were paid based on adjusted pre-tax income for the
following three quarters as positive adjusted pre-tax income was
not achieved. Additional information related to the adjusted
pre-tax income award and goals is described under the caption
First Cash Component on page 25. |
The second award granted on December 7, 2007 represents the
potential payout each executive could earn during our 2008
fiscal year based on achieving performance goals of relative
operating cash flow and relative SG&A containment. The
executives could earn performance compensation under this award
ranging from $0 if the threshold performance level was achieved
to $4.3 million if the target performance level was
achieved to $8.0 million if the maximum performance level
was achieved. Each of the officers achieved performance at the
maximum level listed in the table but the Compensation Committee
used its discretion and reduced the bonus award from
$8 million to $1 million. Additional information
related to the operating cash flow and SG&A containment
bonus awards is described under the caption Second Cash
and Equity Component beginning on page 25. |
(2) |
On February 11, 2008, target level performance units were
awarded to Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz in the amount of
300,000 and 200,000 units, respectively, under the 2008
Performance Unit Plan. The threshold, target and maximum amounts
reflect the number of performance units each executive could
earn based on the level of performance attained for the
January 1, 2008 to September 30, 2010 performance
period and based on relative performance on two performance
goals ranked against our peer group. The performance units would
ultimately be valued based on the price of our common stock on
the last day of the performance period, which is
September 30, 2010. These performance units are described
under Performance Units beginning on page 27
and the SFAS 123(R) amount for fiscal 2008 is reflected in
the Stock Awards column in the
Summary Compensation Table on page 36. |
(3) |
All stock options were approved and granted under the 2006
Equity Plan on February 11, 2008 and have an exercise price
of $14.50, the closing price of our common stock on the date of
grant. The stock options for Mr. Horton and
Mr. Tomnitz vest in five equal annual installments on each
successive anniversary of the grant date beginning on the first
anniversary date. The stock options for Mr. Wheat and
Ms. Dwyer vest in ten equal installments per year on each
successive anniversary of the grant date beginning on the |
first anniversary date for nine years, with the final
installment vesting on the date that is 9.75 years
following the grant date. All stock options have a ten-year term. |
(4) |
The grant date fair values of the performance units and stock
options are computed in accordance with SFAS 123(R). The
grant date fair value of the performance units is based on
$14.50 per share, the closing price of our common stock on the
NYSE on the date of grant, multiplied by the target number of
performance units awarded. The grant date fair value of the
stock options was determined using a Black-Scholes option
pricing model, which resulted in a grant date fair value of
$4.47 per share. Additional information regarding computing the
grant date fair value of the performance units and stock options
under SFAS 123(R) can be found under Note J in the
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements in our Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. |
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table shows information about outstanding equity
awards at September 30, 2008.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of Stock
Units of Stock
That Have
That Have
Grant Date
Not Vested
Not Vested
Donald R. Horton(1)
Donald J. Tomnitz(1)
Bill W. Wheat(2)
Stacey H. Dwyer(2)
Samuel R. Fuller(2)
(1) |
All stock option awards for Mr. Horton and Mr. Tomnitz
vest in five equal annual installments on each successive
anniversary of the grant date commencing on the first
anniversary date and have a ten year term. |
(2) |
All stock option awards vest in ten equal annual installments on
each successive anniversary of the grant date commencing on the
first anniversary date for nine years with the final installment
vesting on the date that is 9.75 years following the grant
date. All stock options have a ten year term, except that
Mr. Fullers stock options expire one year from his
May 31, 2008 retirement date. |
Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table shows information about option exercises and
stock vested during our fiscal year ended September 30,
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Value Realized
Number of Shares
Value Realized
Acquired on Exercise
on Exercise(1)
Acquired on Vesting
on Vesting
Donald R. Horton
Donald J. Tomnitz
Bill W. Wheat
Stacey H. Dwyer
Samuel R. Fuller
(1) |
Amounts represent the difference in the aggregate exercise price
and the aggregate market value of the shares acquired at the
time of exercise. |
Deferred Compensation Plans
D.R. Horton has established the following nonqualified deferred
compensation plans:
Deferred Compensation Plan. The Deferred
Compensation Plan permits participants, including D.R.
Hortons directors, to defer voluntarily receipt of up to
100% of bonus or director fee compensation from D.R. Horton and
up to 90% of base salary from D.R. Horton. Amounts deferred are
invested on behalf of the participant in investment vehicles
selected from time to time by the administrators of the Deferred
Compensation Plan. The participants, at their election, may
choose to have the deferred amounts paid out through scheduled
in-service distributions (in a lump sum or annual installments
of between two and five years) or following the later of
termination of employment or director service or attaining the
age of 62. The Deferred Compensation Plan was adopted and
approved by the Compensation Committee and ratified by the Board
of Directors.
SERP 2. Pursuant to the SERP 2, if the
executive is employed by the Company on the last day of a fiscal
year, then the Company will establish an unfunded, unsecured
liability to such officer equal to 10% of his or her annual base
salary as of first day of such fiscal year. This liability will
accrue earnings in future years at a rate established by the
administrative committee for the SERP 2. Amounts deferred under
the SERP 2 are payable within 60 days following the
termination of employment of the participant, the death or
disability of the participant or a change in control of the
company (the definition of change in control is described in
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control beginning on page 41 of this Proxy
Statement). The form of distribution may be in a lump sum, or in
quarterly installments over a period not to exceed five years,
as elected by the participant.
The following table shows, for each named executive officer,
aggregate contributions, earnings and withdrawals/distributions
during our 2008 fiscal year and outstanding balances as of
September 30, 2008 under all of our nonqualified deferred
compensation plans.
Deferred Compensation
Contributions in
Contributions in
Aggregate Earnings
Aggregate Balance at
Last Fiscal Year
Last Fiscal Year
in Last Fiscal Year
Last Fiscal Year End
Donald R. Horton
Donald J. Tomnitz
Bill W. Wheat
Stacey H. Dwyer
Samuel R. Fuller
(1) |
Represents the amount of fiscal 2008 compensation deferred, at
the executives discretion, under our Deferred Compensation
Plan. Such amounts are also included in the
Salary, or Bonus columns
of the Summary Compensation Table on page 36. |
(2) |
Represents the amount of unfunded, unsecured liabilities created
by D.R. Horton on behalf of each participant with respect to the
2008 fiscal year under the SERP 2. Such amount is also included
in the All Other Compensation column of the
Summary Compensation Table on page 36. |
(3) |
Represents the net amount of earnings and losses on the balance
of the participants account that is the result of the
performance of a variety of independently managed funds
available to and selected by each participant under the Deferred
Compensation Plan. We do not provide a guaranteed or fixed rate
of return on these funds. The rate of return on these funds
depends on the participants investment selections for his
or her deferral amount and on the market performance of these
funds. The amount listed for each participant is not included in
the Summary Compensation Table on page 36 because
such amount was not preferential or above-market for each
participant. |
(4) |
Represents the amount of earnings on the balance of the
participants account at a rate determined by the SERP 2
plan administrator, typically 10% per annum. Those portions of
earnings that are considered above-market are reported in the
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Earnings column of the Summary
Compensation Table on page 36. The above-market portion
of earnings for each of the above individuals is:
Mr. Horton: $39,222; Mr. Tomnitz: $28,413;
Mr. Wheat: $6,626; Ms. Dwyer: $6,739; and
Mr. Fuller: $12,593. |
(5) |
Includes the aggregate amount of compensation from the current
and prior fiscal years that was deferred, at the
executives discretion, under our Deferred Compensation
Plan. We have included such amounts in the Summary
Compensation Table of each of the respective D.R. Horton
Proxy Statements for the applicable year. |
(6) |
Includes amounts of unfunded, unsecured liabilities created by
D.R. Horton on behalf of each participant with respect to the
current and prior fiscal years under the SERP 2. We included
such amounts in the Summary Compensation Table of each of
the respective D.R. Horton Proxy Statements for the applicable
year. |
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
None of our named executive officers have employment or change
in control agreements with us specifically providing for
payments upon involuntary termination of their employment.
However, certain of our benefit and incentive plans contain
various provisions regarding termination of employment or change
in control. Any additional severance payments would be at the
discretion of the Compensation Committee and determined at the
time of termination. The following is a summary of the treatment
of benefits under our benefit plans for various reasons for
termination, including upon a change in control.
Generally, our benefit plans define cause as a
violation of the standards of employee conduct set forth in our
employee manual and change in control as the
occurrence of any of the following events:
(i) Our merger, consolidation or reorganization into
another entity if our stockholders immediately before such
transaction do not, immediately after such transaction, own more
than 50% of the combined voting power of the outstanding voting
securities resulting from such transaction and in substantially
the same proportion as their stock ownership prior to the
(ii) We sell all or substantially all of our assets to
another entity or we completely liquidate or dissolve;
(iii) A person (as defined by Section 13(d)(3) or
Section 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act) files a report with
the SEC on Schedule 13D or
Schedule 14D-1
disclosing its acquisition of beneficial ownership of at least
20% of our then outstanding voting securities (the threshold for
amounts deposited under our SERP 2 plan on or after
January 1, 2005 is 50% or 35% acquired in a single
transaction or series of transactions in any 12 month
period); and
(iv) We file a report or proxy statement with the SEC
disclosing that a change in control has occurred or will occur
in the future pursuant to any then-existing contract or
Generally, a change in control shall not be deemed
to occur solely because we or any of our affiliates or any of
our benefit plans becomes obligated to file a report with the
SEC disclosing our acquisition of 20% of our own then
outstanding voting securities. For purposes of calculating
beneficial ownership pursuant to this paragraph, no voting
securities held by our Chairman, Donald R. Horton, as of the
date of the adoption of the plan in question or received in any
merger transaction shall be included in the calculation.
With regard to our 2000 Restated Bonus Plan and 2008 Performance
Unit Plan, the definition of change in control
differs from the generally applicable provisions described above
in two ways. It includes one additional change in control event
relating to board composition and it uses a different threshold
for and a different exclusion from beneficial ownership for the
change in control event described in paragraph (iii) above.
Specifically, under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan and 2008
Performance Unit Plan, a change in control includes
a change in the composition of the Board at any time such that a
majority of the Board of Directors have been members of the
Board for less than twenty-four months without the approval of
at least a majority (but no less than three) of the directors
still in office who were also directors at the beginning of the
period. Additionally, under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan and the
2008 Performance Unit Plan, the threshold for a persons
acquisition of beneficial ownership to trigger a change in
control event is 50%, and this definition explicitly
excludes from the group of persons that may trigger this change
in control the Company, Donald R. Horton, Terrill J. Horton,
their respective wives, children, grandchildren, and other
descendants, and any trust or other entity formed or controlled
by any such individuals.
Stock Incentive Plan and the 1991 Stock Incentive
Our D.R. Horton 2006 Stock Incentive Plan and 1991 Stock
Incentive Plan plans provide for accelerated vesting of all
outstanding unvested options granted under the plans in the
event of a change in control or in the event of a
participants death, disability or retirement at the
retirement age specified in the plan and the participant or his
or her beneficiary, as applicable, will be entitled to exercise
such options for a period of one year in the event of retirement
or two years in the event of death or disability. In the event
the participants employment is terminated by the Company
without cause or by the participant voluntarily, the participant
will be entitled to exercise any options vested as of the date
of termination for a period of three months following such
termination. If the participant is terminated by the Company for
cause, all options will immediately terminate and the
participant will forfeit all vested options.
and Restated Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan No. 2
(SERP 2)
Under our Amended and Restated Supplemental Executive Retirement
Plan No. 2 (SERP 2), all amounts
deferred shall be paid (either in lump sum or in quarterly
installments as elected by participant) within 60 days
following the date of the participants termination of
employment, disability, death or change
in control of the Company; provided, however, specified
employees, as such term is defined in Section 409A of
the Internal Revenue Code, must wait six months following
termination of employment before payments accrued on or after
January 1, 2005 can be made or commence. In the event the
Company terminates a participant for cause, all benefits under
the SERP 2 will be forfeited and no payments will be made to the
In the event of a change in control, all amounts deferred shall
be paid (in accordance with the participants election)
within 60 days following the date of the change in control.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a participants election as
to form of payment (lump sum or installment) must have been made
at least 12 months prior to distribution. If a termination
event occurs and no election has been made, the distributions of
pre-2005 accruals will be made or commence on the first day of
the 13th month following the date of election, and the
distribution of post-2004 accruals will be made in a lump sum
upon termination of employment (or six months later for
specified employees).
The following table reflects amounts of compensation to be paid
to each of the named executive officers in the event of
termination of employment or change in control. Because neither
the Company nor any of its plans provides for additional
benefits related to a change in control termination, if such a
termination is triggered, the payments would be as set forth
under the applicable column under Termination of Employment.
The amounts shown assume a termination date of
September 30, 2008, the last day of our fiscal year, and,
if applicable, are based on the closing price of our common
stock of $13.02 on September 30, 2008. Because none of our
named executive officers in office on September 30, 2008
would have been at the normal retirement age (65 years
old) on such date under any of our applicable plans, we do
not include amounts payable upon retirement.
These amounts are estimates of payments to executives upon
termination of employment or a change in control. Actual amounts
can only be determined at the time of such executives
actual separation from the Company or change in control. Factors
that could affect these amounts include the timing during the
year of any such event, the companys stock price and the
executives age. Amounts to be provided to an executive
under arrangements that do not discriminate in scope, terms or
operation in favor of our executive officers and are available
to all salaried employees are not included in the tables below
in accordance with SEC regulations.
In addition to the amounts set forth below, each of the named
executive officers would be entitled to receive, upon certain
termination events or a change in control, a distribution of his
or her outstanding balance of compensation earned in prior years
and deferred, at the executive officers option, under our
Deferred Compensation Plan. The balances of such accounts are
set forth in the Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation table on page 41.
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
Termination of Employment
Death or
Change in
With Cause
Payments and Benefits
Donald R. Horton
Severance Pay:
Annual Bonus:
First Cash Component(1)
Second Cash Component(2)
Performance Units(3)
Vesting of Equity Awards:
Stock Options
Payments of SERP 2 Contributions
Health Benefits(4)
Donald J. Tomnitz
Severance Pay:
Annual Bonus:
First Cash Component(1)
Second Cash Component(2)
Performance Units(3)
Vesting of Equity Awards:
Stock Options
Payments of SERP 2 Contributions
Health Benefits(4)
Bill W. Wheat
Severance Pay:
Vesting of Equity Awards:
Stock Options
Payments of SERP 2 Contributions
Stacey H. Dwyer
Severance Pay:
Vesting of Equity Awards:
Stock Options
Payments of SERP 2 Contributions
Samuel R. Fuller(5)
Severance Pay:
Vesting of Equity Awards:
Stock Options
Payments of SERP 2 Contributions
(1) |
Under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan, Messrs. Horton and
Tomnitz would have been entitled to receive the adjusted pre-tax
income performance bonus earned during the fourth quarter of the
2008 fiscal year in the event of retirement, voluntary
resignation or change in control occurring on September 30,
2008. However, no bonus was earned for the fourth quarter under
the First Cash Component so no amount is listed. |
(2) |
Under the 2000 Restated Bonus Plan, Messrs. Horton and
Tomnitz each earned a $1 million bonus under the Second
Cash and Equity Component for the period ended
September 30, 2008 as approved the Compensation Committee.
Had an event listed in the table occurred at September 30,
2008, Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz would have been entitled
to the amount listed in the table assuming the Compensation
Committee exercised its discretion to adjust downward the amount
awarded to the same extent as the actual payment. |
(3) |
Under the 2008 Performance Unit Plan, Messrs. Horton and
Tomnitz have been awarded performance units for the performance
period of January 1, 2008 through September 30, 2010.
If any of the listed events had occurred at September 30,
2008, each of Messrs. Horton and Tomnitz would have been
entitled to the payout on the performance units in the amounts
listed in the table. However, prior to paying any bonus on the
performance units, the Compensation Committee, at its
discretion, could adjust downward the amount awarded or earned
on any performance goal on the performance units. |
The method used in determining the value in the table is the
same method used in valuing these performance units in
accordance with SFAS 123(R). Assumptions we used include a
performance ranking at the maximum level for each of
the two performance goals and a stock price of $13.02, the
closing price of the Companys common stock at
September 30, 2008. The ultimate value of the performance
units will depend upon the price of our common stock and the
final performance rankings. For example, if we had assumed a
performance ranking at the target level rather than
the maximum level without changing the stock price
from that used in the table, the value of these awards at
September 30, 2008 would have been $1,065,273 for
Mr. Horton and $710,181 for Mr. Tomnitz. |
(4) |
Amount represents the net present value of providing
post-termination health benefits over the assumed future period
of the benefit for employee and dependents at the coverage
levels currently being provided under the Companys health
benefit plans. Assumptions used include: (i) annual cost
increases of 7%, (ii) mortality rates of approximately
21 years and 25 years for Mr. Horton and his
spouse, and 20 years and 23 years for Mr. Tomnitz
and his spouse, (iii) five year benefit for a
dependent child of Mr. Tomnitz and his spouse, and
(iv) a discount rate of 6%. Such benefits are to be
provided for the life of Mr. Horton and his wife, and for
the life of Mr. Tomnitz and his wife, and their children
who are deemed dependent under our health benefit plan. |
(5) |
Mr. Fuller retired from the Company on May 31, 2008.
The amount related to vesting of stock options is based on the
intrinsic value (market price minus exercise price) of stock
options that vested as a result of Mr. Fullers
retirement. The intrinsic value uses a closing stock price at
May 30, 2008, the last trading day before his retirement. |
Our Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics requires that
all directors and employees are expected to avoid relationships
that present a potential or actual conflict between his or her
personal interest and the interest of the Company. We generally
review related-party transactions regarding our directors and
executive officers in a similar manner as we review
relationships that may give rise to a conflicts of interest,
provided there may be certain related-party transactions that
may be ratified or approved. Generally, a conflict of
interest exists whenever an individuals personal
or private interests interfere or conflict in any way with the
interests of the Company. A conflict situation can arise when a
director or employee takes action or has personal interests that
may make it difficult to perform Company work or make Company
decisions objectively or effectively. Conflicts of interest may
also arise when a director or employee, or member of his or her
immediate family receives improper personal benefits as a result
of his or her position with the Company, whether received from
the Company or a third party.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest, or an improper
related-party transaction, each director or executive officer
must disclose to the Companys Chief Legal Officer any
transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to
give rise to a conflict of interest or related-party
transaction. The Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Compliance
Officer then review the situation or transaction, and if
necessary, report the situation or transaction to the chairman
of the Audit Committee. If it is determined that ratification or
approval is necessary, the Audit Committee would be required to
ratify or approve the relationship or transaction.
In fiscal 2008, Donald R. Horton, our Chairman, and his wife
paid the Company $659,499 to construct a home for them in
Fort Worth, Texas. The transaction was made in the ordinary
course of business, on substantially the same terms, including
construction price, as those prevailing at the time for
comparable transactions with other persons not affiliated with
the Company, and did not present any unfavorable terms to the
Company. The transaction was subject to, and was approved under,
the policy described above.
On the effective date of the 1998 merger between D.R. Horton and
Continental Homes Holding Corp., Bradley S. Anderson, a former
director of Continental, was elected a director of D.R. Horton.
In connection with the merger, D.R. Horton agreed to indemnify
Mr. Anderson, along with the other former Continental
directors, in connection with their prior service as directors
or executive officers of Continental.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During our fiscal year ended September 30, 2008, D.R.
Hortons Compensation Committee was composed of Bradley S.
Anderson, Michael R. Buchanan, Richard I. Galland, Michael W.
Hewatt, with Mr. Anderson serving as its Chairperson. None
of the members of the Compensation Committee has served D.R.
Horton in any capacity other than as a member of the board or a
member of a committee thereof. In 1998, Mr. Anderson was a
beneficiary of an indemnification arrangement with the Company
as described in the paragraph above.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, D.R. Hortons independent
auditor for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008, has
been engaged by the Audit Committee to continue to serve through
our fiscal year ending September 30, 2009. A representative
of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is expected to be present at the
2009 Annual Meeting and will have an opportunity to make a
statement and to respond to appropriate questions from
stockholders. During the 2008 fiscal year, our Audit Committee
changed independent auditors from Ernst & Young LLP to
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. More information on this change of
independent auditors is discussed below under the caption
Change in Independent Auditor.
Fees and All Other Fees
The following table shows the fees paid or accrued by D.R.
Horton for the audit and other services provided by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for fiscal year ended
September 30, 2008 and by Ernst & Young LLP for
the fiscal year ended September 30, 2007.
September 30, 2007
September 30, 2008
Ernst & Young LLP
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Audit fees
Audit-Related fees(1)
Tax fees(2)
All other fees
(1) |
Related primarily to audits of employee benefit plans, the
statutory audit of the Companys captive insurance company
and consultations related to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. |
(2) |
Related primarily to tax compliance services. |
(3) |
Of the fees listed above, approved by the Audit Committee, none
were approved based on waiver of pre-approval under
Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C)
Regulation S-X. |
Change in
Independent Auditor
of previous independent registered public accounting
As a result of a competitive request for proposal process
undertaken by the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee
determined to dismiss Ernst & Young LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm. The decision to
change the Companys principal independent accountants was
approved by the Audit Committee on June 5, 2008.
The reports of Ernst & Young LLP on the consolidated
financial statements of the Company as of and for the fiscal
years ended September 30, 2006 and September 30, 2007
did not contain any adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion,
nor were they qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit
scope or accounting principle.
During the fiscal years ended September 30, 2006 and
September 30, 2007 and the subsequent period through
June 5, 2008, there were no disagreements with
Ernst & Young LLP on any matter of accounting
principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or
auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements if not resolved
to the satisfaction of Ernst & Young LLP, would have
caused them to make reference thereto in Ernst & Young
LLPs reports on the financial statements of the Company
for such fiscal years.
During the fiscal years ended September 30, 2006 and
September 30, 2007 and the subsequent period through
June 5, 2008, there were no reportable events
(as defined in
Regulation S-K
Item 304(a)(1)(v)).
of new independent registered public accounting
On June 5, 2008, the Audit Committee approved the
engagement of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the Companys fiscal year ending September 30, 2008.
The decision to change the Companys principal independent
accountants was the result of a competitive request for proposal
process undertaken by the Audit Committee.
During the fiscal years ended September 30, 2006 and
September 30, 2007 and the subsequent period through
June 5, 2008, the Company did not consult with
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP regarding either:
(i) the application of accounting principles to a specified
transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit
opinion that might be rendered on the Companys financial
statements, nor did PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provide written
or oral advice to the Company that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
concluded was an important factor considered by the Company in
reaching a decision as to the accounting, auditing or financial
reporting issue; or
(ii) any matter that was either the subject of a
disagreement (as defined in
Regulation S-K
Item 304(a)(1)(iv) and the related instructions), or a
reportable event (as defined in Item 304(a)(1)(v) of
Regulation S-K).
of Ernst & Young LLP:
The Company provided Ernst & Young LLP with a copy of
a Current Report on
Form 8-K
Form 8-K),
which was later filed with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission on June 10, 2008, and requested that
Ernst & Young LLP furnish the Company with a letter
addressed to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
stating whether Ernst & Young LLP agreed with the
disclosure contained in the
Form 8-K
or, if not, stating the respects in which it did not agree. The
Company received the requested letter from Ernst &
Young LLP and a copy of Ernst & Young LLPs
letter is filed as Exhibit 16.1 to the
Form 8-K
and such letter is incorporated by reference herein.
Policy on
Audit Committee Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit
The Audit Committee has responsibility for appointing, setting
compensation and overseeing the work of the independent auditor.
In recognition of this responsibility, the Audit Committee has
established a policy to pre-approve audit and permissible
non-audit services provided by the independent auditor.
In connection with the engagement of the independent auditor for
the 2009 fiscal year, the Audit Committee pre-approved the
services listed below by category of service, including the
pre-approval of fee limits. The Audit Committees
pre-approval process by category of service also includes a
review of specific services to be performed and fees expected to
be incurred within each category of service. The term of any
pre-approval is 12 months from the date of the
pre-approval, unless the Audit Committee specifically provides
for a different period. During fiscal 2009, circumstances may
arise when it may become necessary to engage the independent
auditor for additional services not contemplated in the original
pre-approval. In those instances, the Audit Committee requires
separate pre-approval before engaging the independent auditor.
The services pre-approved by the Audit Committee to be performed
by our auditor during our fiscal year 2009, include the
Audit Services include audit work performed in the
preparation of financial statements (including quarterly
reviews), as well as work that generally only the independent
auditor can reasonably be expected to provide, including comfort
letters, statutory audits, and attest services and consultation
regarding financial accounting
reporting standards.
Audit-Related Services are for assurance and related
services that are traditionally performed by the independent
auditor, including due diligence related to mergers and
acquisitions, employee benefit plan audits, and special
procedures required to meet certain regulatory requirements.
Tax Services include all services performed by the
independent auditors tax personnel except those services
specifically related to the audit of the financial statements,
and include fees in the areas of tax compliance, tax planning,
and tax advice.
All Other Fees are those associated with permitted
services not included in the other categories. The Company
generally does not request such services from the independent
The Audit Committee may delegate pre-approval authority to one
or more of its members. The member or members to whom such
authority is delegated shall report any pre-approval decisions
to the Audit Committee at its next scheduled meeting. The Audit
Committee may not otherwise delegate its responsibilities to
pre-approve services performed by the independent auditor to
Committee Report
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with management
D.R. Hortons audited consolidated financial statements for
the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. Further, the
Audit Committee has discussed with D.R. Hortons
independent auditor the matters required to be discussed by
Auditing Standards Board Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61, as amended or supplemented, including D.R.
Hortons audited consolidated financial statements for the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2008, the auditors
responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards,
significant accounting policies, managements judgments and
accounting estimates, any audit adjustments, other information
in documents containing audited financial statements and other
matters. Finally, the Audit Committee has received and reviewed
the written disclosures and the letter from the independent
auditor required by the applicable requirements of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent
accountants communications with the Audit Committee
concerning independence, and has discussed the auditors
independence with the auditor.
Based on its review and discussion described above, the Audit
Committee has recommended to the Board of Directors that the
audited consolidated financial statements for the 2008 fiscal
year be included in D.R. Hortons Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. Further, the
Audit Committee approved the engagement of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as D.R. Hortons independent
auditor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009.
Michael W. Hewatt, Committee Chairman
Bradley S. Anderson
Michael R. Buchanan
Bob G. Scott
D.R. Horton has received the following proposal from a
stockholder. Pursuant to
Rule 14a-8(l)(1)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we will provide the
name, address and number of securities held by the stockholder
proponent of this proposal promptly upon receipt of a written or
oral request. The Companys contact information is: D.R.
Horton, Inc., Attention: Corporate Counsel, D.R. Horton Tower,
301 Commerce Street, Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas
e-mail, and telephone
(817) 390-8200.
D.R. Horton is not responsible for the contents of the
supporting statement or the stockholder proposal, both of which
are quoted verbatim in italics below.
Statement and Proposal of Stockholder Proponent
Whereas: D.R. Horton, Inc. does not
explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation
and gender identity in its written employment policy;
Over 88% of the Fortune 500 companies have adopted
written nondiscrimination policies prohibiting harassment and
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, as have more
than 98% of Fortune 100 companies, according to the Human
Rights Campaign; over 30% now prohibit discrimination based on
gender identity;
We believe that corporations that prohibit discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity have a
competitive advantage in recruiting and retaining employees from
the widest talent pool;
According to a September 2002 survey by Harris Interactive
and Witeck-Combs, 41% of gay and lesbian workers in the United
States reported an experience with some form of job
discrimination related to sexual orientation; almost one out of
every 10 gay or lesbian adults also stated that they had been
fired or dismissed unfairly from a previous job, or pressured to
quit a job because of their sexual orientation;
Minneapolis, San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles have
adopted legislation restricting business with companies that do
not guarantee equal treatment for gay and lesbian employees;
Twenty states, the District of Columbia and more than
160 cities and counties, have laws prohibiting employment
discrimination based on sexual orientation;
Our company has operations in, and makes sales to
institutions in states and cities that prohibit discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation;
National public opinion polls consistently find more than
three quarters of the American people support equal rights in
the workplace for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals; for example,
in a Gallup poll conducted in May, 2007, 89% of respondents
favored equal opportunity in employment for gays and
Resolved: The Shareholders request
that D.R. Horton, Inc. amend its written equal employment
opportunity policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination based
on sexual orientation and gender identity and to substantially
implement the policy.
Supporting Statement: Employment
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity diminishes employee morale and productivity. Because
state and local laws are inconsistent with respect to employment
discrimination, our company would benefit from a consistent,
corporate wide policy to enhance efforts to prevent
discrimination, resolve complaints internally, and ensure a
respectful and supportive atmosphere for all employees. D.R.
Horton, Inc. will enhance its competitive edge by joining the
growing ranks of companies guaranteeing equal opportunity for
all employees.
in Opposition to Stockholder Proposal
After consideration of this stockholder proposal (including
reviewing the relevant Company policies), the Board of Directors
of D.R. Horton unanimously recommends a vote
AGAINST this proposal.
The Company is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to
the highest ethical standards. The Company is committed to
conducting our business in accordance with all applicable equal
employment opportunity laws and regulations, including those
cited in the proposal relating to sexual orientation and gender
identity. In this regard, the Company does not tolerate
discrimination on the basis of color, race, religion, sex,
national origin, age, veteran status, disability, or any other
basis protected by applicable law.
This commitment is illustrated by the Companys existing
written policies and codes of conduct. For example, the
Companys Employee Personnel Policy Guidelines, which are
distributed to all employees, states that the Company is
committed to equal employment opportunity for all employees and
applicants in accordance with all applicable laws. Moreover, the
Companys Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics,
which also is distributed to all employees, outlines the
Companys three part goal of:
treating all employees and applicants fairly;
encouraging diversity of all kinds; and
basing employment decisions on an individuals
qualifications, skills and achievements.
Moreover, the Company implements these policies through ongoing
training and educational programs, and makes these policies
continuously available to all employees through its intranet
website. As a result, we believe that the stockholder proposal
is unnecessary as our current policies and practices demonstrate
our longstanding commitment to non-discrimination.
The Board
of Directors Unanimously Recommends that Stockholders Vote
the Adoption of this Proposal.
D.R. Horton has received the following proposal from a
stockholder. Pursuant to
Rule 14a-8(l)(1)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we will provide the
name, address and number of securities held by the stockholder
proponent of this proposal promptly upon receipt of a written or
oral request. The Companys contact information is: D.R.
Horton, Inc., Attention: Corporate Counsel, D.R. Horton Tower,
301 Commerce Street, Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas
e-mail; and telephone
(817) 390-8200.
D.R. Horton is not responsible for the contents of the
supporting statement or the stockholder proposal, both of which
are quoted verbatim in italics below.
Statement and Proposal of Stockholder Proponent
Resolved: That the shareholders of
DR Horton, Inc. (Company) hereby request that the
Board of Directors initiate the appropriate process to amend the
Companys governance documents (certificate of
incorporation or bylaws) to provide that director nominees shall
be elected by the affirmative vote of the majority of votes cast
at an annual meeting of shareholders, with a plurality vote
standard retained for contested director elections, that is,
when the number of director nominees exceeds the number of board
Supporting Statement: In order to
provide shareholders a meaningful role in director elections,
our Companys director election vote standard should be
changed to a majority vote standard. A majority vote standard
would require that a nominee receive a majority of the votes
cast in order to be elected. The standard is particularly
well-suited for the vast majority of director elections in which
only board nominated candidates are on the ballot. We believe
that a majority vote standard in board elections would establish
a challenging vote standard for board nominees and improve the
performance of individual directors and entire boards. Our
Company presently uses a plurality vote standard in all director
elections. Under the plurality vote standard, a nominee for the
board can be elected with as little as a single affirmative
vote, even if a substantial majority of the votes cast are
withheld from the nominee.
In response to strong shareholder support for a majority vote
standard in director elections, an increasing number of the
nations leading companies, including Intel, General
Electric, Motorola, Hewlett-Packard, Morgan Stanley, Wal-Mart,
Home Depot, Marathon Oil and Pfizer have adopted a majority vote
standard in company bylaws or articles of incorporation.
Additionally, these companies have adopted director resignation
policies in their bylaws or corporate governance policies to
address post-election issues related to the status of director
nominees that fail to win election. Other companies, including
our Company, have responded only partially to the call for
change by simply adopting post-election director resignation
policies that set procedures for addressing the status of
director nominees that receive more withhold votes
than for votes.
We believe that a post-election director resignation policy
without a majority vote standard in company bylaws or articles
is an inadequate reform. The critical first step in establishing
a meaningful majority vote policy is the adoption of a majority
vote standard. With a majority vote standard in place, the board
can then consider action on developing post-election procedures
to address the status of directors that fail to win election. A
majority vote standard combined with a post-election director
resignation policy would establish a meaningful right for
shareholders to elect directors, and reserve for the board an
important post-election role in determining the continued status
of an unelected director. We feel that this combination of the
majority vote standard with a post-election policy represents a
true majority vote standard.
in Opposition to Stockholder Proposal
After consideration of the subject matter of this stockholder
proposal, the Board of Directors of D.R. Horton unanimously
recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal
because the Board believes that D.R. Hortons existing
policies effectively address the concerns reflected by the
proposal by providing stockholders with a meaningful role in the
director election process. The Board also notes that
stockholders rejected a similar proposal at the 2007 Annual
As described under Proposal One Election of
Directors, D.R. Hortons Corporate Governance
Principles already require any nominee for the Board of
Directors who fails to receive a majority affirmative vote in an
uncontested election to promptly tender his or her resignation
to the Board of Directors. The Nominating and Governance
Committee will assess whether the resignation should be accepted
and make its recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board
of Directors will then consider the Committees
recommendation within a reasonable period of time and take the
action it deems appropriate.
In conducting the assessment, both the Nominating and Governance
Committee and the Board of Directors will consider all
information they deem relevant, including the underlying reasons
for the results of the election, the length of service and
qualifications of the director, the directors
contributions to D.R. Horton, our compliance with listing
standards, and our Corporate Governance Principles. As a result,
each nominee as to whom a majority of votes is withheld will
undergo a high degree of review as to his or her ability to
serve as a director. We believe this policy is similar to
policies adopted by numerous other companies, including Bank of
New York, KeyCorp, Medtronic and Johnson & Johnson.
Moreover, the Board believes that D.R. Horton already has a
strong corporate governance process designed to identify and
propose director nominees who will serve the best interests of
stockholders. Director nominees are evaluated and recommended
for election by the Nominating and Governance Committee, which
is comprised solely of independent directors. In recommending
nominees, the committee considers a variety of factors. D.R.
Horton also has published in this Proxy Statement information on
how stockholders and other interested parties can communicate
their views on potential nominees or other matters with the
Board. Thus, the Board believes that current Board policies
contribute an appropriate mechanism for electing an effective
Board of Directors committed to delivering long-term stockholder
We also believe that adopting the majority vote standard is not
necessary considering our recent election results. Since we
became a publicly traded company in 1992, no director nominee
has ever received a greater number of votes withheld from his or
her election than votes for his or her election. As a result, we
believe adopting the voting requirement that has been proposed
would not have ever affected the outcome of our election
process. Since our stockholders have a history of electing
highly qualified, independent directors under our current
election process, we believe a change to a majority voting
requirement is not necessary to improve our corporate governance
The Board
of Directors Unanimously Recommends that Stockholders Vote
the Adoption of this Proposal.
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, requires D.R. Hortons directors, certain of its
officers, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered
class of D.R. Hortons equity securities to file reports of
ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC. Such officers,
directors and greater than 10% stockholders are required by SEC
regulations to furnish D.R. Horton with copies of all forms they
file pursuant to Section 16(a). Based solely on its review
of the copies of such forms received by it and on written
representations from certain reporting persons that no
Form 5 reports were required for those persons, D.R. Horton
believes that all filing requirements applicable to its
officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners were
complied with during the year ended September 30, 2008.
Any stockholder who intends to present a proposal for action at
D.R. Hortons 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and to
have D.R. Horton include such proposal in its proxy soliciting
materials pursuant to
Rule 14a-8
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, must
deliver a copy of the proposal to D.R. Horton not later than
August 20, 2009. In addition, the Bylaws of D.R. Horton
provide that only stockholder proposals submitted in a timely
manner to a Corporate Counsel of D.R. Horton may be acted upon
at an annual meeting of stockholders. To be timely, a
stockholders notice must be delivered to, or mailed and
received at, the principal executive offices of D.R. Horton not
less than 30 days prior to the date of the originally
scheduled meeting. However, if less than 40 days
notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the originally
scheduled meeting is given by D.R. Horton, notice by the
stockholder to be timely must be so received not later than the
close of business on the tenth calendar day following the
earlier of the day on which such notice of the date of the
originally scheduled meeting was mailed or the day on which such
public disclosure was made.
On our website, at, under the Investor
Relations and Corporate Governance links, you will find the
following: (i) Corporate Governance Principles,
(ii) Audit Committee Charter, (iii) Compensation
Committee Charter, (iv) Nominating and Governance Committee
Charter, (v) Code of Ethical Conduct for the CEO, CFO, and
Senior Financial Officers, (vi) Complaint Procedures for
Accounting, Internal Control, Auditing and Financial Matters and
Complaint Procedures for Employee Matters, and
(vii) Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for
Employees and Directors. You may obtain a copy of any of
these documents at no charge through our website or by
contacting us for a printed set. You may contact us for
these purposes at: Attention Corporate Counsel, D.R. Horton,
Inc., 301 Commerce Street, Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX
(817) 390-8200
or e-mail:
Management knows of no other matters to be voted upon at the
2009 Annual Meeting. If any other matter is properly brought
before the 2009 Annual Meeting, it is the intention of the
persons named as proxies in the form of proxy to vote in their
discretion upon such matters in accordance with their judgment.
You are urged to sign, date and return the enclosed proxy in the
envelope provided. No postage is required if the envelope is
mailed from within the United States. If you subsequently decide
to attend the Annual Meeting and wish to vote your shares in
person, you may do so. Your cooperation in giving this matter
your prompt attention is appreciated.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Vice President and Assistant Secretary
Fort Worth, Texas
December 18, 2008
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of
information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting
date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site AMERICAN STOCK TRANSFER &
TRUST COMPANY and follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an
electronic voting instruction form.
6201 15TH AVENUE
If you would like to reduce the
costs incurred by our company
in mailing proxy materials, you
can consent to receiving all
future proxy statements, proxy
cards and annual reports
electronically via e-mail or
the Internet. To sign up for
electronic delivery, please
follow the instructions above
to vote using the Internet and,
when prompted, indicate that
you agree to receive or access
proxy materials electronically
in future years.
Start on PN 100
VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to
transmit your voting
instructions up until 11:59
P.M. Eastern Time the day
before the cut-off date or
meeting date. Have your proxy
card in hand when you call and
then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy
card and return it in the
postage-paid envelope we have
provided or return it to Vote
Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51
Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR
Proposal 1. The Board of Directors recommends 0 0 0 a vote
AGAINST each of Proposals 2 and 3.
Vote On Proposals
1. Election of Directors For Withhold For All To withhold authority to vote for any
individual All All Except nominee(s), mark For All Except and write the
Nominees: number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.
01) Donald R. Horton 05) Bob G. Scott
02) Bradley S. Anderson 06) Donald J.
Tomnitz 03) Michael R. Buchanan 07)
Bill W. Wheat 04) Michael W. Hewatt
For Against Abstain
2. To vote on a stockholder proposal concerning amending our equal employment opportunity policy. 0 0 0
3. To vote on a stockholder proposal concerning a majority vote standard for the election of directors. 0 0 0
4. To conduct other business properly brought before the meeting. 0 0 0
Note: Please sign exactly as name(s)
appear(s) herein. When shares are held by
joint tenants, both should sign. When
signing as attorney, executor,
administrator, trustee, or guardian,
please give full titles as such. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate
name by President or other authorized
officer. If a partnership, please sign in
partnership name by an authorized person.
E2 Conversion
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date
D65549 |
Important Notice Regarding Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
The Notice and Proxy Statement and Form 10-K are available at
D.R. Horton Tower, 301 Commerce Street, Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 THIS
The undersigned hereby nominates, constitutes and appoints Donald R. Horton, Donald J. Tomnitz
and Bill W. Wheat, and each of them, attorneys, agents and proxies of the undersigned, with full
power of substitution to each and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated on
the reverse side of this card, all shares of Common Stock of D.R. Horton, Inc. (the Company) held
of record by the undersigned at the close of business on December 2, 2008, at the 2009 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to be held on January 29, 2009, or any adjournment thereof.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Proposal 1. The Board of Directors recommends a
vote AGAINST each of Proposals 2 and 3. This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the
manner directed herein by the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will be
voted as recommended by the Board of Directors in this paragraph.
The undersigned hereby ratifies and confirms all that said attorneys and proxies, or any of
them, or their substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof and hereby
revokes any and all proxies heretofore given by the undersigned to vote at said meeting. The
undersigned acknowledges receipt of the notice of said annual meeting and the proxy statement
accompanying said notice.