Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11 |
1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined):
4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee previously paid with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
Lawson Products, Inc.
1666 East Touhy Avenue
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
May 13, 2008
You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting of
stockholders of Lawson Products, Inc. (the Company
or Lawson), which will be held at the offices of the
Company, 1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois, on
May 13, 2008 at 10:00 a.m., central time, for the
following purposes:
To elect three directors to serve three years;
To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as
Lawsons independent registered public accounting firm for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008;
To approve the Lawson Products, Inc. Long-Term Incentive
Plan; and
To transact such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on
March 24, 2008, as the record date for the determination of
stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.
Accompanying this notice is a Proxy, a Proxy Statement and a
copy of the Companys 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
Even if you expect to attend the meeting in person, please
sign and return the enclosed proxy in the envelope provided so
that your shares may be voted at the meeting. You may also vote
your shares by telephone or via the Internet as set forth in the
enclosed proxy. If you execute a proxy, you still may attend the
meeting and vote in person.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Neil E. Jenkins
Des Plaines, Illinois
April 21, 2008
Lawson Products, Inc.
1666 East Touhy Avenue
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
May 13, 2008
This Proxy Statement is being sent to stockholders on or about
April 21, 2008, in connection with the solicitation of the
accompanying proxy by our Board of Directors. Only stockholders
of record at the close of business on March 24, 2008 are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting. We have
retained Morrow & Co., Inc., a firm specializing in
the solicitation of proxies, to assist in the solicitation at a
fee estimated to be $4,500 plus expenses. Officers of the
Company may make additional solicitations in person or by
telephone. Expenses incurred in the solicitation of proxies will
be borne by the Company. If the accompanying form of proxy is
executed and returned in time or you vote your shares by
telephone or via the Internet as set forth in the enclosed
proxy, the shares represented thereby will be voted. A proxy may
be revoked at any time prior to its voting by execution of a
later dated proxy or by voting in person at the annual meeting.
As of March 24, 2008, we had 8,522,001 shares of
Common Stock (the Common Stock) outstanding and such
shares are the only shares entitled to vote at the annual
meeting. Each holder of Common Stock is entitled to one vote per
share on all matters to come before the meeting. For purposes of
the meeting, a quorum means a majority of the outstanding
shares. In determining whether a quorum exists, all shares
represented in person or by proxy will be counted.
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at
the meeting by the holders of shares represented in person or by
proxy. It is intended that the named proxies will vote in favor
of the election of directors of the nominees listed below,
except as otherwise indicated on the proxy form. If any nominee
should become unavailable for election as a director (which is
not contemplated), the proxies will have discretionary authority
to vote for a substitute. In the absence of a specific direction
from the stockholders, proxies will be voted for the election of
all named director nominees. The ratification of
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm and the approval of the
Long-Term Incentive Plan require the approval of the affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares of common stock present or
represented by proxy and voting at the meeting. A properly
executed proxy card marked Abstain with respect to
either proposal will constitute a vote against such proposal.
Proxies received but marked as abstentions and broker non-votes
will be included in the calculation of the number of shares
considered to be present at the meeting. Broker non-votes will
not affect the determination of the outcome of the vote on the
election of directors, the ratification of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent registered public
accounting firm, or the approval of the Long-Term Incentive
Plan. A broker non-vote occurs when a broker holding shares
registered in street name is permitted to vote, in the
brokers discretion, on routine matters without receiving
from the client, but is not permitted to vote without
instructions on non-routine matters, and the broker returns a
proxy card with no vote on the non-routine matter. Under the
rules and regulations of the primary trading markets applicable
to most brokers, the election of directors, the ratification of
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm, and approval of the Long-Term
Incentive Plan are routine matters on which a broker has the
discretion to vote if instructions are not received from the
client in a timely manner.
Proposal 1:
Election of Directors
Stockholders are entitled to cumulative voting in the election
of directors. Under cumulative voting, each stockholder is
entitled to that number of votes equal to the number of
directors to be elected, multiplied by the number of shares such
stockholder owns, and such stockholder may cast its votes for
one nominee or distribute them in any manner it chooses among
any number of nominees. Unless otherwise indicated on the proxy
card, votes may, in the discretion of the proxies, be equally or
unequally allocated among the nominees named below. Directors
will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting
by the holders of shares represented in person or by proxy.
Thus, assuming a quorum is present, the three persons receiving
the greatest number of votes will be elected as directors and
votes that are withheld will have no effect.
The By-Laws of the Company provide that the Board of Directors
shall consist of such number of members, between five and nine,
as the Board of Directors determines from time to time. The size
of the Board of Directors is currently set at nine members. The
Board of Directors is divided into three classes, with one class
being elected each year for a three-year term. At the annual
meeting, three directors are to be elected to serve until 2011
and until their successors are elected and qualified.
The following information has been furnished by the respective
nominees and continuing directors. Each nominee and continuing
director has held the indicated position, or an executive
position with the same employer, for at least the past five
years, unless otherwise indicated below.
Year First
Principal Occupation
Nominees to be Elected to Serve Until 2011
Ronald B. Port, M.D.
Chairman of the Board of Directors since April 2007. Retired
Robert G. Rettig
Wilma J. Smelcer
Ms. Smelcer was a member of the Board of Governors of the
Chicago Stock Exchange from 2001 until April 2004. Also from
2001 through 2006, Ms. Smelcer was a trustee of Goldman Sachs
Mutual Fund Complex (a registered investment company). Ms.
Smelcer served as Chairman of Bank of America, Illinois from
1998 to 2001.
The Board recommends that stockholders vote FOR
these nominees.
Year First
Principal Occupation
Directors Whose Terms Expire in 2009
James T. Brophy
Private Investor.
Thomas S. Postek
Certified public accountant and chartered financial analyst
currently affiliated with Geneva Investment Management of
Chicago since January 2005. Mr. Postek was a partner and
principal of William Blair & Company, LLC from 1986 to
2001. During his tenure at William Blair, Mr. Postek covered
various business services as an analyst, including industrial
distribution. Mr. Postek is also a director of UniFirst
Mitchell H. Saranow
Chairman of The Saranow Group, a family investment firm and its
predecessors, since 1984. Mr. Saranow was the chief executive
officer of the general partner of Lenteq, LP of Northbrook,
Illinois, and served as a managing director (i.e, both a
director and executive officer) of Lenteq, C.V., the primary
Dutch operating entity and wholly owned subsidiary of Lenteq
LP. In 2007, Lenteq C.V. and two related Dutch companies, all
of which were located in Lisserbroek, The Netherlands, filed for
bankruptcy under Dutch insolvency laws, and substantially all of
their assets were sold pursuant to this process early in 2008.
Mr. Saranow is also a director of Telephone and Data Systems,
Year First
Principal Occupation
Directors Whose Terms Expire in 2010
James S. Errant
Managing Partner of Gore Range Brewery from 1997 to the present.
Managing Partner of Frites, LLC from 2004 to the present.
President of Prima Corporation from 1973 to 2006. The companies
listed above are in the business of operating restaurants.
Lee S. Hillman
Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Power Plate
International since February 2006. President of Liberation
Investment Advisory Group since 2003. From 1996 to 2002, Mr.
Hillman was Chief Executive Officer, President and a Director
and from 2000 to 2002 Chairman of the Board of Bally Total
Fitness Holding Corporation, an owner and operator of health and
fitness clubs. Mr. Hillman is also a director of RCN Corporation
and a trustee of the Adelphia Recovery Trust.
Thomas J. Neri
President and Chief Executive Officer of Lawson Products, Inc.
since April 2007. In 2006, he was promoted to Chief Operating
Officer. He joined the company in 2003 as Chief Financial
Officer and Executive Vice President, Planning.
Beneficially Owned by Principal Stockholders and
The following table sets forth information as of March 31,
2008 concerning the beneficial ownership by each person
(including any group as defined in
Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934) known by the Company to own beneficially more than 5%
of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company, each
director, each named executive officer, and all executive
officers and directors as a group. Because the voting or
dispositive power of certain stock listed in the following table
is shared, in some cases the same securities are listed opposite
more than one name in the table. The total number of the
Companys shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding is
Sole Voting or
Dispositive Power
Shared Voting or
Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner
Dispositive Power
Five Percent Shareholders:
Roberta Port Washlow(3)
1666 East Touhy Avenue
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
Sidney L. Port Trust(4)
1666 East Touhy Avenue
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
Royce & Associates LLC(5)
1414 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Directors and Director Nominees:
James T. Brophy
James S. Errant
Lee S. Hillman
Ronald B. Port, M.D(3)
Thomas S. Postek
Robert G. Rettig
Mitchell H. Saranow(6)
Wilma J. Smelcer
Named Executive Officers:
Jeffrey B. Belford(7)
Roger F. Cannon(8)
Stewart A. Howley
Neil E. Jenkins
Thomas J. Neri
Michael W. Ruprich
Scott F. Stephens
Robert J. Washlow(9)
All executive officers and directors as a group (16 persons)
* |
Less than 1%. |
(1) |
Does not include certain shares held by wives and minor children
in the case of Mr. Brophy (725 shares) and
Dr. Port (4,803 shares) and all executive officers and
directors as a group (5,528 shares). |
(2) |
Stockholdings shown include shares issuable upon the exercise of
stock options exercisable within 60 days of March 30,
2007 by Dr. Port (2,500 shares) and Mr. Saranow
(3) |
Includes shares held in family partnerships in the aggregate
amount of 3,011,436 in which Dr. Ronald B. Port, and
Roberta Port Washlow (Mr. Sidney Ports daughter and
Mr. Washlows spouse) are the managing partners.
Approval of both of the managing general partners is required
for any actions with respect to the reported securities. |
(4) |
Based on an Amendment to Schedule 13G filed by Sidney L.
Port with the SEC, dated February 14, 2007. |
(5) |
Based on an Amendment to Schedule 13G filed by
Royce & Associates LLC with the SEC, dated
January 29, 2008. |
(6) |
8,000 shares are owned by Saranow Investments, L.L.C.,
which is owned by Mr. Saranow and his family.
2,289 shares are owned by Mr. Saranow. |
(7) |
Mr. Belford resigned from the Company effective
January 5, 2007. The share information provided for
Mr. Belford is current through this date. |
(8) |
Mr. Cannon resigned from the Company effective
January 12, 2008. The share information provided for
Mr. Cannon is current through this date. |
(9) |
Mr. Washlow resigned from the Company effective
April 13, 2007. The share information provided for
Mr. Washlow is current through this date. |
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires the Companys directors and executive officers,
and persons who own more than 10% of shares of the
Companys Common Stock (collectively, Reporting
Persons) to file reports of ownership and changes in
ownership with the SEC. Reporting Persons are required by SEC
regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all
Section 16(a) forms they file. Based solely on its review
of the copies of such forms received or written representations
from the Reporting Persons, the Company believes that with
respect to the year ended December 31, 2007, all the
Reporting Persons complied with all applicable Section 16
filing requirements.
Board of Director
Meetings and Committees
In 2007, the Board of Directors held 8 meetings, the
Compensation Committee held 6 meetings, the Audit Committee held
9 meetings, the Management Development Committee held 2
meetings, the Nominating and Governance Committee held 3
meetings and the Financial Strategies Committee held 1 meeting.
In 2007, each director attended at least 75% of the meetings of
the Board of Directors and of the respective committees on which
he served.
The Board of Directors has standing Audit, Compensation,
Financial Strategies, Nominating and Governance, and Management
Development Committees. The Audit, Compensation and Nominating
and Governance Committees have each adopted a charter for their
respective committees. These charters may be viewed on the
Companys website,, and
copies may be obtained by request to the Secretary of the
Company. Those requests should be sent to Corporate Secretary,
Lawson Products, Inc., 1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines,
Illinois 60018.
The names and ages of all directors and all persons nominated to
become directors can be found under the foregoing heading
Proposal 1: Election of Directors. In April
2007, Robert J. Washlow resigned as Chairman, Director and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company, and the Board elected James S.
Errant to fill the Board vacancy left by his departure. On
April 13, 2007, the Board appointed Ronald B.
Port, M.D., as Chairman of the Board and Thomas J. Neri as
Chief Executive Officer. Thomas J. Neri was elected to the Board
of Directors in December 2007.
The Audit
The functions of the Audit Committee include the appointment,
compensation, retention and oversight of the Companys
independent auditors, reviewing the scope and results of the
audit by the Companys independent auditors and reviewing
the Companys procedures for monitoring internal control
over financial reporting. The current members of the Audit
Committee consist of Thomas Postek (Chairman), James T. Brophy,
Robert G. Rettig and Mitchell H. Saranow. Each member of the
Audit Committee satisfies the independence requirements of The
Nasdaq Stock Market and the SEC. The Board of Directors has
determined that Mr. Saranow is an audit committee
financial expert as such term is defined by the SEC and
satisfies the financial sophistication requirements of The
Nasdaq Stock Market.
The Compensation
The Compensation Committee makes all determinations with respect
to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and
establishes compensation for all other executive officers of the
Company. The Compensation Committee consists of Lee S. Hillman
(Chairman), James T. Brophy, Robert G. Rettig, Mitchell H.
Saranow and Wilma J. Smelcer. The agenda for meetings of the
Compensation Committee is determined by its Chair with the
assistance of the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive
Officer recommended compensation decisions involving the
executive officers and discussed these recommendations and
related issues with the Compensation Committee. During Committee
meetings at which compensation actions involving the Chief
Executive Officer are discussed, the Chief Executive Officer
does not participate in the discussions if the Committee so
chooses. At each meeting, the Compensation Committee has the
opportunity to meet in executive session. Each member of the
Compensation Committee satisfies the independence requirements
of The Nasdaq Stock Market and is an outside
director as defined in Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
The Nominating
and Governance Committee
The Nominating and Governance Committee identifies and nominates
potential directors to the Board of Directors and otherwise
takes a leadership role in shaping the corporate governance of
the Company. The Nominating and Governance Committee consists of
Mitchell H. Saranow (Chairman), James S. Errant, James T.
Brophy, Robert G. Rettig, and Wilma J. Smelcer. With the
exception of Mr. Errant, each member of the Nominating and
Governance Committee satisfies the independence requirements of
The Nasdaq Stock Market.
The Financial
Strategies Committee
The Financial Strategies Committee reviews and evaluates the
financial activities of the Company and makes recommendations to
the Board of Directors and management regarding business
strategies and financial policies and objectives to promote and
maintain superior standards of performance. The Committee
consists of Mitchell Saranow (Chairman), James T. Brophy, James
S. Errant, Lee S. Hillman, and Ronald B. Port, M.D.
The Management
Development Committee
The Management Development Committee is responsible for
management development and succession. The directors who serve
on the Management and Development Committee are Wilma J. Smelcer
(Chairwoman), James S. Errant, Lee S. Hillman, Ronald B.
Port, M.D. and Robert G. Rettig.
Ronald B. Port, M.D. is the son of, and James S. Errant is
the former
of, the late Sidney L. Port, founder of the Company and a former
The Nominating and Governance Committee will consider Board of
Director nominees recommended by stockholders. Those
recommendations should be sent to the Chair of the Nominating
and Governance Committee, c/o the Corporate Secretary of Lawson
Products, Inc., 1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois
60018. In order for a stockholder to nominate a candidate for
director, under the Companys Charter, timely notice of the
nomination must be given in writing to the Secretary of the
Company. To be timely, such notice must be received at the
principal executive offices of the Company as set forth under
Proposals of Security Holders below. The Nominating
and Governance Committee may require any nominee to furnish any
other information, within reason, that may be needed to
determine the eligibility of the nominee. The Nominating and
Governance Committee will follow procedures which the Committee
deems reasonable and appropriate in the identification of
candidates for election to the Board of Directors and evaluating
the background and qualifications of those candidates. Those
processes include consideration of nominees suggested by an
outside search firm, by incumbent Board of Directors members and
by stockholders. The Committee will seek candidates having
experience and abilities relevant to serving as a director of
the Company and who represent the best interests of stockholders
as a whole and not any specific interest group or constituency.
The Committee will consider a candidates qualifications
and background, including, but not limited to responsibility for
operating a public company or a division of a public company,
international business experience, a candidates technical
background or professional qualifications and other public
company Boards of Directors on which the candidate is a
director. The Committee will also consider whether the candidate
would be independent for purposes of The Nasdaq
Stock Market and the rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). The Committee may from
time to time engage the service of a professional search firm to
identify and evaluate potential nominees.
The Companys Board of Directors has determined that James
T. Brophy, Lee S. Hillman, Thomas S. Postek, Robert G.
Rettig, Mitchell H. Saranow, and Wilma J. Smelcer are
independent within the meaning of the rules of The Nasdaq Stock
Market. In determining independence, the Board of Directors
considered the specific criteria for independence under The
Nasdaq Stock Market rules and also the facts and circumstances
of any other relationships of individual directors with the
The independent directors and the committees of the Board of
Directors regularly meet in executive session without the
presence of any management directors or representatives.
Annual Meeting
Attendance Policy
The Company expects all Board members to attend the annual
meeting of stockholders, but from time to time, other
commitments may prevent all directors from attending each
meeting. All directors attended the most recent annual meeting
of stockholders.
Code of
The Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Ethics Policy. The
policy may be viewed on the Companys website,, and copies may be obtained by
request to the Secretary of the Company. Those requests should
be sent to Corporate Secretary, Lawson Products, Inc., 1666 East
Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018.
Communications with Board of Directors
Stockholders may send communications to members of the Board of
Directors by either sending a communication to the Board of
and/or a
particular member
c/o Corporate
Secretary, Lawson Products, Inc., 1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des
Plaines, Illinois 60018. Communications intended for
non-management directors should be directed to the Chair of the
Nominating and Governance Committee.
Discussion and Analysis (CD&A)
Philosophy and Objectives
Our executive compensation programs are designed to reward
executives for the consistent development and execution of
successful business strategies. In determining the type and
amount of compensation for each executive, we use both current
compensation and the opportunity to receive future compensation
in a manner that we believe optimizes the executives
contributions to our Company. Our compensation programs are
designed to encourage and reward the creation of long-term
shareholder value.
The Company guides its executive compensation programs with a
compensation philosophy expressed in these three principles:
Talent Acquisition and Retention. We believe
that having qualified people at every level of our Company is
critical to our success. We develop executives from within to
lead the organization, or as needed, recruit them from outside
the Company. Finding talented people with the right competencies
and experience is very important. Our compensation programs
should encourage talented executives to join and continue their
careers as part of our senior management team.
Accountability for Lawsons Business
Performance. To achieve alignment between the
interests of our executives and our stockholders, we use
short-term and long-term incentive plans. Our executives
compensation will increase or decrease based on how well they
achieve set Company performance goals.
Accountability for Individual Performance. We
believe teams and individuals should be rewarded when their
contributions are exemplary and significantly support Company
performance and value creation.
Named Executive
Thomas J. Neri, Robert J. Washlow, Scott F. Stephens, Neil E.
Jenkins, Michael W. Ruprich, Stewart A. Howley, Jeffrey B.
Belford, and Roger F. Cannon represent our current Chief
Executive Officer, former Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial Officer, three most highly compensated current
executive officers, as well as two former executives who would
have qualified in 2007 but were not executive officers at the
end of the fiscal year (the named executives or
named executive officers).
Our Compensation Committee discharges the responsibilities of
the Board of Directors relating to compensation of our executive
officers and produces an annual report on executive compensation
for inclusion in the Companys Proxy Statement.
The Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving
corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation for
executive officers, evaluating the performance of executive
officers in light of those goals and objectives, and setting the
compensation level of executive officers based on this
evaluation. The Committee also administers
incentive-compensation plans and equity-based plans established
or maintained by the Company from time to time; makes
recommendations to the Board with respect to the adoption,
amendment, termination or replacement of the plans; and
recommends to the Board the compensation for Board members, such
as retainer, committee chairman fees, stock options and other
similar items as appropriate. For 2008, the Committee is
soliciting shareholder approval of a new long-term incentive
plan to ensure the appropriate alignment of management
incentives with shareholder interests.
The Compensation Committee reviews and approves the compensation
programs for the CEO and senior management, which include the
named executives whose compensation is included in this report.
The Companys CEO makes recommendations on compensation to
the Committee for all executive officers except himself.
Executive officers will generally make compensation
recommendations to the CEO regarding employees who report to
them. The Committee consults with independent compensation
consultants to ensure that compensation is reasonable and within
market practice.
Key Elements of
We use four key pay elements to achieve our objectives for our
executive compensation programs: base salary, annual incentives,
long-term incentives and benefits. These compensation elements
are weighted toward variable or at-risk
compensation. Variable incentive pay is at-risk
because total pay is significantly reduced if performance does
not meet pre-established objectives.
Actual compensation of our named executive officers varies from
the target mix based upon the actual Company performance,
individual performance and the timing of the awards. For
example, our current long-term incentive plan is a five-year
incentive plan whose performance cycle ends on December 31,
2008. Any awards, if earned, will be paid in accordance with the
plan document.
The Long-Term Incentive Plan recommended for shareholder
approval in this Proxy also requires achievement of goals over
multiple years. Awards are paid at the end of the performance
period based on actual achievement of pre-established targets.
To date, we have followed the compensation approach as described
Target base salaries at the 50th percentile or median of
the market;
Target annual incentive opportunity at the median of the market
with significant upside opportunity for exceeding established
targets; and
Administer an objective-based, long-term incentive plan with the
potential for well above market rewards when stretch goals were
achieved. We believe that the use of objective-based goals is an
essential component of long-term incentive plans. Our current
plans have provided for cash-based awards only. Our proposed
Plan design, included for shareholder approval, provides the
flexibility to provide stock based awards to executives to align
their interests with those of shareholders.
We intend to continue to assess our compensation elements in the
future to ensure they align executive and shareholder interests
in the growing competitive landscape facing our Company.
In 2007, the Company engaged Capital H Group (Capital
H) to perform analysis and make recommendations on rewards
programs for its executives, sales force and other employee
groups. Capital H was also asked to make recommendations
regarding the design of executive compensation plans for 2008
and beyond. Since that time, Capital H has assessed
Lawsons competitive market position and presented that
analysis and recommendations to the Compensation Committee.
Primary work concerning executive compensation has included
market pricing, benchmarking, proxy reviews and the development
of materials supporting roll out and communication of the Plan
to participants.
Capital H is independent and maintains no other direct or
indirect business relationships with the Company. All executive
compensation services provided by Capital H are conducted under
the direction or authority of the CEO
and/or the
Compensation Committee. All executive compensation work
performed by Capital H Group is subject to review and approval
of the Compensation Committee.
Establishment of
Peer Groups for Compensation Benchmarking
Working with Capital H Group, we have established a peer group
of 18 companies to be used for evaluating competitive
compensation levels during proxy reviews. The 18 companies
represent a mix of wholesale trade companies, closely-held
companies and our direct competitors, with revenues and net
income similar to that of the Company.
Specifically, the peer companies have annual revenues ranging
from $200 million to $1 billion. This peer group has
been used specifically to review the appropriate mix and size of
target awards for similar-sized companies.
In addition, compensation is evaluated based on published survey
information for named executive officers, and other executives.
Benchmarking from published surveys is based on a blend of
employees performing similar roles
1. In all surveyed companies in the United States,
excluding financials services, and
2. Wholesale and retail trade organizations, and
3. For-profit organizations surveyed with similar revenue
as the Company.
As mergers and acquisitions,
company data is reviewed, companies will be added to or deleted
from this set of peers to maintain an appropriate comparator
group based on revenue size and other factors. The companies
comprising the compensation peer group are:
APAC Customer Services Inc
Keystone Automotive Inds Inc
Bandag Inc
Markwest Hydrocarbon Inc
Newpark Resources
Crawford & Co
Nu Horizons Electrs Corp
DXP Enterprises Inc
Olympic Steel Inc
Empire Resources Inc
P.A.M. Transportation Svcs
Farmer Bros Co
H&E Equipment Services Inc
Tessco Technologies Inc
Industrial Distribution Group Inc
Universal Truckload Services
Compensation Elements
The eight named executives have base salaries that are
illustrated in the Summary Compensation Table below. Base
salaries are paid to compensate the executives for the services
they rendered during the fiscal year. These salaries are set
targeting the median pay levels from companies that are
comparable in terms of size, industry and complexity as a market
reference point.
In setting 2007 base salaries for executives below the CEO, the
Committee, in concert with input from the Chairman of the Board
and the CEO, considered the following:
The competitive market data
75th percentile);
The experience, skills and competencies of the individual;
The compensation of the individual relative to other members of
the executive team; and
Individual performance of the executive in the prior year.
Our competitive base salary program serves principally to assist
our Company in hiring and retaining the talent we need to serve
in key executive positions.
Increases in base salary may be given from time to time. These
typically will be attributable to market movement, as well as
incumbent growth in job performance. In cases where the Company
significantly raises an executives base salary, it usually
reflects (1) an important increase in
responsibility due to promotion or business reorganization, or
(2) recognition for substantially increased competencies
and excellent performance. From the end of fiscal year 2006 to
the end of fiscal year 2007, the Company increased Thomas
Neris base salary by $70,000, pursuant to his promotion to
Chief Executive Officer in April 2007. Additionally, the Company
increased Scott Stephens base salary by $20,000, Neil
Jenkins base salary by $50,000, and Stewart Howleys
base salary by $12,000 in coordination with additional
annual merit increases.
To reinforce strategic change initiatives and to attract and
retain leadership talent, we use an objective-based Annual
Incentive Plan (AIP) and a Long-Term Capital
Accumulation Plan (Current LTIP) for our executives.
This coming year, in 2008, is the final year the Company is
measuring performance for the
Current LTIP. If performance goals are achieved, the Plan will
generate awards over a three-year period in 2009, 2010, and
2011. At this time, in conjunction with the expiration of this
Plan, we are proposing a new Long-Term Incentive Plan
(Proposed LTIP) be approved by shareholders.
Annual Incentive
Plan (AIP)
The Annual Incentive Plan is a short-term
fiscal-year incentive plan that rewards executives for the
achievement of goals that, depending on the role of the
executive, are composed of a mix of corporate, business unit,
department and individual objectives. The purpose of this Plan
is to focus on the achievement of key business objectives for
the fiscal year. These objectives are aligned with the strategic
plan which has a long-term time horizon focused on creating
shareholder value.
Corporate AIP
In 2007, the key performance measure for our executives was
Company profitability. To develop a meaningful measure for our
management, we exclude from the income statement line item
Income from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes and
Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change expenses not
generally within the control of management. For example, in 2007
and 2006, we excluded these expenses and credits:
The credit of $0.5 million, resulting in compensation
income for 2007 related to the Current LTIP established in 2003.
This is compared to $4.6 million of expense in 2006;
The Stock Performance Rights credit of $0.4 million in
2007. This is compared to $2.5 million of expense in 2006;
Approximately $12.0 million of severance and other charges
in 2007. This is compared to approximately $0.4 million in
Legal and other expenses of $5.8 million in 2007 associated
with an investigation by Federal authorities. This is compared
to $3.2 million of expenses in 2006. For more information
on this item please refer to page 10 of the Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on March 12, 2008;
and $2.3 million of 2007 incentive compensation costs. This
compared to $2.9 million in 2006.
Considering the items discussed in the section above, we set the
2007 AIP target for operating income at $49.7 million. This
was 11.9% above the comparable AIP target for operating income
of $44.4 million in 2006. This target was selected as a
challenging objective for our management. Actual 2007 results
were $39.5 million, 79.5% of target and equal to the Plan
threshold of $39.5 million. The Plan threshold level is the
minimum level of performance needed to fund payment to our
executives for this goal.
This corporate performance goal was typically weighted at
approximately 50% of each of the named executives target
annual incentive payment.
Business Unit,
Department and Individual AIP Goals:
The balance of the 2007 goals in the AIP represented
approximately 50% of each of the named executive officers
target annual incentive payment. Each executive had between 3
and 6 objectives in this category. At the time the annual grants
were approved, the Committee thought that it was more likely
than not that each named executive officer would achieve their
2007 goals. The goals included re-engineering processes,
increasing sales, reducing costs, developing new products, and
introducing new systems, among others. Each goal is set to have
significant opportunity for business operating improvement and
is important in the attainment of Company strategy.
Considerations for 2008
As the Company continues to advance, individual contribution to
Company success remains critical, whether leading a business
unit, department, or functional team. As a result, the focus of
our management team and participants in the AIP has been focused
on overall Company success and individual contribution to
achieving those goals. Through disciplined goal-setting and
performance management, the Company intends to appropriately
award those individuals whose efforts in their roles have best
supported the success of the Company.
Incentive Plans
The third key element of our executive compensation program is
the Long-Term Capital Accumulation Plan. Fiscal year 2008 is the
final year of the current five-year Long-Term Capital
Accumulation Plan (Current LTIP), which may generate
payouts over three years to key executives, beginning in March
2009. At this time, the Company is proposing for shareholder
approval, a new Long-Term Incentive Plan (Proposed
LTIP). These plans both feature achievement of multi-year
objectives for a payout to occur. Selected officers and other
key employees participate in these Plans from time to time, at
the discretion of the Compensation Committee.
The Board of Directors recommends shareholders approve the
Proposed LTIP. The purpose of the new Plan is to ensure that key
employees have a vested interest in advancing the performance of
the Company, and increasing shareholder value. Such programs are
necessary to ensure that the Company is able to attract and
retain qualified talent to these critical roles. If approved by
the shareholders, the new Long-Term Incentive Plan will succeed
the previous plan. Regardless of approval of the Proposed LTIP,
no further awards will be made under the Current LTIP beyond the
goals set for fiscal year 2008.
This section summarizes the current and proposed plans. The
Proposed LTIP is shown in the attached Appendix A.
Long-Term Capital Appreciation Plan (Current
These awards gain value as specified levels of earnings and
working capital are achieved and a formula-based shareholder
value is calculated there from. As of December 31, 2007,
the long-term Plan has completed 80% of its five-year
measurement period. It commenced on January 1, 2004 and
concludes on December 31, 2008. Selected executive
officers, including all of the named executive officers, have
been provided with a formula-based Shareholder Value Creation
Plan based primarily on increasing the earnings of the Company.
The amount of compensation to be paid to the participants in the
Plan will be based upon the degree of improvement in:
the consolidated income of the Company and its subsidiaries
before adjustment for interest, income taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA); and
the net value of certain non-operating assets and liabilities of
the Company, as described in the Plan.
The compensation payable to a participant in the Plan will be a
percentage of an overall funding pool that is generated based on
Plan performance. A participant receives rights of
participation, each of which will normally represent one-tenth
of 1% of the pool. A maximum of 1,000 participation rights may
be awarded under the Plan, and no individual may receive more
than 350 participation rights. The Plan does not specify any
maximum dollar amount that can be earned by any one participant.
In 2007, the Company, by action of the Compensation Committee
reallocated interest in the plan to all remaining participants
following the departure of Messrs. Washlow, Belford, and
Cannon. The current LTIP incentive award pool will be calculated
based on the full 1,000 Shareholder Value Appreciation
Rights SVAR shares, but the total value will be
reduced by $575,000 (equal to the payments of $417,000 to
Mr. Washlow and $158,000 to Mr. Belford). The
Compensation Committee has determined to exclude certain charges
relating to the ongoing government and internal investigations
and certain severance charges from the award pool calculation.
The reduced funded pool balance will be distributed
proportionally to the remaining participants based on their
current SVAR holdings. For the named executive officers, the
percent of the final incentive pool is as follows:
Percent of Pool
Thomas J. Neri
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Scott F. Stephens
Stewart A. Howley
With the expiration of the Current LTIP program, there is no
long-term incentive plan in place for Lawson executives beyond
2008. This compensation component is key to supporting the
alignment of executives interests with those of the
shareholders and to serve as attraction, retention or motivation
tools for these key employees.
Fundamental features of the Proposed LTIP are described in the
proposal for shareholder approval later in this proxy statement.
The named executives are eligible for both qualified
and non-qualified benefits. Qualified benefits are
generally available to all Lawson employees and are subject to
favorable tax treatment by the IRS under the tax code. Qualified
benefit plans cover such items as health insurance, life
insurance, vacation, profit sharing, and 401(k) retirement
savings. Named executives and employees are required to
contribute to offset a portion of the cost of some of these
plans. In contrast to qualified benefits plans, non-qualified
plans are not generally available to all employees and are not
subject to favorable tax treatment under the IRS Code.
Non-qualified benefit plans are designed to fill a gap in
executive compensation that is not covered by qualified plans.
One non-qualified benefit for executives is the opportunity to
defer compensation in an unfunded deferred compensation plan.
The plan allows participants to defer the receipt of earnings
until a later year, and therefore to defer payment of income
taxes. Our Company has use of the money until the participants
elect to receive it, usually upon retirement or after leaving
our Company. A feature of the deferred compensation plan allows
participants to invest in a set of mutual funds. Based on the
increase or decrease in the tracked mutual funds total
value, the Company uses its own funds to adjust the deferred
compensation by that gain (or loss) when distributed. This type
of plan is an attractive way to defer the receipt of
compensation into retirement years, when income and tax levels
are generally lower. This is a positive feature in Lawsons
compensation program and a good way to help retain executives
without significant cost. The executives in the plan, however,
are unsecured creditors and are at risk of losing part or all of
their deferrals if the Company goes into bankruptcy.
The Company has broad-based, employee eligible qualified
profit-sharing and 401(k) plans available in the Company to
facilitate retirement savings. For the year 2007, the Company
paid 8.25% of base salary compensation to the named executives
and many employees under a qualified profit-sharing plan. For
those executives with base salaries above $225,000, the
Company also paid 8.25% on amounts of base salary above $225,000
into the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. The specific
amounts for these awards may be found in the All Other
Compensation table later in this proxy statement.
Our Company operates in a spirit of thrift and directs its
resources at building shareholder value. We believe that
perquisites are generally not a good Company investment. We do
not offer perquisites for our executives, such as country club
memberships, executive life insurance or car allowances. Nor do
we provide executives with the use of a Company aircraft, the
services of an executive dining room or vehicles. A financial
counseling adviser was engaged to assist a small group of senior
executives to plan for retirement as shown in the All Other
Compensation table later in this proxy statement.
Dilution from
Equity-Based Compensation
Lawson pays close attention to the issue of dilution in the use
of long-term incentives. Past plans focused on strategic
performance objectives incorporated into non-equity incentive
programs. However, we believe aligning executives interests with
the shareholders through the use of equity awards will help to
attract, retain, and motivate plan participants, which is in the
best interest of all stakeholders. For this reason, the Proposed
LTIP balances the two beliefs by allowing the Company to provide
long-term awards in a combination of cash and equity.
Contracts and Severance Protection
Certain executive officers, including some of those reported in
the Summary Compensation Table, have employment contracts with
the Company. The main purpose of an employment contract is to
protect the Company from certain business risks (threats from
competitors, loss of confidentiality or trade secrets,
disparagement, solicitation of customers and employees) and to
define the Companys right to terminate the employment
Employment contracts help attract executives to work for the
Company by protecting them from certain risks, such as business
reorganization with position elimination, or position
elimination in the event of a change in control or sale of the
Company. The executives or their heirs may also be protected in
case of disability or death. A description of the provisions of
the employment agreements for certain executive officers may be
found under the heading Termination and
Payments later in this proxy statement.
Departures of Key
Employees in the Current Company LTIP
Mr. Jeffrey B. Belford, former President and Chief
Operating Officer, retired from the Company on January 5,
2007 and is no longer an employee of the Company. As disclosed
in the Summary Compensation Table below, Mr. Belford
received a payment of $1,442,000 upon his retirement in
recognition of his long-standing performance for the Company. In
connection with his forfeit of certain rights under the Plan, he
received a payment of $158,000. At the time of his retirement he
held 90 units or 9% of the participation rights of the
potential 1,000 rights in the Plan. The Company has reduced the
pool amount payable under the Plan by $158,000 to reflect the
payment made to Mr. Belford.
Mr. Robert J. Washlow, former Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, resigned from the Company on April 13, 2007 and is
no longer an employee of the Company. As disclosed in the
Summary Compensation Table below, Mr. Washlows Plan
balance of $417,000, associated with his rights in the
Plan, is payable over a three year period beginning in 2007. At
the time of his resignation he held 301 units or 30.1% of
the participation rights of the potential 1,000 rights in the
or Sale of the Company
arrangements are designed to retain executives and provide
continuity of management in the event of an actual or threatened
These benefits are determined based upon the terms of the
Current LTIP Plan. Thomas J. Neri, Scott F. Stephens, and Neil
E. Jenkins have
provisions in their employment agreements.
Role of Executive
Officers in Compensation Decisions
As discussed above, the Compensation Committee reviews and
approves the compensation programs for the CEO and senior
management, which includes the named executives whose
compensation is included in this report. The Companys CEO
makes recommendations on compensation to the Committee for all
executive officers except himself. Executive officers will
generally make compensation recommendations to the CEO regarding
employees who report to them. The Committee consults with
independent compensation consultants to ensure that compensation
is reasonable and within market practice.
Accounting and
Tax Considerations
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the
Companys ability to deduct compensation paid in any given
year to a named executive officer in excess of
$1.0 million. Performance-based compensation plans, such as
Lawsons Current and Proposed LTIPs, are not subject to
this restriction. As much as practicable, Lawson uses
performance-based compensation. In the event the proposed
compensation for any of the Companys executive officers is
expected to exceed the $1.0 million limitation, the
Committee will, in making a decision, balance the benefits of
tax deductibility with its responsibility to hire, retain and
motivate executive officers with competitive compensation
programs. The company has strived to qualify its various plans
to comply under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code. This will allow payments made to any named executive
officer in the Plan to be deductible by the Company if that
officers compensation exceeds $1.0 million in a given
Chief Executive
Officer Compensation
In setting Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Neris
compensation for 2007, the Compensation Committee considered a
variety of factors, including market competitive pay, level of
responsibility, personal abilities, individual expertise and
performance. His base salary was set at $450,000 in accordance
with his promotion to Chief Executive Officer in April 2007. His
annual incentive award was $345,000 in 2007, compared to
$107,540 in 2006. In determining his incentive award in 2007,
the Committee considered, among other factors,
Mr. Neris performance against objectives set by the
Compensation Committee for operating income, with a weighting of
50%, and four individual performance objectives with a total
weighting of 50%.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
In 2007, no executive officer of the Company served on the Board
of Directors or Compensation Committee of any other company with
respect to which any member of the Compensation Committee was
engaged as an executive officer. No member of the Compensation
Committee was an officer or employee of the Company during 2007,
and no member of the Compensation Committee was formerly an
officer of the Company.
* * *
Report of the
Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee reviewed and discussed with
management the foregoing Compensation Discussion and Analysis
required by Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007. Based on such review
and discussion, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board, and the Board approved, that the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis be included in this Proxy Statement.
Respectfully Submitted by the Compensation Committee:
Lee S. Hillman (Chairman)
James T. Brophy
Robert G. Rettig
Mitchell H. Saranow
Wilma J. Smelcer
The following table shows the compensation for the last fiscal
year awarded to or earned by individuals who served as the
Companys Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officers
and each of the Companys three other most highly
compensated executive officers and two additional individuals
for whom disclosure would have been provided if they had been
serving as an executive officers at the end of fiscal year 2007.
Option Awards
(Stock Performance
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Thomas J. Neri
Chief Executive Officer(6)
Robert J. Washlow
Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Scott F. Stephens
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Neil E. Jenkins(8)
Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
Michael W. Ruprich(8)
Group President, MRO and New Channels
Stewart A. Howley(8)
Chief Marketing Officer
Jeffrey B. Belford
Former President and Chief Operating Officer(9)
Roger F. Cannon(10)
Former Executive Vice President Field Sales Strategy and
(1) |
The Bonus, Stock Awards, and Change in Pension Value and
Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings columns have been
deleted from the Summary Compensation Table as such compensation
was not granted in 2007. |
(2) |
The amounts listed in this column show the base salary paid to
the named executive officer in fiscal 2007 and 2006. |
(3) |
The amounts in this column represent the expense recognized for
financial statement reporting purposes for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2007, in accordance with FAS 123(R) for
cash-settled stock performance rights (SPRs) awarded
prior to 2007. The negative SPR expense is due to the decline in
fair value of certain SPR grants. The Black-Scholes option
valuation model assumptions used in calculating the grant-date
fair value are included in Note K to our audited financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, included
in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on March 12, 2008. These amounts reflect
our accounting expense for these awards, and may not correspond
to the actual value that will be recognized by the |
named executive officer. Upon adoption of FAS 123(R), our
SPR liability was required to be calculated under the fair-value
method instead of the intrinsic-value method. |
(4) |
This column sets out cash bonuses earned (rather than paid) in
the respective year. |
(5) |
See All Other Compensation below for a breakdown of payments. |
(6) |
Mr. Thomas Neri became President and Chief Operating
Officer on January 5, 2007 and our Chief Executive Officer
in April 2007. |
(7) |
Mr. Washlow resigned after more than 8 years of
service with the Company in April 2007. |
(8) |
Became a named executive officer in 2007. |
(9) |
Mr. Jeffrey Belford retired after more than 26 years
of service with the Company in January 2007. |
(10) |
Mr. Cannon was no longer an executive officer of the
Company effective August 31, 2007 and retired
January 12, 2008. |
Profit Sharing
Compensation Plan
All Other
Contributions for
FY 2007 ($)(2)
Thomas J. Neri
Robert J. Washlow
Scott F. Stephens
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Stewart A. Howley
Jeffrey B. Belford
Roger F. Cannon
(1) |
The Company made a profit sharing contribution of 8.25% of base
salary up to the IRS wage base limit of $225,000. |
(2) |
For executives with base salaries above $225,000, the Company
paid 8.25% on excess above $225,000 into the
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. Please see the
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Table. |
(3) |
Includes $1,716,000 contractual severance payments and $417,000
of payments related to Mr. Washlows participation in
the Companys LTIP. |
(4) |
Includes $1,602,500 of compensation awarded in connection with
Mr. Belfords retirement from the Company and to his
forfeit of participation rights in the Companys LTIP and
$673,344 of accrued but not paid severance. |
(5) |
Includes $156,922 of severance paid and $732,608 of accrued but
not paid severance. |
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Awards
Named Executive
Grant Date(2)
Thomas J. Neri
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Robert J. Washlow(4)
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Scott F. Stephens
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Neil E. Jenkins
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Michael W. Ruprich
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Stewart A. Howley
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Jeffrey B. Belford(5)
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
Roger F. Cannon(6)
2007 LTIP
2007 AIP(3)
(1) |
The columns for Estimated Future Payments under Equity Incentive
Plan Awards, All Other Stock Awards, Exercise or Base Price of
Option Awards have been deleted. |
(2) |
The estimated future payout for the Current LTIP awards listed
is expected to begin in 2009, provided that earlier payments may
be made under the Current LTIP in the event of a sale of the
Company or the termination of employment of an executive under
certain circumstances. |
(3) |
Reflects potential awards under the Lawson Products, Inc. 2007
Annual Incentive Plan (AIP). The 2008 payments for
2007 performance under the AIP have been made as described in
AIP Results in 2007 under the section entitled
Compensation Discussion and Analysis and are shown in the
Summary Compensation Table in the column entitled Non-Equity
Plan Compensation. |
(4) |
On April 13, 2007, Robert Washlow resigned as Chairman,
Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. |
(5) |
Mr. Belford, former President and Chief Operating Officer,
retired from the Company on January 5, 2007. |
(6) |
Mr. Cannon, former Executive Vice President Field Sales
Strategy and Development, retired from the Company on
January 12, 2008. |
SPR Awards (Stock Performance Rights)(1)
Number of
Named Executive
Thomas J. Neri
Robert J. Washlow
Scott F. Stephens
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Stewart A. Howley
Jeffrey B. Belford
Roger F. Cannon
(1) |
The columns for stock awards have been deleted as the Company
has no outstanding stock awards as of December 31, 2007.
The data in this chart represents grants under the Stock
Performance Rights (SPRs), which have similar
characteristics as options as they are tied to performance of
the Companys stock price but are settled in cash upon
exercise. |
(2) |
Will fully vest as of December 8, 2008. |
(3) |
Will fully vest as of August 12, 2008. |
Option/SPR Awards
Number of
Value Realized
on Exercise
on Exercise
Thomas J. Neri
Robert J. Washlow
Scott F. Stephens
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Stewart A. Howley
Jeffrey B. Belford
2,000 (SPRs
Roger F. Cannon
(1) |
The columns for stock awards have been deleted as there is no
data for these columns. |
(2) |
Amounts reflect the difference between the market price at the
time of exercise and the exercise price. |
With respect to the Companys 2004 Executive Deferral Plan,
certain executives, including named executives may defer
portions of base salary, bonus, LTIP awards, and the
excess contribution to the profit-sharing plan.
Deferral elections are made by eligible executives by the end of
the year preceding the plan year for which the election is made.
An executive may defer a minimum of $2,000 aggregate of Base
Salary, Bonus
and/or LTIP.
The maximum deferral amount for each plan year is 80% of base
salary, 100% of bonus and 100% of LTIP amounts.
The investment options available to an executive include any of
the funds listed in the table below, which includes each
funds annual rate of return for the calendar year ended
December 31, 2007, as reported by the Plan administrator of
the Executive Deferral Plan.
Name of Fund
Rate of Return %
Name of Fund
Rate of Return %
MainStay VP Cash Mgmt
PIMCO VIT Total Return: AC
Fidelity VIP Eq Inc: IC
Fidelity VIP Index 500: IC
Fidelity VIP Growth: IC
Fidelity VIP Midcap: IC
Janus AS MidCap Grow: IS
DWS VIT SmCap Index: Cl A
LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities
Janus AS WW Growth: IS
Fidelity VIP Overseas: IC
from the Plan
Unforeseeable Financial Emergency: Upon
showing a financial hardship and receipt of approval from the
Committee, an executive may interrupt deferral or be allowed to
access funds in his or her deferred compensation account. An
executive may elect to receive distributions under four
scenarios, receiving benefits in either a lump sum or in annual
installment of between 2 and 15 years. The four scenarios
include retirement, termination of employment, disability, or
death. In the event of a change in control of the Company, an
independent third party administrator would be appointed to
oversee the plan.
in Last FY
in Last FY
in Last FY
in Last FY
at Last
Thomas J. Neri
Robert J. Washlow
Scott F. Stephens
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Stewart A. Howley
Jeffrey B. Belford
Roger F. Cannon
(1) |
Each of these amounts were also reported in column All Other
Compensation in the 2007 Summary Compensation Table above. |
The following table provides information as of December 31,
2007 with respect to shares of the Companys common stock
that may be issued under equity compensation plans.
Number of
remaining available
Number of
for future issuance
securities to be
under equity
issued upon
compensation plans
exercise of
Weighted average
exercise price of
options, warrants
outstanding options
reflected in column
Plan Category
and rights
warrants and rights
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Security Holders
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Security Holders
Termination and
The following table shows potential payments to our named
executives under existing contracts, agreements, plans or
arrangements for various scenarios under termination or a
of each of our named executives, assuming a December 31,
2007 termination date and the closing price of our common stock
of $37.92 on that date.
Retirement or
due to
Cause or
of contract
Voluntary Termination
for Good
by Lawson
without Good
Reason by
or Executive
Cause by
Change of
Thomas J. Neri
Scott F. Stephens
Neil E. Jenkins
Michael W. Ruprich
Stewart A. Howley
Roger F. Cannon(8)
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation plan and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation. |
(2) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation plan and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation; additionally, Mr. Howley would receive
16 months salary and benefits continuation, and his accrued
bonus, and Mr. Ruprich would receive his earned bonus for
2007. |
(3) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation plan and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation; additionally, Messrs. Howley and Ruprich would
receive their earned bonus for 2007. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include one year of salary continuation for
Mr. Stephens, two years of salary continuation for all
other executives, earned bonus, acceleration of unvested SPRs, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, 2 years of benefits continuation for the |
executives spouse and dependants, accelerated vesting of
earned LTIP award, and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, 5.5 years of benefits continuation, and the value
of accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled to receive a
sum equal to any Company provided long-term disability insurance
benefits paid to or for the benefit of the Executive for
36 months. |
(6) |
Severance amounts include salary and benefits continuation (see
detailed table regarding severance amounts related to
termination without cause), the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued, and unpaid vacation. |
(7) |
Severance amounts include salary and benefits continuation for
16 and 14 months for Messrs. Howley and Ruprich,
respectively, 2 times salary and bonus in a lump sum for all
other executives; all executives would receive a lump sum
payment that includes acceleration of unvested SPRs, accelerated
vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and 2 years
benefits continuation, and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation; Messrs. Jenkins, Neri, and Stephens would receive
the payment as disclosed or a payment up to the golden
parachute excise tax limit, if the limited payment would
result in a higher net-of-tax payment; in 2007 each executive
would receive either the payment as disclosed and would be
personally responsible for any taxes as may be due resulting
from the payment. |
(8) |
The amount reported reflects the actual payment to be made to
Mr. Cannon as of his retirement effective January 12,
2008; Severance amounts include salary continuation for
2 years, benefits continuation until age 65
(approximately 74 months), and a distribution of
Mr. Cannons deferred compensation balance. |
Thomas J.
Mr. Neri assumed the role of President on January 5,
2007, upon Mr. Belfords retirement, and Chief
Executive Officer April 1, 2007, upon
Mr. Washlows resignation. Mr. Neri is employed
under a contract as of April 16, 2007 pursuant to which he
received a minimum salary of $450,000 for 2007. As of
January 1, 2007 prior to the new contract and new position,
Mr. Neris salary was $380,000. The contract provides
for salary increases from time to time and eligibility for an
annual incentive bonus. The Company may cancel the contract at
any time, and upon the expiration of 60 days prior written
notice, Mr. Neri may cancel the contract. The contract is
also cancelable upon his death or disability. In the event that
Mr. Neri is terminated without cause, the Company will
continue to pay his base salary and certain benefits for a
period of two years. During the salary continuation period,
Mr. Neri is obligated to provide certain limited consulting
services to the Company. In the event that Mr. Neri dies
while employed by the Company, Mr. Neris estate will
receive an amount equal to two times his then current annual
base salary.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Neri upon his termination under certain circumstances,
as though such termination occurred on December 31, 2007.
due to
for Good
of Contract
Reason by
by Lawson or
Cause by
Change of
Base Salary
Annual Incentive Plan
Stock Performance Rights (SPR)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)
Executive Deferral Plan
Health and Welfare Payments
Accrued Vacation
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation plan and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation. |
(2) |
Additional severance amounts for termination due to non-renewal
of the executives contract are triggered at the
anniversary of the effective date (which will be
April 16, 2009). |
(3) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary, pro-rata bonus,
acceleration of unvested SPRs, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, 2 years of
benefits continuation for the executives spouse and
dependants, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, and the
value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP
award, a distribution of the executives deferred
compensation balance, 5.5 years of benefits continuation,
and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled
to would receive a sum equal to any Company provided long-term
disability insurance benefits paid to or for the benefit of the
Executive for such period. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include salary continuation until the end of
the contract term (28 months), the earned bonus for 2007,
acceleration of unvested SPRs, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, 2 years
benefits continuation, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award,
and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(6) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary and bonus, acceleration of
unvested SPRs, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, 2 years benefits continuation, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation; LTIP and SPR acceleration is valued
using 135% of year-end share price to simulate a potential sale
price of the company. |
Scott F.
Mr. Stephens is employed under a contract as of
October 1, 2007, pursuant to which he will receive a
minimum salary of $250,000. At January 1, 2007
Mr. Stephens salary was $230,000, and he received a
salary increase to $250,000 on September 1, 2007. The
contract provides for salary increases from time to time and
eligibility for an annual incentive bonus. The Company may
cancel the contract at any time, and upon the expiration of
60 days prior written notice, Mr. Stephens may cancel
the contract. The contract is also cancelable upon his death or
disability. In the event that Mr. Stephens is terminated
without cause, the Company will continue to pay his base salary
and certain benefits for a period of two years. During the
salary continuation period, Mr. Stephens is obligated to
provide certain limited consulting services to the Company. In
the event that Mr. Stephens dies while employed by the
Company, Mr. Stephens estate will receive an amount
equal to two times his then current annual base salary.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Stephens upon his termination under certain
circumstances, as though such termination occurred on
December 31, 2007.
due to
for Good
Reason by
by Lawson
Cause by
Without Good
Change of
or Executive(1)(2)
Base Salary
Annual Incentive Plan
Stock Performance Rights (SPR)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)
Executive Deferral Plan
Health and Welfare Payments
Accrued Vacation
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance and the value of accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
(2) |
Additional severance amounts for termination due to non-renewal
of the executives contract are triggered at the
anniversary of the effective date (which will be
October 1, 2009). |
(3) |
Severance amounts include 1x salary, accelerated vesting of
earned LTIP award, a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance, 1 year of benefits
continuation for the executives spouse and dependants, and
the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled to would receive
a sum equal to any Company provided long-term disability
insurance benefits paid to or for the benefit of the Executive
for such period. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include 33 months of salary continuation,
the earned bonus for 2007, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP
award, a distribution of the executives deferred
compensation balance, 1 year of benefits continuation, and
the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(6) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary and bonus, accelerated
vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, 2 years of
benefits continuation, and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation. |
Neil E.
Mr. Jenkins is employed under a contract as of
October 1, 2007, pursuant to which he will receive a
minimum salary of $325,000. At January 1, 2007
Mr. Jenkins salary was $275,000 and he received a salary
increase to $325,000 on September 1, 2007. The contract
provides for salary increases from time to time and eligibility
for an annual incentive bonus. The Company or Mr. Jenkins
may cancel the contract at any time given written notice six
months prior to the expiration term of the contract or any
subsequent extended term of the contract. The contract is also
cancelable upon his death or disability. In the event that
Mr. Jenkins is terminated without cause, the Company will
continue to pay his base salary and certain benefits for a
period of two years. During the salary continuation period,
Mr. Jenkins is obligated to provide certain limited
consulting services to the Company. In the event that
Mr. Jenkins dies while employed by the Company,
Mr. Jenkins estate will receive an amount equal to
two times his then current annual base salary.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Jenkins upon his termination under certain
circumstances, as though such termination occurred on
December 31, 2007.
due to
for Good
Reason by
by Lawson or
Cause by
Without Good
Change of
Base Salary
Annual Incentive Plan
Stock Performance Rights (SPR)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)
Executive Deferral Plan
Health and Welfare Payments
Accrued Vacation
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation plan and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation. |
(2) |
Additional severance amounts for termination due to non-renewal
of the executives contract are triggered at the
anniversary of the effective date (which will be
October 1, 2009). |
(3) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary, acceleration of unvested
SPRs, a distribution of the executives deferred
compensation balance, 2 years of benefits continuation for
the executives spouse and dependants, accelerated vesting
of earned LTIP award, and the value of accrued and unpaid
vacation. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP
award, a distribution of the executives deferred
compensation balance, 5.5. years of benefits continuation, and
the value of accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled to
would receive a sum equal to any Company provided long-term
disability insurance benefits paid to or for the benefit of the
Executive for such period. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include salary continuation until the end of
the contract term (33 months), the earned bonus for 2007,
acceleration of unvested SPRs, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, 2 years
benefits continuation, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award,
and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(6) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary and bonus, acceleration of
unvested SPRs, accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, 2 years benefits continuation, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation; LTIP and SPR acceleration is valued
using 135% of year-end share price to simulate a potential sale
price of the company. |
Michael W.
Mr. Ruprich is employed under a contract as of
July 27, 2005, pursuant to which he will receive a minimum
salary of $300,000. The contract provides for salary increases
from time to time and eligibility for an annual incentive bonus.
The Company or Mr. Ruprich may cancel the contract at any
time, upon written notice. The contract is also cancelable upon
his death or disability. In the event that Mr. Ruprich is
terminated without cause, the Company will continue to pay his
base salary and certain benefits for a period of one year, plus
two months salary for every additional year of service. During
the salary continuation period, Mr. Ruprich is obligated to
provide certain limited consulting services to the Company. In
the event that Mr. Ruprich dies while employed by the
Company, Mr. Ruprichs estate will receive an amount
equal to two times his then current annual base salary.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Ruprich upon his termination under certain
circumstances, as though such termination occurred on
December 31, 2007.
due to
for Good
Reason by
by Lawson
Cause by
Change of
or Executive(2)
Good Reason(1)
Base Salary
Annual Incentive Plan
Stock Performance Rights (SPR)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)
Executive Deferral Plan
Health and Welfare Payments
Accrued Vacation
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance and the value of accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
(2) |
Severance amounts include the earned bonus for 2007, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(3) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary, the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled to would receive
a sum equal to any Company provided long-term disability
insurance benefits paid to or for the benefit of the Executive
for such period. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include 14 months of salary and benefits
continuation, the earned bonus for 2007, accelerated vesting of
earned LTIP award, a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance, and the value of accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
Stewart A.
Mr. Howley is employed under a contract as of
December 5, 2005, pursuant to which he will receive a
minimum salary of $275,000 after the initial six months. At
January 1, 2007 Mr. Howleys salary was $275,000,
and he received a salary increase to $287,000 on June 1,
2007. The contract provides for salary increases from time to
time and eligibility for an annual incentive bonus. The Company
or Mr. Howley may cancel the contract at any time, upon
written notice. The contract is also cancelable upon his death
or disability. In the event that Mr. Howley is terminated
without cause, the Company will continue to pay his base salary
and certain benefits for a period of one year, plus two months
salary for every additional year of service. During the salary
continuation period, Mr. Howley is obligated to provide
certain limited consulting services to the Company. In the event
that Mr. Howley dies while employed by the Company,
Mr. Howleys estate will receive an amount equal to
two times his then current annual base salary.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Howley upon his termination under certain
circumstances, as though such termination occurred on
December 31, 2007.
due to
for Good
Reason by
by Lawson
Cause by
Without Good
Change of
or Executive(3)
Base Salary
Annual Incentive Plan
Stock Performance Rights (SPR)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)
Executive Deferral Plan
Health and Welfare Payments
Accrued Vacation
(1) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance and the value of any accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
(2) |
Severance amounts include 16 months salary and benefits
continuation, the earned bonus for 2007, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
any accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(3) |
Severance amounts include the earned bonus for 2007, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(4) |
Severance amounts include the earned bonus for 2007, a
distribution of the executives deferred compensation
balance, and the value of accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(5) |
Severance amounts include 2x salary, the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation. |
(6) |
Severance amounts include 6 months full salary, 60% of
salary for 30 months, the earned bonus for 2007,
accelerated vesting of earned LTIP award, a distribution of the
executives deferred compensation balance, and the value of
accrued and unpaid vacation; Lawson is entitled to would receive
a sum equal to any Company provided long-term disability
insurance benefits paid to or for the benefit of the Executive
for such period. |
(7) |
Severance amounts include a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance and the value of any accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
(8) |
Severance amounts include 16 months salary and benefits
continuation, the earned bonus for 2007, accelerated vesting of
earned LTIP award, a distribution of the executives
deferred compensation balance, and the value of accrued and
unpaid vacation. |
Roger F.
The following table describes the potential payments for
Mr. Cannon upon his termination under certain circumstances
as though such termination occurred on December 31, 2007.
Post-Notice Period Base Salary Continuation
Executive Deferral Plan
Post-Notice Period Health and Welfare Continuation
(1) |
Reflects actual payments per Mr. Cannons retirement
as of January 12, 2008; Severance amounts include salary
continuation for 2 years, benefits continuation until
age 65 (approximately 74 months), and a distribution
of Mr. Cannons deferred compensation balance. |
Lawsons non-employee Directors receive an annual cash
retainer of $75,000, effective in the third quarter 2007, for
attending Board and Board Committee meetings. The Chairman of
the Board received $12,500 in 2007 for service as the Chairman.
The Chair of the Audit Committee receives an additional $15,000
annual fee and the Chair of the Compensation Committee receives
an additional $10,000 annual fee, effective in the third quarter
2007, for their service in leading these committees. The
Chairpersons of the other Board committees receive an additional
$5,000 annual fee, effective as of the third quarter, 2007. A
Special Committee of the Board of Directors was formed to
oversee an internal investigation of the Company by the federal
government into certain Company customer loyalty programs.
Mr. Brophy, Mr. Postek, Mr. Rettig and
Ms. Smelcer comprise the Committee and were compensated
$18,000 in 2007 for their services on this committee. Directors
travel expenses for attending meetings are reimbursed by the
An award of 5,000 Stock Performance Rights (SPRs)
was granted to each director on May 8, 2007 using the
closing price of the Companys common stock of $36.71 on
that date. These SPRs have a grant date fair value of $12.80 or
a total value of $64,000 for each Director. The SPRs are a
liability or cash-based award to provide directors with a
meaningful link to creating shareholder value by tying their
compensation to the increase in value of the Company stock. The
2007 SPRs vest over a three-year period at the rate of one-third
each year.
Fees Earned
or Paid
All Other
in Cash
James T. Brophy
Lee S. Hillman
Ronald B. Port, M.D.
Thomas S. Postek
Robert G. Rettig
Mitchell H. Saranow
Wilma J. Smelcer
James S. Errant
(1) |
The Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation and the Change in
Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings
columns have been eliminated as the Company does not have any
compensation plans to be reported in these columns.
Mr. Neri is not listed in the table because he was an
employee of the Company and received no compensation as a
Director. |
(2) |
The amounts in this column reflect the expense recognized for
financial statement purposes for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2007, in accordance with FAS 123(R) for
cash-settled SPRs awarded in and prior to 2007. The variation in
values in this column are amplified by specific grant holdings
noted below and the requirement that we expense the entire grant
for retirement eligible directors for financial statement
purposes. Grants for directors who are not retirement eligible
are expensed based on the three-year vesting schedule. The
negative SPR expense is due to the decline in fair value of
certain SPR grants. Assumptions used in the calculation of this
amount are included in Footnote K to the Companys audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2007, included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on March 12, 2008. Includes 5,000 SPRs
granted on May 8, 2007, to directors with FAS 123(R)
grant date fair value of $12.80 equal to $64,000 for each of
James T. Brophy, Lee S. Hillman, Ronald B. Port, M.D, Thomas S.
Postek, Robert G. Rettig, Mitchell H. Saranow, Wilma J. Smelcer
and James S. Errant. As of December 31, 2007, each director
has the following aggregate number of SPRs or options for all
the years of service as a director: James T. Brophy, SPRs
24,000, shares 4,439; Lee S. Hillman, SPRs 15,000, shares 2,289;
Ronald B. Port, M.D, SPRs 24,000, shares 2,289, options
2,500; Thomas S. Postek, SPRs 10,000, shares 1,068; Robert G.
Rettig, SPRs 24,000, shares 2,289; Mitchell H. Saranow, SPRs
24,000, shares 2,289 and options 2,500; and Wilma J. Smelcer,
SPRs 15,000, shares 2,289. |
Relationships and Related Transactions
On April 13, 2007, Robert J. Washlow, the Chief Executive
Officer and Chairman of the Board at the time, resigned from all
positions he held with the Company. On April 13, 2007, the
Company and Mr. Washlow entered into a Separation Agreement
and General Release (the Separation Agreement). The
Separation Agreement was negotiated and approved by the
independent and disinterested members of the Board of Directors.
The termination of Mr. Washlows employment agreement
was deemed to be for Good Reason (as defined in
Mr. Washlows employment agreement), and
Mr. Washlow agreed to release the Company from all claims
related to his employment, including claims under his employment
agreement. The Company agreed to pay Mr. Washlow two times
his base salary of $650,000 and most recent bonus of $208,000,
or $1,716,000 in total, in addition to paying his base salary
through May 15, 2007 and providing him with four weeks of
accrued vacation pay. Mr. Washlow retained the right to
exercise 28,000 vested Stock Performance Rights for one year and
to continue for five years insurance coverage under the
Companys group insurance plans. The Company also agreed to
assign to Mr. Washlow a key man term life insurance policy,
which has a face value of $5 million, and for which he is
responsible for future premium payments. Mr. Washlow is
entitled to the distribution of his vested account balance under
the Companys 2004 Executive Deferral Plan, calculated on
the last day of the
period following his separation. Under the Current LTIP,
Mr. Washlow had 301 Shareholder Value Appreciation
Rights that vested upon his separation and which were valued at
$417,000 as of April 13, 2007. In the event of a sale of
the Company on or prior to December 31, 2008,
Mr. Washlow is entitled to the difference in the amount he
would have been paid under the Current LTIP had he remained an
active employee of the Company and the $417,000 he will receive
due to his termination, provided that the amount will be reduced
to the extent it would be considered an excess parachute
payment as determined under Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code (Code). Mr. Washlow is
also prohibited from competing with the Company for a period of
two years after his termination.
Jeffrey B. Belford retired from the Company on January 5,
2007. In connection with his retirement, the Company will
continue to pay his base salary and certain benefits for a
period of two years. During the salary continuation period,
Mr. Belford is obligated to provide certain limited
consulting services to the Company.
Before he retired, Mr. Belford was employed under a
contract pursuant to which he received a minimum salary of
$390,000 for 2006. The contract provided for salary increases
from time to time. The contract was cancelable upon his death or
disability. In the event that Mr. Belford was terminated
without cause or in connection with his retirement, the Company
agreed to continue to pay his base salary and certain benefits
for a period of two years. During the salary continuation
period, Mr. Belford is obligated to provide certain limited
consulting services to the Company. In the event that he died
while employed by the Company, Mr. Belfords estate
was entitled to receive an amount equal to two times his then
current annual base salary.
The Companys practice has been that all transactions
between the Company and any related person will be approved by a
majority of the members of the Companys Board of Directors
and by a majority of independent and disinterested directors.
All proposed related person transactions are generally reported
to the Chief Executive Officer, President and Chief Operating
Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or General Counsel, who assist
in gathering the relevant information about the transaction, and
present the information to the Board of Directors or one of its
Committees. The Board then determines whether the transaction is
a related person transaction and approves, ratifies, or rejects
the transaction.
Report of the
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
The responsibilities of the Audit Committee, which are set forth
in the Audit Committee Charter adopted by the Board of Directors
in 2004 include providing oversight to the Companys
financial reporting process through periodic meetings with the
Companys independent auditors and management to review
accounting, auditing, internal controls, and financial reporting
matters. The management of the Company is responsible for the
preparation and integrity of the financial reporting information
and related systems of internal controls. The Audit Committee,
in carrying out its role, relies on the Companys senior
management, including senior financial management, and its
independent auditors.
With regard to the 2007 audit, the Audit Committee discussed
with the Companys independent auditors the scope, extent
and procedures for their audits. Following the completion of the
audit, the Audit Committee met with the independent auditors,
with and without management present, to discuss the results of
their examinations, the cooperation received by the auditors
during the audit examination, their evaluation of the
Companys internal control over financial reporting and the
overall quality of the Companys financial reporting.
The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial
statements included in the 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K
with management. Management has confirmed to us that such
financial statements (i) have been prepared with integrity
and objectivity and are the responsibility of management and
(ii) have been prepared in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States.
We have discussed with Ernst & Young LLP, our
independent auditors, the matters required to be discussed by
SAS 61 (Communications with Audit Committee). SAS 61 requires
our independent auditors to provide us with additional
information regarding the scope and results of their audit of
the Companys financial statements with respect to
(i) their responsibility under auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States, (ii) significant accounting
policies, (iii) management judgments and estimates,
(iv) any significant audit adjustments, (v) any
disagreements with management, and (vi) any difficulties
encountered in performing the audit.
We have received from Ernst & Young LLP a letter
providing the disclosures required by Independence Standards
Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees) with respect to any relationships between
Ernst & Young LLP and the Company that in its
professional judgment may reasonably be thought to bear on
independence. Ernst & Young LLP has discussed its
independence with us. Ernst & Young LLP confirmed in
its letter, that in its professional judgment, it is independent
of the Company within the meaning of the federal securities laws.
Based on the review and discussions described above with respect
to the Companys audited financial statements included in
the Companys 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
we have recommended to the Board of Directors that such
financial statements be included in the Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K.
The Audit Committee has selected Ernst & Young LLP as
the Companys independent auditors for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2008, and the Board of Directors has
concurred with such selection.
The Audit Committee also reviewed managements process
designed to achieve compliance with Section 404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and received periodic updates
regarding managements progress.
As specified in the Audit Committee Charter, it is not the duty
of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct audits or to determine
that the Companys financial statements are complete and
accurate and in accordance with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States. That is the responsibility of
management and the Companys independent auditors. In
giving our recommendation to the Board of Directors, we have
relied on (i) managements representation that such
statements have been prepared with integrity and objectivity and
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States and (ii) the report of the Companys
independent auditors with respect to such financial statements.
Respectfully submitted by the Audit Committee:
Thomas S. Postek (Chairman)
James T. Brophy
Robert G. Rettig
Mitchell H. Saranow
The foregoing report of the Audit Committee does not
constitute soliciting material and shall not be deemed
incorporated by reference by any general statement incorporating
by reference the proxy statement into any filing by the Company
under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, except to the extent that we specifically incorporate
this information by reference, and shall not otherwise be deemed
filed under such acts.
Fees Billed to
the Company by Ernst & Young LLP During Fiscal Years
2007 and 2006
Ernst & Young LLP was the Companys principal
accountant for fiscal years 2007 and 2006. Aggregate fees for
professional services rendered for the Company by
Ernst & Young LLP for such fiscal years were as
Fiscal Year Ended
Fiscal Year Ended
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2006
Audit Fees
Audit and Quarterly Reviews
Accounting and Audit Consultations
Sarbanes-Oxley 404
Audit-Related Fees
Benefit Plan
Tax Fees
Domestic Tax
International Tax
Other Tax Consultations
All Other Fees
Fees of $1,022,700 in 2007 and $979,700 in 2006 were paid to
Ernst & Young LLP by the Company for audit services
which includes fees for the annual audit, review of the
Companys reports on
Form 10-Q
each year, statutory audits required internationally, consulting
on accounting and auditing matters and fees related to
Ernst & Young LLPs audit of the Companys
effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as
required by the Rule 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
The Company paid Ernst & Young LLP $33,700 in 2007 and
$23,000 in 2006 for audit-related fees for benefit plan audits.
Fees of $299,000 in 2007 and $224,000 in 2006 were paid to
Ernst & Young LLP by the Company for domestic and
international income tax compliance and consulting services.
All Other
Ernst & Young LLP did not render any other services to
the Company.
The Audit Committee has considered the compatibility of the
non-audit services provided by Ernst & Young LLP to
Ernst & Young LLPs continued independence and
has concluded that the independence of Ernst & Young
LLP is not compromised by the performance of such services.
Pre-Approval of
Services by External Auditor
The Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures for the
pre-approval of the audit and non-audit services performed by
the independent auditor in order to assure that the provision of
such services does not impair the auditors independence.
The Audit Committee approves all audit fees and terms for all
services provided by the independent auditor and considers
whether these services are compatible with the auditors
independence. The Chairman of the Audit Committee may approve
additional proposed services that arise between Committee
meetings provided that the decision to approve the service is
presented at the next scheduled Committee meeting. All non-audit
services provided by the external auditor must be pre-approved
by the Audit Committee Chairman prior to the engagement. The
Chief Financial Officer has provided quarterly reports of
external auditor services, by category, to the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee pre-approved all audit and permitted
non-audit services by the Companys external auditors in
Any proposed engagement that does not fit within the definition
of a pre-approved service may be presented to the Audit
Committee for consideration at its next regular meeting or, if
earlier consideration is required, to the Audit Committee or one
or more of its members. The member or members to whom such
authority is delegated shall report any specific approval of
services at the Committees next regular meeting. The Audit
Committee will regularly review summary reports detailing all
services being provided to the Company by its external auditor.
Proposal 2:
Ratification of the Appointment of Ernst & Young
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has appointed
Ernst & Young LLP to serve as the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2008. Although the Companys
governing documents do not require the submission of this matter
to stockholders, the Board of Directors considers it desirable
that the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP be ratified
by stockholders.
Audit services provided by Ernst & Young LLP for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 included the audit of
the consolidated financial statements of the Company; audit of
the Companys internal control over financial reporting;
and services related to periodic filings made with the SEC.
Additionally, Ernst & Young LLP provided certain
services relating to pension audits and domestic and
international tax compliance and consulting services.
One or more representatives of Ernst & Young LLP will
be present at the Annual Meeting. The representatives will have
an opportunity to make a statement if they desire and will be
available to respond to questions from stockholders.
If the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP is not
ratified, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors will
reconsider the appointment.
Proposal 3:
Approval of the Long-Term Incentive Plan
On March 18, 2008, the Board of Directors, on the
recommendation of its Compensation Committee and subject to
shareholder approval, adopted the Lawson Products, Inc.
Long-Term Incentive Plan (the Proposed LTIP or
Plan) to provide incentives for Company senior
management to improve Company performance and increase
shareholder value.
The Plan is designed to take into account Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code), as
amended, which generally denies corporate tax deductions for
annual compensation exceeding $1,000,000 paid to the chief
executive officer and the four other most highly compensated
officers of a public company as of the end of the Companys
taxable year (Covered Employees). Certain types of
compensation, including performance-based compensation, are
excluded from this deduction limit. In an effort to ensure that
compensation payable under the Plan to Covered Employees will
qualify as performance-based compensation, the material terms of
the performance goals in the Plan must be disclosed to and
approved by shareholders before the compensation is paid. The
material terms of the Plan and the performance measures
described below are being submitted for approval by our
shareholders at the annual meeting. Upon shareholder approval,
we believe that qualified awards payable pursuant to the Plan
will be deductible for federal income tax purposes under most
circumstances, but there can be no assurance in this regard. By
approving the Plan, you will be approving, among other things,
the performance measures, eligibility requirements and annual
incentive award limits contained therein.
Approval of the Long-Term Incentive Plan requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of shares of common stock present
or represented by proxy and voting at the meeting.
The principal features of the Plan are summarized below. This
summary does not contain all information about the Plan. A copy
of the complete text of the Long-term Incentive Plan is included
in Appendix A to this Proxy Statement, and the following
description is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
text of the Long-term Incentive Plan.
Summary of
The Long-Term Incentive Plan is designed to:
Reward senior managers for achieving pre-established financial
and non-financial strategic objectives that support growth in
total shareholder value;
Encourage and reinforce effective teamwork and individual
contributions toward Lawsons stated long-term
goals; and
Provide an incentive compensation opportunity, incorporating an
appropriate level of risk, that will enable Lawson to attract,
motivate and retain outstanding executives.
Administration by the Compensation
Committee. The Compensation Committee of the
Board of Directors (the Committee) is responsible
for administering the Long-Term Incentive Plan. Each member of
the Committee is an outside director as defined for
purposes of Section 162(m).
Eligibility and Participation. The Plan will
include approximately
participants, including the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO), his direct reports, and other select key
employees of the Company. The Committee will determine, with
advice from the CEO, those who are eligible to participate and
the terms and amounts of each participants award
opportunities. Participation is awarded annually and
participation in one year does not ensure participation in later
Performance Objectives and Awards. The Plan is
an Omnibus Plan and awards may be made in the form of cash,
restricted shares, stock options or stock appreciation rights as
determined by the Committee from year to year.
Long-term incentives shall be awarded in the form of cash,
non-qualified stock options, incentive stock options, restricted
shares, stock units, common shares, phantom stock, stock
appreciation rights (SARs), or any other vehicle linked to total
shareholder return. Awards shall be paid based on the level of
achievement of pre-established annual corporate performance
objectives. Future performance objectives may include targets
established for revenue, earnings, and attainment of a variety
of strategic and operational initiatives, which are outlined in
the plan document. For plan period beginning 2008, the
objectives will include earnings before interest, taxes
depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and return on net assets
(RONA). Awards based on criteria not listed in the Plan will not
qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m). Awards shall be made to the extent that the
performance objectives are achieved. No payment shall be made
and until the Committee shall have certified in writing that the
applicable performance objectives have been attained.
Performance Periods. Performance periods will
typically be three years. For the 2008 Plan, as an effort to
bridge long-term incentives beyond 2008, and provide inclusion
to certain key executives with little long-term incentive
participation, the performance period will be two years.
Performance periods will overlap; awards may be earned and paid
as often as annually.
Vesting. Awards vest upon the achievement of
performance established at the time awards are communicated. For
stock based awards, time vesting may apply as well. Stock awards
may vest ratably over the performance period, or 100% at the end
of the performance period. Stock based awards may also be
subject to performance restrictions.
Equity Awards. Stock granted and forfeited may
be re-used in later performance periods. Stock granted and
exercised may not be re-used for later grants. The number of
shares authorized under the Plan is 200,000. Not more than 50%
of the shares authorized for the Plan may be granted to any one
Performance metrics will be determined at the beginning of each
Plan Cycle and approved by the Compensation Committee.
Performance metrics will be linked to improving financial
performance, creating shareholder value, or other metrics linked
to key Company initiatives.
In the event multiple metrics are selected, those metrics will
be weighted. Financial metrics will be weighted more heavily
than operating metrics, since a Plan focus is value creation.
Awards dependent on performance targets will be assigned a
threshold, target and maximum. The Committee will establish
metrics for each performance level and a corresponding payout.
In typical years, performance payouts will be based on the table
Below Threshold Performance = Zero Award Earned
At Threshold Performance = 50% of Award Earned
At Target Performance = 100% of Award Earned
At Maximum Performance = 200% of Award Earned
Award calculations will be interpolated between performance
Awards vest 100% in the event a change in control occurs.
For awards established in 2008 payable in March, 2011, the named
executive officers are eligible to receive the following annual
cash awards under the Plan based upon the achievement of certain
performance objectives.
Dollar Value
Name and Position
Thomas J. Neri
Chief Executive Officer
Scott F. Stephens
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Neil E. Jenkins
Executive Vice President, General Counsel
Michael W. Ruprich
Group President, MRO & New Channels
Stewart A. Howley
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
(1) |
Reflects the award values at threshold, target and maximum
performance, on the named executives as determined by the
Compensation Committee. |
Performance-Based Compensation Under
Section 162(m). Covered Awards
are those made to employees who are designated by the Committee
prior to the grant of any award who are, or who are expected to
be at the time taxable income is realized with respect to the
award, Covered Employees. In the case of Covered
Awards, the Plan is intended to provide an incentive
compensation opportunity, which is exempt from the deduction
limitations contained in Section 162(m).
Termination and Amendment. The Committee may
amend, suspend, or terminate the Plan in whole or in part at any
time; provided, however, that if in the judgment of the
Committee, such action would have a material effect on the Plan,
such action must be approved by the Board. The Long-term
Incentive Plan will remain in effect until it is terminated by
the Board of Directors, provided, however, that no awards may be
made to Covered Employees after the date of the Companys
annual meeting of its stockholders occurring in the fifth
calendar year following the year that includes the effective
date of the Plan, unless the Plan shall have been re-approved by
the stockholders of the Company.
Tax Consequences. Upon receipt of cash awards
under the Plan, the recipient will have taxable ordinary income
for federal income tax purposes, in the year of receipt, equal
to the amount of cash received. Unless limited by
Section 162(m), we will be entitled to a tax deduction in
the amount and at the time the recipient recognizes compensation
income. This discussion of the tax consequences of awards under
the Plan does not purport to be complete in that it discusses
only federal income tax consequences and it does not discuss tax
consequences that may arise in special circumstances, such as
death of the participant.
Proposals of
Security Holders
A stockholder proposal to be presented at the annual meeting to
be held in 2008 must be received at the Companys executive
offices, 1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018, by
no later than December 22, 2008, for evaluation as to
inclusion in the Proxy Statement in connection with such meeting.
Stockholders wishing to present proposals at the Annual Meeting
(but not include them in the Proxy Statement) are required to
notify the Secretary of the Company in writing no less than
14 days prior to any meeting of stockholders called for the
election of directors; however, that if less than 21 days
notice of the meeting is given to the stockholders, such written
notice shall be delivered or mailed to the Secretary of the
Company not later than the close of business of the seventh day
following the day on which notice of the meeting was mailed to
Householding of
Annual Meeting Materials
Some banks, brokers, and other nominee record holders may be
participating in the practice of householding proxy
statements and annual reports. This means that only one copy of
this Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement and the 2007
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
may have been sent to multiple stockholders in your household.
If you would prefer to receive separate copies of a proxy
statement or annual report either now or in the future, please
contact your bank, broker or other nominee. Upon written or oral
request to the Corporate Secretary, we will provide a separate
copy of the 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K
or Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.
A copy of our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007, excluding
certain of the exhibits thereto, may be obtained without charge
by writing to: Corporate Secretary, Lawson Products, Inc., 1666
East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018.
The Board of Directors knows of no other proposals which may be
presented for action at the meeting. However, if any other
proposal properly comes before the meeting, the persons named in
the proxy form enclosed will vote in accordance with their
judgment upon such matter.
Stockholders are urged to execute and return promptly the
enclosed form of proxy in the envelope provided or to vote your
shares by telephone or via the Internet.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Neil E. Jenkins
April 21, 2008
Appendix A
Lawson Products,
Long-Term Incentive
1. Purpose. The Lawson Products,
Inc. Long-Term Incentive Plan (Plan) is designed to
promote the interests of the Company by providing long-term
incentive compensation to selected key employees, based on
performance improvements directly related to the appreciation in
the value of the Company, and thereby enhancing the ability of
the Company to attract, retain and motivate such key personnel.
2. Plan Term. The Company hereby
establishes the Lawson Products, Inc. Long-Term Incentive Plan,
as set forth herein, effective as of March 18, 2008. The
Plan shall terminate on the 10th anniversary of that
effective date (unless terminated earlier, by the Board,
pursuant to Section 24).
3. Definitions.
(a) Award means a right to participate
in the Plan, as evidenced by the applicable award agreement
provided to a Participant.
(b) Board of Directors or
Board means the Board of Directors of the
(c) Cause for the termination of a
Participants employment means
the Participants willful or intentional failure to perform
the duties of his employment in any material respect,
malfeasance or negligence in the performance of the
Participants duties of employment in any material respect,
the Participants commission of a felony under the laws of
the United States or any state thereof or any other jurisdiction
in which the Participant resides (whether or not in connection
with his employment),
the Participants disclosure of material confidential
information about the business of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries to any individual or entity, other than in the
performance of the duties of his employment,
the Participants material violation of any formal written
policy adopted by the Company,
the Participants knowing certification of any
misrepresentation or false information in any filing by the
Company with a government agency,
the Participants commission of an act or acts that result
in the imposition of criminal or civil penalties against the
Company by a government agency, or,
any other act or omission by the Participant (other than an act
or omission resulting from the exercise by the Participant of
good faith business judgment) which is materially injurious to
the financial condition or the business reputation of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries;
provided, however, that no act or omission by the Participant
shall constitute Cause unless the Company gives written notice
thereof to the Participant, and the Participant fails to remedy
such act or omission within seven (7) days after receiving
such notice.
(d) CEO means the Chief Executive
Officer of the Company.
(e) Code means the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended.
(f) Compensation Committee and
Committee means the Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors or such other committee as the Board may
designate to administer this Plan.
(g) Company means Lawson Products, Inc.,
and any successor corporation or corporations with or into which
Lawson Products, Inc., may be consolidated or merged
and/or its
subsidiary companies.
(h) Dividend Equivalent means an amount
determined by multiplying the number of shares of Company stock,
if any, subject to an Award by the per-share cash dividend, or
the per-share fair market value (as determined by the Committee)
of any dividend in consideration other than cash, paid by the
Company on its stock.
(i) Effective Date means the date as of
which an Award is approved by the Compensation Committee. At the
Committees discretion this may be the day of such
approval, or some later date. Effective Dates cannot precede the
Committees approval.
(j) Goals means one or more performance
indicators as determined by the Compensation Committee used to
evaluate actual Company performance relative to an Award and to
calculate the settlement value of any applicable Awards earned.
Goals may vary from year to year and may include financial and
non-financial factors, including, but not limited to:
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization,
(ii) revenue, (iii) sales, (iv) earnings per
share, (v) funds from operations, (vi) pretax income
before allocation of corporate overhead and bonus,
(vii) budget, (viii) cash flow, (ix) net income,
(x) division, group or corporate financial objectives,
(xi) appreciation in or maintenance of the price of the
stock or any other publicly traded securities of the Company,
(xii) dividends, (xiii) total shareholder return,
(xiv) return on shareholders equity, (xv) return
on assets or return on net assets, (xvi) return on
investment, (xvii) internal rate of return,
(xviii) attainment of strategic and operational objectives,
(xix) market share, (xx) operating margin,
(xxi) profit margin, (xxii) gross profits,
(xxiii) earnings before interest and taxes,
(xxiv) economic value-added models, (xxv) comparisons
with a peer group or various stock market indices,
(xxvi) reductions in costs, or (xxvii) customer
satisfaction. In the event of multiple Goals, Goals will be
(k) Inadequate Performance means that a
Participant has failed to perform at a satisfactory level in
relation to reasonable individual performance measures
established by the Company in advance for the Participant.
(l) Maximum refers to the level of
performance on the part of the Company, relative to any Goal,
required for the plan to make a maximum payout, typically 200%
of the targeted payout.
(m) Metrics refers to the numeric values
associated with Threshold, Target, or Maximum levels of Goal
(n) Participant means a select key
employee of the Company whom the Committee approves to receive
an Award under this Plan.
(o) Performance Period means the defined
period of time over which Company performance will be measured
against the Goals, in order to determine the settlement value of
an Award under the Plan. The actual beginning and end dates for
any Performance Period shall be determined by the Committee. The
Performance Period for an Award may begin prior to the Effective
Date for that Award, but the option price for a stock option or
the base price for a stock appreciation right (SAR)
may not be determined on the basis of a date prior to the
Effective Date for that stock option or SAR.
(p) Permanent Disability means that a
Participant, after being unable due to injury or illness to
perform substantially all of the duties of his employment with
the Company for a period of at least six (6) months, has
been determined by the Board to be permanently prevented from
performing substantially all of such duties.
(q) Target refers to the level of
performance on the part of the Company, relative to any Goal,
required for the Plan to make 100% of the targeted payout.
(r) Threshold means the minimum level of
Company performance, relative to any Goal, that is required for
settlement to occur. At the Threshold performance level the Plan
payout will typically be 50% of the targeted payout.
(s) Vehicle refers to how an Award may
be settled, which may be in cash, stock, non-qualified stock
options, incentive stock options, restricted shares, stock
units, common shares, phantom stock or SARs. The actual Award
settlement may be in a combination of Vehicles as determined by
the Committee at the time the Award is approved.
(t) Vest, Vesting or
Vested refers to an Award becoming earned, even if
not yet settled, but a Vested Award remains subject to possible
forfeiture under Section 8(c) or Section 10(b), below.
4. Eligibility.
(a) The Committee shall select Participants in this Plan
from those key executives, or other select employees, of the
Company (or subsidiaries of the Company) who, in the opinion of
the Committee, have the capacity for contributing in substantial
measure to the long-term successful performance of the Company.
The Committee shall have full discretion as to the selection of
employees to participate in this Plan. No particular employee
(regardless of title or position) shall automatically be
entitled to participate. Receiving one or more Awards under this
Plan shall not entitle a Participant to receive any further
(b) Employees who are hired, rehired or assigned into an
eligible position may be granted Awards for a then current
Performance Period or any Performance Period subsequent to their
hiring or assignment.
5. Awards.
(a) CEO participation in the Plan is at the discretion of
the Compensation Committee. The CEO shall make recommendations
to the Committee for other employees on Award amounts, Effective
Dates, Goals and Metrics, Participants, Performance Periods,
Vesting and Vehicles. The Committee shall review and may modify
approve the CEOs recommendations. An Award under this Plan
shall be evidenced by a written agreement delivered to the
(b) Award levels are subject to review by the Compensation
Committee each year, at the Committees sole discretion. As
a result of these reviews, Award levels will be set as
determined by the Committee. At the beginning of each
Performance Period, Award levels will be determined and may vary
at the will of the Committee.
(c) Awards based on non-qualified stock options, incentive
stock options, stock units, phantom stock or SARs shall expire
no more than ten (10) years after the date of grant, except
that stock obtained through such Awards may be retained beyond
that time.
6. Administration.
(a) This Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which
shall have full authority to take any and all actions it deems
necessary or appropriate to serve the purposes of this Plan,
including but not limited to:
Prescribe the form of any and all Vehicles or Goals to be used
in connection with the Plan, which Vehicles or Goals may, at the
Committees discretion, be different for each Participant,
Adopt, amend and from time to time rescind such rules and
regulations for the administration of the Plan, and for its own
acts and proceedings, as it may deem appropriate,
Make all determinations and decide all other questions and
settle all controversies which may arise in connection with the
administration or interpretation of this Plan, and
Impose conditions on any Participant in connection with
receiving or retaining any Award under this Plan, which
conditions may, at the Committees discretion, be different
for each Participant.
(b) Any decisions, determinations, interpretations or other
actions of the Committee under this Plan shall, with the
Boards approval, be binding and conclusive upon all
parties, including the Company and any Participant.
(c) No member of the Committee or the Board shall be liable
for any action or determination made by him in good faith with
respect to this Plan or any Award hereunder.
(d) The Committee and Board may take actions to ensure the
Plan is in compliance with limits and requirements under
Section 162(m) of the Code, to ensure the deductibility of
Awards earned.
7. Vesting. Except as otherwise
provided, an Award under this Plan shall Vest upon, and only
(a) completion of the applicable Performance Period and, if
applicable, the achievement of at least the Threshold level of
performance, and the satisfaction of all other Vesting
conditions established by the Committee for the Award, which may
include the Participant meeting minimum individual performance
standards established by the Company, or
(b) a Change in Control, or,
(c) the termination of the applicable Participants
employment with the Company and all of its subsidiaries because
of death, Permanent Disability or termination by the Company
other than for Cause or Inadequate Performance.
However, the Committee shall have discretionary authority to
Vest any particular Award, in whole or in part, if the Committee
determines that the circumstances warrant such action.
8. Effect of Termination of Employment.
(a) Except as otherwise approved by the Committee under
Section 7, above, a Participant must be in an active
employment status with the Company, or one of its subsidiary
companies, on the date an Award Vests in order to receive
(b) If a Participants employment with the Company and
all of its subsidiaries terminates because of the
Participants death or Permanent Disability, or is
terminated by the Company other than for Cause or Inadequate
Performance, that Participants Awards shall Vest at that
time and be valued and settled in accordance with
Section 10(c), below, and the applicable Award agreements.
Any stock options or SARs included in Vested Awards may be
exercised by the Participant within ninety (90) days after
the termination of employment.
(c) If a Participants employment with the Company or
one of its subsidiaries is terminated for Cause, all applicable
Awards under this Plan, including any Awards that have Vested
but not yet been settled, shall be forfeited. In addition, the
Committee may, in its discretion, require the Participant to
repay to the Company all or any part of any settlement(s)
previously paid or distributed to the Participant under this
(d) If a Participants employment terminates by
resignation or is terminated by the Company for Inadequate
Performance, all of the Participants Awards that have not
yet Vested shall be forfeited. However, any Awards that have
Vested but have not yet been settled shall be retained by the
Participant and shall be settled in due course in accordance
with the other provisions of this Plan; and if any stock options
or SARs included in Awards are Vested but not yet exercised, the
Participant shall have ninety (90) days after the
termination of employment to exercise such Awards before they
are forfeited.
(e) Awards under this Plan have no value as compensation
until such time as they Vest. Therefore, forfeiture of Awards
under this Section 9 shall not be deemed a loss of earned
9. Adjustments for Acquisitions and Other Major
Transactions. If the Company expands its
activities by acquiring another ongoing business enterprise, or
participates in any other type of major transaction, or
significantly restructures its assets
operations, and if the Committee determines that resulting
changes have materially impacted the ability to achieve the
Goals for any Award, the Committee may adopt such adjustments to
the Goals, Metrics, terms and conditions for Vesting, or other
Plan parameters, as deemed appropriate.
10. Settlement.
(a) Unless an alternative settlement schedule is provided
for under paragraph (c), below, or Section 11 or
Section 14, below, the settlement value of an Award shall
be determined and settled as soon as is practical after Vesting.
(b) If a Participant violates in any material respect a
confidentiality agreement or a non-competition agreement
referred to in Section 16, below, the Participant shall
forfeit the right to receive any further settlements under this
Plan, and the Company shall be entitled to recover any
settlements previously made to the Participant under this Plan
at a time or times when the Participant had committed or was
committing such a violation.
(c) If a Participants employment is terminated by
death, Permanent Disability or termination by the Company other
than for Cause or Inadequate Performance, applicable Awards will
be valued and settled on a pro-rated basis where the numerator
is the number of days during the Performance Period that the
employee was in an active employment status with the Company or
one of its subsidiaries, and was a Participant in the Plan, and
the denominator is the total number of days in the Performance
Period. Under this circumstance, applicable Awards will be
valued based on the actual level of performance for the Company
during the full Performance Period, unless the Committee, in its
discretion, elects to value and settle one or more of the Awards
prior to the end of the Performance Period by valuing such
Award(s) as if the Company had achieved at the Target level of
(d) All applicable taxes, withholdings, garnishments, and
regulatory requirements will apply to Award settlements as
required by law, standard payroll practices of the Company, and
Internal Revenue Service regulations.
(e) Awards from this Plan will be excluded in calculations
for retirement benefit purposes and other benefits calculations,
such as paid time off and disability payments.
11. Deferrals. The Committee may
permit or require a Participant to defer receipt of the payment
of cash or the delivery of shares that would otherwise be due to
the Participant in connection with settling any Award. The
Committee shall establish rules and procedures for any such
deferrals, consistent with applicable requirements of
Section 409A of the Code. Notwithstanding any provision of
the Plan to the contrary, in the event that following the
Effective Date the Committee determines that an Award may be
subject to Section 409A of the Code and related Department
of Treasury guidance, the Committee may adopt such amendments to
the Plan and the applicable Award agreement or take any other
actions that the Committee determines are necessary or
appropriate to:
(a) exempt the Award from Section 409A of the Code
preserve the intended tax treatment of the benefits with respect
to the Award, or,
(b) comply with the requirements of Section 409A of
the Code and the applicable guidance.
12. Shares Authorized Under the Plan.
(a) The total aggregate number of shares of Company stock
that may be issued under the Plan is two hundred thousand
(200,000) shares, subject to adjustment as described in
subsection (d), below.
(b) Within the aggregate limit described in subsection (a),
the maximum number of shares of Company stock that may be issued
under the Plan to any single individual pursuant to Awards
during the term of the Plan is fifty percent (50%) of the
maximum number of shares that may be issued under the Plan,
subject to adjustment as described in subsection (d), below.
(c) Shares issued under the Plan may be authorized but
un-issued shares of Company stock or reacquired shares of
Company stock, including shares purchased by the Company on the
open market. If and to the extent options or SARs awarded under
the Plan terminate, expire, or are canceled, forfeited,
exchanged or surrendered without having been exercised, and if
and to the extent that any stock-based Awards are forfeited or
terminated prior to Vesting, or otherwise are not settled, the
shares reserved for such Awards shall again be available for
purposes of the Plan. Shares of Company stock withheld for
payment of applicable tax withholding obligations with respect
to the exercise or other taxation of an Award shall again be
available for purposes of the Plan. If SARs are exercised, or
settled in shares, only the net number of shares actually issued
upon exercise of the SARs shall be considered issued under the
Plan for purposes of this paragraph (c). Any other provision of
this paragraph (c) notwithstanding, no shares shall be
considered available for new Awards under the Plan if such
availability would adversely affect the qualification under
Section 422 of the Code of incentive stock options issued
under the Plan.
(d) If there is any change in the number or kind of shares
of Company stock outstanding (i) by reason of a stock
dividend, spinoff, recapitalization, stock split, or combination
or exchange of shares, (ii) by reason of a merger,
reorganization or consolidation, (iii) by reason of a
reclassification or change in par value, or (iv) by reason
of any other extraordinary or unusual event affecting the
outstanding Company stock without the Companys receipt of
consideration, or if the value of outstanding shares of Company
stock is substantially reduced as a result of a spinoff or the
Companys payment of an extraordinary dividend or
distribution, then the maximum number of shares of Company stock
available for issuance under the Plan, the maximum number of
shares of Company stock for which any individual may receive
Awards, the number of shares covered by outstanding Awards, the
kind of shares issued and to be issued under the Plan, and the
price per share or other features of such Awards may be
appropriately adjusted by the Committee, as it may deem
reasonably necessary, to reflect any increase or decrease in the
number of, or change in the kind or value of, issued shares of
Company stock to prevent, to the extent practicable, the
enlargement or dilution of rights and benefits under such
Awards; provided, however, that any fractional shares resulting
from such adjustment shall be eliminated. Any adjustments
determined by the Committee shall be final, binding and
conclusive. Any adjustment affecting an Award made pursuant to
this Section 12 shall be made consistent with the
requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code. Any other
provision of this paragraph (d) notwithstanding, no
adjustment shall be made under this paragraph (d) if such
adjustment would adversely affect the qualification under
Section 422 of the Code of incentive stock options issued
under the Plan.
13. Dividend Equivalents.
(a) When the Committee makes a stock-based Award under the
Plan, the Committee may award Dividend Equivalents in connection
with the Award, under such terms and conditions as the Committee
deems appropriate. Dividend Equivalents may be paid to
Participants currently or may be deferred, as determined by the
Committee. All Dividend Equivalents that are awarded but not
paid currently shall be credited to bookkeeping accounts on the
Companys records for purposes of the Plan. Dividend
Equivalents may be accrued as a cash obligation or may be
converted to stock units for the Participant, and deferred
Dividend Equivalents may accrue interest, all as determined by
Committee. The Committee may provide that Dividend Equivalents
shall be payable based on the achievement of specific
performance Goals.
(b) Dividend Equivalents may be payable in cash or shares
of Company stock or in a combination of the two, as determined
by the Committee.
14. Change in Control.
(a) Any other provision of this Plan to the contrary
notwithstanding, in the event of a Change in Control (as defined
in paragraph (b), below), the Vesting, valuation and settlement
of all Awards then outstanding under this Plan shall be governed
by the provisions of this Section 14 rather than by the
provisions of Sections 7 through 10 of this Plan.
(b) For purposes of this Agreement, a Change in
Control shall be deemed to have occurred if:
any person or group of
persons (as such terms are used in
Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, and the rules promulgated thereunder), other
than Ronald B. Port and Roberta Washlow, or any of them
and/or their
respective spouses, children, heirs, assignees or affiliates
(the Port Group), is or becomes the beneficial
owner, directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company
representing voting power of the then outstanding voting
securities of the Company greater than the voting power of the
Port Group; or,
there is a merger, consolidation or reorganization involving the
Company, unless:
the stockholders of the Company immediately before such merger,
consolidation or reorganization own, directly or indirectly,
immediately following such merger, consolidation or
reorganization, at least fifty percent (50%) of the combined
voting power of the outstanding voting securities of the
corporation resulting from such merger, consolidation or
reorganization (the Surviving Corporation) or any
parent thereof, in substantially the same proportion as their
ownership of the voting securities of the Company immediately
before such merger, consolidation or reorganization; and,
the individuals who were members of the Board immediately prior
to the execution of the agreement providing for such merger,
consolidation or reorganization constitute a majority of the
members of the board of directors of the Surviving Corporation
(or parent thereof); and,
no person or group of
persons as defined above, other than the Port Group,
is the beneficial owner of twenty percent (20%) or more of the
combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
of the Surviving Corporation (or parent thereof); or,
there is a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all
of the assets of the Company to an entity other than an entity:
of which at least fifty percent (50%) of the combined voting
power of the outstanding voting securities are owned, directly
or indirectly, by stockholders of the Company in substantially
the same proportion as their then current ownership of the
voting securities of the Company; and,
of which a majority of the board of directors is comprised of
individuals who were members of the Board of the Company
immediately prior to the execution of the agreement providing
for such sale or disposition; and,
of which no person or group of
persons as defined above, other than the Port Group,
is the beneficial owner of twenty percent (20%) or more of the
combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
of the Surviving Corporation (or parent thereof); or,
Individuals who, as of the effective date of this Plan,
constitute the Board (the Incumbent Board), cease
for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board;
provided, however, that any individual becoming a director
subsequent to the effective date hereof whose election, or
nomination for election by Company stockholders, was approved by
a vote of at least four-fifths (4/5) of the directors then
comprising the Incumbent Board shall be considered as though
such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board, unless any
such individuals initial assumption of office occurs as a
result of either an actual or threatened election contest
(including, but not limited to, a consent solicitation) arising
in connection with an effort to bring about one or more
transactions that would constitute a Change in Control under
subparagraphs (i), (ii) or (iii), above.
(c) Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, all Awards
outstanding under the Plan shall immediately Vest and shall be
valued as if the Company had achieved the Target level of
performance, except that, in the case of an Award granted more
than thirty (30) days after the beginning of the applicable
Performance Period, the Committee may, in its discretion, value
and settle all or any part of such an Award on a pro-rated basis
where the numerator is the number of days during the applicable
Performance Period that, at the time of the Change in Control,
have elapsed since the Award was granted, and the denominator is
the total number of days from the beginning of the Performance
Period through the date of the Change in Control.
(d) Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, all
applicable Awards under this Plan shall, to the extent feasible,
be settled within thirty (30) days after such occurrence,
without regard to any settlement schedule described in other
sections of this Plan, unless otherwise determined by the
Committee; provided, however, that if any portion of the Change
in Control consideration which is payable to the shareholders of
the Company is not paid to the shareholders at the time of the
Change in Control in cash, readily marketable securities,
negotiable promissory notes, or some other form of readily
marketable property, then a corresponding pro rata portion of
the amounts payable to Participants with respect to Awards under
the Plan shall not be settled with the Participants in
connection with the occurrence of the Change in Control but
shall be settled with the Participants at the same time or
times, and in the same proportion or proportions, and on the
same terms and conditions (including without limitation any
applicable interest on deferred amounts, any appreciation
and/or any
adjustment for dividends or other distributions with respect to
shares) as the balance of the Change in Control consideration is
paid to the shareholders of the Company or becomes readily
marketable, as the case may be; and if the shareholders receive
the benefit of any guarantee or security arrangements with
respect to any deferred payments, then the Participants shall
receive the benefit of the same (if available) or equivalent
arrangements. In determining whether property received by the
shareholders is readily marketable, any applicable restrictions
on transfer (including without limitation restrictions arising
under federal or state securities laws or otherwise imposed by
the terms and conditions of the contract governing the Change in
Control transaction) shall be fully taken into account.
15. Adjustments to Avoid Excise Tax.
(a) Anything in this Plan to the contrary notwithstanding,
in the event it shall be determined that any payment or
distribution by the Company to or for the benefit of a
Participant (whether paid or payable or distributed or
distributable pursuant to the terms of this Plan or otherwise)
would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999
of the Code (the Excise Tax), then the amounts
payable to the Participant under this Plan shall be reduced to
the extent necessary so that no portion of the amounts payable
under this Plan shall be subject to such Excise Tax, but only if
the net amount of such payments, as so reduced (and after
imposition of the total amount of federal, state and local
income tax on such payments) is greater than the excess of
(A) the net amount of such payments, without reduction (but
after imposition of the total amount of federal, state and local
income tax on such payments) over (B) the amount of Excise
Tax to which the Participant would be subject in respect of such
unreduced payments. If it is determined that Excise Tax will or
might be imposed on a Participant in the absence of such
reduction, the Company and the Participant shall make good faith
efforts to seek to identify and pursue reasonable action to
avoid the need for such reduction or, if such reduction is not
applicable, to reduce the amount of Excise Tax imposed on the
Participant; provided, however, that this sentence shall not be
construed to require the Participant to accept any further
reduction in the amount that would be payable to him in the
absence of this sentence. The provisions of this Section 15
shall override and control any inconsistent provision in any
other agreement with, or compensation award to, any Participant.
(b) All determinations required to be made under this
Section 15, including whether reduction is required under
paragraph (a), above, and the amount of such reduction and the
assumptions to be utilized in arriving at such determination,
shall be made in good faith by an independent accounting firm
selected by the Company in accordance with applicable law (the
Accounting Firm), in consultation with tax counsel
reasonably acceptable to the Participant. In the event that such
Accounting Firm is serving as accountant or auditor for the
individual, entity or group acting as the acquirer of the
Company in a Change in Control, the Company shall appoint
another nationally recognized accounting firm to make the
determinations required hereunder (which accounting firm shall
then be referred to herein as the Accounting Firm).
All fees and expenses of the Accounting Firm shall be borne
solely by the Company. If the Accounting Firm determines that no
excise tax under Section 4999 of the Code is payable by any
particular Participant, the Company shall request that the
Accounting Firm furnish the Participant with written guidance
that failure to report such excise tax on the Participants
applicable federal income tax return would not result in the
imposition of a negligence or similar penalty.
16. Confidentiality and Non-Competition.
(a) If a Participant is not already a party to a
confidentiality agreement with the Company, the Participant
shall, whenever requested by the Company, enter into such an
agreement as a condition to participation under this Plan.
(b) As a condition to retaining Awards under this Plan,
each Participant shall, whenever requested by the Company, enter
into a restrictive agreement under the terms of which, during
the term of the Participants employment with the Company
and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, the
Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in, be
employed by, act as a consultant to, be a director, officer,
owner or partner of, or acquire any other significant interest
in, any business activity or entity which competes directly or
indirectly with the Company or any subsidiary of the Company.
The form and the specific terms of such a restrictive agreement
shall be as prescribed by the Company.
17. Designation of
Beneficiary. Each Participant may designate a
beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any remaining amounts
due him under this Plan in the event of his death, and may
change such designation from time to time by filing a written
designation of beneficiaries with the Company, provided that no
such designation shall be effective unless so filed prior to the
death of such Participant. If there is no such designation in
effect at the time of a Participants death, any such
remaining amounts shall be settled with the Participants
18. No Right of Continued
Employment. Participation in the Plan or the
receipt of an Award hereunder shall not give any Participant any
right to continued employment by the Company, and the right to
dismiss any Participant is expressly reserved by the Company,
despite the possible adverse effect hereunder on any such
Participant. Because the Plan is a contractual arrangement
contingent on future events, neither the Award nor a payment
hereunder shall be considered compensation for purposes of any
profit-sharing, stock purchase, pension or other similar plan of
the Company.
19. No Segregation of Cash or
Property. The Company shall not be required to
segregate any cash or any other property in connection with any
Awards under this Plan. No interest shall be payable at any time
with respect to any Awards except as expressly provided herein.
20. No Rights as a Shareholder. No
Award under this Plan shall confer on any Participant any voting
or other rights or privileges of a shareholder of the Company.
The right of any Participant to receive any distribution or
payment under this Plan shall be that of an unsecured general
creditor of the Company.
21. Assignments, Etc. This Plan
shall be binding upon and to the benefit of each Participant,
his heirs, executors and administrators and the Company, its
successors and assignees. The rights, interests and benefits of
any Participant or any person or persons claiming benefits under
such Participant by reason of the Plan shall not be sold,
transferred, alienated, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or
encumbered or otherwise disposed of except by will, testamentary
trust, or by the laws of descent and distribution and shall not
be subject to execution, attachment, transfer by operation of
law or any other legal process. Any attempted sale, transfer,
alienation, assignment, pledge, hypothecation or encumbrance, or
other disposition of any rights, interests, and benefits under
this Plan contrary to the foregoing provisions, or the levy of
any attachment or similar process thereupon, shall be null and
void and without effect.
22. Illinois Law to Govern. All
questions pertaining to the construction, validity and effect of
the provisions and administration of this Plan shall be
determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.
23. Gender. Wherever from the
context of this Plan it appears appropriate, each term stated in
either the singular or plural shall include the singular and the
plural, and pronouns stated in any one of the masculine,
feminine or neuter genders shall include the masculine, feminine
and neuter.
24. Amendment or Termination of Plan.
(a) The Board may amend or terminate the Plan at any time;
provided, however, that the Board shall not amend the Plan
without approval of the shareholders of the Company if such
approval is required in order to comply with the Code or other
applicable laws, or to comply with applicable stock exchange
requirements. No amendment or termination of this Plan shall,
without the consent of the Participant, materially impair any
rights of the Participant regarding any Award previously made to
the Participant under the Plan, unless the power to make such a
unilateral change has been reserved for the Company in the Plan
or the Award agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to
the contrary, the Board may amend the Plan in such manner as it
deems appropriate in the event of a change in applicable law or
regulations. In addition, the Board may in any event amend or
terminate any provision of this Plan
and/or any
previous Awards to the extent such amendment or termination is
necessary to satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m) of
the Code or any successor to that Section 162(m), so that
all payments under this Plan to any Participant who is a
covered employee of the Company (as defined in
Section 162(m)(3) of the Code) will qualify as deductible
performance-based compensation.
(b) Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary,
the Committee may not reprice any stock options or SARs, nor may
the Board amend the Plan to permit repricing of options or SARs,
unless the shareholders of the Company provide prior approval
for such repricing. The term repricing shall have
the meaning given that term in the NASDAQ rules and regulations,
as in effect from time to time.
25. Effective Date of Plan. This
Plan shall take effect upon adoption by the Board, but until the
material terms of the compensation opportunity under this Plan
have been approved by a majority vote of the shareholders of the
Company, no payment shall be made under this Plan that would be
a non-deductible payment because of Section 162(m) of the
Code or any successor to that Section 162(m).
LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 1666 EAST TOUHY AVE. DES PLAINES, IL 60018 You can vote by Internet or
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receive or access stockholder communications electronically in future years. VOTE BY PHONE -
1-800-690-6903 Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until 11:59
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when you call and then follow the instructions. VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy card
and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Lawson Products, Inc.,
c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. Proxies submitted by the Internet or telephone
must be received by 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time on May 12, 2008. TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR
THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. To withhold authority to vote for any
individual LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. For Withhold For All nominee(s), mark For All Except and write
the A Proposals The Board of Directors recommends a number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line
below. vote FOR all the nominees listed and FOR Proposals 2 and 3. All All Except 000 Vote On
Directors 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Instruction: To maximize the number of nominees elected to the
Companys Board of Directors, unless otherwise specified below, this proxy authorizes Nominees: the
proxies named above to cumulate all votes that the undersigned is 01) Ronald B. Port, M.D. entitled
to cast at the Annual Meeting for, and to allocate such votes among, 02) Robert G. Rettig one or
more of the nominees listed above as the proxies shall determine. In 03) Wilma J. Smelcer their
sole and absolute discretion. To specify a different method of cumulative voting, write Cumulate
For and the number of shares and the name(s) of the nominee(s) on this line: For Against Abstain
LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN 000 4. In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote on any
other matter that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
B Non-Voting Items For address changes and/or comments, please check this box and write them on 0
the back where indicated. (NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. All holders
must sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full
title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. If a corporation, please sign in full
corporate name, by authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
authorized person.) Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date |
Dear Stockholder: We encourage you to vote the shares electronically this year either by
telephone or via the Internet. This will eliminate the need to return your proxy card. You will
need your proxy card and Social Security number (where applicable) when voting the shares
electronically. The Computershare Vote by Telephone and Vote by Internet systems can be accessed
24-hours a day, seven days a week up until the day prior to the meeting. Your vote is important.
Please vote immediately. If you vote over the Internet or by telephone, please do not mail your
___(If you noted any Address Changes/Comments
above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.) C/O COMPUTERSHARE TRUST COMPANY, N.A.
P.O. BOX 8694 EDISON, NJ 08818-8694 This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors for
the Annual Meeting on May 13, 2008. The undersigned hereby makes, constitutes and appoints Neil E.
Jenkins, Thomas J. Neri, and Ronald B. Port, M.D., and each of them, proxies for the undersigned,
with full power of substitution, to vote on behalf of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Lawson Products, Inc. (the Company), to be held at the offices of the Company,
1666 East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois, on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, at 10:00 A.M. (Local
Time), or any adjournment or postponement thereof. If a properly signed proxy is returned without
any choices marked, the proxies will distribute, in their discretion, votes in respect of all
proxies they hold equally or unequally to or among the Board of Directors nominees. The
undersigned hereby revokes any proxy heretofore given and confirms all that said proxies, or any of
them, or any substitute or substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to, be done by virtue hereof. THIS