WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                        PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of January 2004

Commission File Number: 3337776

                             TV Azteca, S.A. de C.V.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

 Periferico Sur, No. 4121, Col. Fuentes del Pedregal, 14141 Mexico D.F., Mexico
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  files or will file annual reports
under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

                         Form 20-F [X]     Form 40-F [ ]

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(1): ____

NOTE:  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a
Form 6-K if submitted  solely to provide an attached  annual  report to security

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(7): ____

NOTE:  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a
Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other  document that the registrant
foreign  private  issuer  must  furnish  and make  public  under the laws of the
jurisdiction  in which the  registrant  is  incorporated,  domiciled  or legally
organized  (the  registrant's  "home  country"),  or under the rules of the home
country exchange on which the registrant's securities are traded, as long as the
report or other document is not a press  release,  is not required to be and has
not been distributed to the registrant's  security holders, and, if discussing a
material  event,  has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other
Commission filing on EDGAR.

Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the  information  contained in this
Form,  the  registrant  is  also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to  the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                 Yes [ ] No [X]

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):
82- ________


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V.

Date: January 6, 2004
                                                By: /S/  OTHON FRIAS
                                                Name:    Othon Frias
                                                Title:   Attorney-in-fact

                               [TV Azteca's logo]

                                    TV AZTECA



         MEXICO CITY,  DECEMBER 24, 2003--TV  Azteca,  S.A. de C.V. (NYSE:  TZA;
BMV: TVAZTCA),  one of the two largest producers of Spanish language  television
programming in the world,  announced  today the creation of Unefon  Holdings,  a
controlling  company that owns a 46.5% equity stake in Unefon (BMV: UNEFONA) and
a 50% stake in Cosmofrecuencias,  a wireless broadband Internet access provider,
as a legal Mexican entity (Sociedad Anonima) independent from TV Azteca.

         TV Azteca board members were a key element in the  separation  process.
Starting  early 2003 TV Azteca's Board  unanimously  decided  against  investing
additional  resources in Unefon.  In June,  the Board agreed that the settlement
between Unefon and Nortel should be the sole responsibility of Unefon, with that
company bearing the costs of the process.  The Board took this stance because TV
Azteca's six-year plan for cash usage is a financial priority for the company.

         As previously  announced,  the cash plan entails cash  distributions to
shareholders   of  over  US$500   million  and  TV  Azteca  debt   reduction  of
approximately  US$250 million by 2008. In October,  the Board approved the split
off  of  TV  Azteca's  investment  in  Unefon.  The  decision  to  separate  all
telecommunications  assets  from TV Azteca  was  finally  ratified  by TV Azteca
shareholders on December 19.

         As a consequence,  TV Azteca has returned to a pure play media company,
and existing TV Azteca  shareholders  will decide on their direct  investment in
the new telecommunications business. TV Azteca shareholders will be given shares
of the new  company in the same  proportion  of their TV Azteca  ownership  once
Unefon  Holdings  is publicly  traded,  which is expected to occur by the second
quarter of 2004.

         For  information  regarding  Unefon  Holdings,  please  contact  Hector
Romero,  investor  relations  officer of Unefon  Holdings at 3099-0060 in Mexico


         TV Azteca  is one of the two  largest  producers  of  Spanish  language
television  programming in the world, operating two national television networks
in Mexico,  Azteca 13 and  Azteca 7,  through  more than 300 owned and  operated
stations  across  the  country.  TV Azteca  affiliates  include  Azteca  America
Network,  a new broadcast  television  network focused on the rapidly growing US
Hispanic market; Unefon, a Mexican mobile telephony operator focused on the mass
market; and, an Internet portal for North American Spanish speakers.

         Except for historical information,  the matters discussed in this press
release are  forward-looking  statements  and are  subject to certain  risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
projected.  Risks that may affect TV Azteca are  identified in its Form 20-F and
other filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

                               INVESTOR RELATIONS:

             Bruno Rangel                                  Omar Avila
            5255 3099 9167                               5255 3099 0041            

                                MEDIA RELATIONS:

           Tristan Canales                               Daniel McCosh
            5255 3099 5786                               5255 3099 0059           


                             [Unefon Holdings' Logo]

                                 UNEFON HOLDINGS



         MEXICO  CITY,  DECEMBER  24, 2003 -- Unefon  Holdings,  S.A. de C.V., a
controlling company recently split off from TV Azteca (NYSE: TZA; BMV: TVAZTCA),
owner of a 46.5%  equity  stake in  Unefon  (BMV:  UNEFONA)  and a 50%  stake in
Cosmofrecuencias, a wireless broadband Internet access provider, announced today
that  a  specialized  independent  legal  counsel  is  being  selected  to  make
recommendations regarding differences in opinion concerning disclosures relating
to Unefon, in accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

         There  is  currently  a  disagreement   regarding  the  facts  and  law
surrounding public filings.  Although Mexican law does not require disclosure of
the  above-mentioned  issues, a special  committee  comprised of the independent
board  members of the splitting  company  plans to promptly  initiate a detailed
review of the issues relating to certain transactions involving Unefon, with the
assistance  of a special US  independent  legal  counsel.  This  review  process
constitutes an "appropriate response" under the Sabanes-Oxley Act.

         The transaction  under review does not affect the financial  statements
of Unefon,  as detailed in reported  financial  results for the third quarter of
2003 and is  independent  of the  operations  and the reported  results of other
Grupo  Salinas  companies.  The company  also noted the review  process does not
affect the split off procedure of Unefon from TV Azteca.


         Unefon  Holdings,  S.A. de C.V. is a  controlling  company  that owns a
46.5% equity stake in Unefon--a Mexican mobile telephony operator focused on the
mass market--and a 50% equity stake in  Cosmofrecuencias--a  wireless  broadband
Internet access provider.

         Except for historical information,  the matters discussed in this press
release are  forward-looking  statements  and are  subject to certain  risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those

                               INVESTOR RELATIONS:

                                  Hector Romero
                                 5255 3099 0060