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CNPJ/MF n° 01.545.826/0001-07
NIRE 35.300.147.952
Publicly-Held Company
Minutes of the Board of Officers’ Meeting held on July 7, 2015
1. Date, Time and Place: On July 7, 2015, at 10 a.m., at the headquarters of Gafisa S.A. (“Company”), located in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Av. das Nações Unidas 8,501, 19th floor.
2. Call Notice and Attendance: Call notice dismissed due to the presence of all Executive Officers, instatement and approval quora having been verified.
3. Presiding Board: Chairman: Sandro Rogério da Silva Gamba. Secretary: Renata de Carvalho Fidale.
4. Resolutions: The Executive Officers attending the meeting unanimously and with no restrictions decided to authorize the closure of the branch enrolled with CNPJ/MF under No. 01.545.826/0007-94, NIRE No. 33900949926, located at Rua Trinta e Cinco B, s/nº, Bairro Sessenta, in the City of Volta Redonda, State of Rio de Janeiro, ZIP CODE 27261-140, and, after, at Rua Trinta e Cinco B, nº 245, Bairro Sessenta, in the City Volta Redonda, State of Rio de Janeiro, ZIP CODE 27261-140, as per Deliberation of Company’s CEO dated as of January 15, 2009. This change of address was not implemented before Federal Revenue, State Revenue and the Municipality due to the fact that during this period this branch remained with the activities paralyzed.
CLOSING: With no further matters to be discussed, these minutes were prepared, approved and signed by all the Executive Officers. Signatures: Sandro Rogério da Silva Gamba (Chairman), Renata de Carvalho Fidale (Secretary); Executive Officers: Sandro Rogério da Silva Gamba, André Bergstein, Luiz Carlos Siciliano, Octavio Marques Flores and Katia Varalla Levy.
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the minutes drawn on the respective corporate book.
Renata de Carvalho Fidale
Gafisa S.A. | |
By: |
/s/ Sandro Gamba |
Name: Sandro Gamba
Title: Chief Executive Officer |