------------------------ OMB APPROVAL ------------------------ OMB Number: 3235-0570 Expires: Nov. 30, 2005 Estimated average burden hours per response: 5.0 ------------------------ UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM N-CSR CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORT OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES Investment Company Act file number 811-4915 ----------- DNP Select Income Fund Inc. -------------------------------------------------- (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter) 55 East Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 --------------------------------------------------- (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code) Nathan I. Partain John R. Sagan DNP Select Income Fund Inc. Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP 55 East Monroe Street 190 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Chicago, Illinois 60603 (Name and address of agents for service) Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (312) 368-5510 ------------------------- Date of fiscal year end: December 31 ------------------- Date of reporting period: June 30, 2003 ------------------ Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles. A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. (S) 35 ITEM 1. REPORTS TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Semi-Annual Report to Stockholders follows. Dear Fellow Shareholders: Performance Review: We are pleased to report that during the second quarter of 2003 your Fund had a total return (market price change plus income) of 11.6%, boosting year-to-date total return to 14.2%. In comparison, the S&P Utilities Index had a total return of 21.3% for the quarter and 17.5% year-to-date. A composite of the S&P Utilities Index and the Lehman Utility Bond Index, reflecting the stock and bond ratio of the Fund, had a total return of 16.6% for the second quarter and 15.6% year-to-date. During the second quarter of 2003, your Fund paid three monthly 6.5 cent dividends. The 6.5 cent per share monthly rate, without compounding, would be 78 cents annualized, or a 7.18% common stock dividend yield based on the June 30, 2003 closing price of $10.87 per share. That yield compares favorably with the quarter-end yields of 4.10% on the Dow Jones Utility Index and 4.16% on the S&P Utilities Index. The stock markets are off to a good start this year. The broad market and the utility sector have advanced strongly, especially in the second quarter. Within the utility sector, the stocks of highly leveraged and volatile companies have performed best, while the stocks of more financially strong and stable companies have lagged. Your Fund, in keeping with its primary investment objectives of current income and long-term growth of income, maintains a portfolio that is less aggressive than the hypothetical portfolio reflected in the utility indexes. As a result, our year-to-date total return has lagged the utility indexes to some extent. However, it is worth remembering that during 2002, when aggressive portfolios were faring more poorly, your Fund outperformed the S&P Utilities Index by approximately 27%. Tax Law Change: At the end of May, President Bush signed into law the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, lowering the income tax rates on qualifying dividends and long-term capital gains to 15% for the top four income tax brackets and to 5% for those in the 10% and 15% tax brackets. The definition of qualifying dividends is still being clarified but, in general and subject to a holding period requirement, stock dividends of U.S. corporations and foreign corporations listed on U.S. exchanges qualify for the reduced tax rate, with the exception of certain types of preferred stock and REITs. Mutual funds will generally be able to pass through to their shareholders the same tax treatment of qualifying dividends and long-term capital gains that would be applicable to the funds themselves. However, your Fund's dividend stream includes significant income from bonds, preferred stocks, and REITs, which may not qualify for the reduced tax rate. The exact impact of the tax law change on your Fund's dividend tax treatment depends on the assets held by the Fund during the year and will not be known until January 2004 when the Fund issues an IRS Form 1099 to each of its shareholders. The Economic Outlook Has Brightened: The lower taxation of qualifying dividends is just one aspect of the tax law changes. The tax reductions also provide marriage penalty relief, an increase in the child tax credit, reduction in some individual tax rates, and incentives for investment. While fairness in tax structure was central to the debate, President Bush based his case for the tax cuts on the need for fiscal stimulus to boost economic growth. The tax law changes are the Administration's and Congress' response to a period of subdued economic growth, stubbornly high unemployment and low job creation, and moderate disinflation (a decline in the rate of inflation). The Federal Reserve Board has also responded to the sub-par economic environment by lowering the federal funds rate thirteen times since December 2000, most recently in June of this year, to levels not seen for 45 years. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said in his recent semiannual testimony to the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee that the Fed intends to keep rates low for as long as needed to promote satisfactory economic performance. Because of the recent volatility in economic indicators, it is not clear what would constitute satisfactory economic performance in the eyes of the Fed. Over the last six quarters, the Fed has seen a quarter of 5.0% real growth (first quarter 2002) only to be followed by a quarter of 1.3% growth, then a quarter of 4.0% growth (third quarter 2002) followed by two quarters of below 1.5% growth, and most recently a 2.4% quarterly growth rate (second quarter 2003). It is possible that the Fed will wait to see two consecutive quarters of strong growth before changing its accommodative policy. It is widely anticipated that the combination of low interest rates and the recently passed tax legislation will provide a lift to the economy. It has been estimated that the tax changes will increase household cash flow by $35 billion, prompting a pickup in consumer spending. More importantly, it is hoped that lower tax rates will enable businesses to become more productive--creating jobs and increasing workers' incomes. In addition, low interest rates will continue to encourage home refinancing, which gives homeowners an opportunity to extract cash and/or lower their monthly payments. The resulting increase in consumer liquidity is expected to boost consumer confidence, and continue to benefit corporations by enabling them to borrow at lower interest rates and with less risk premium. It thus appears that the economic factors are in place for improved consumer and business activity. If the economy improves, it is likely that the stock markets will improve, and that the virtuous cycle of compounding gains will be reestablished. Back to Basics for the Electric and Natural Gas Groups: The first half of 2003 has been relatively uneventful for the utility sector compared to the prior fifteen months. The latter part of 2001 and most of 2002 were a tumultuous period for the utility sector, which was buffeted by a series of developments inconsistent with the sector's reputation as safe and stable. A confluence of events, including a dysfunctional California power market and high natural gas prices, forced energy prices higher, while at the end of the period a slow economy, an oversupply of generating capacity, and a contraction in energy trading kept energy prices below break-even for many generating facilities. As a result, we have witnessed the bankruptcy, or near-bankruptcy, not only of several of the more aggressive energy merchants, but also of a number of traditional utilities. The rating agencies, due to heightened concerns about the utility industry following the "Enron Debacle", have sharply increased their scrutiny of utility companies. Many formerly high quality companies have experienced credit downgrades, some to well below investment grade resulting in a sharply higher corporate cost of capital, capital expenditure curtailment, dividend reductions or eliminations, and liquidity crises. Unethical energy trading practices, faulty electric and gas price reporting, and questionable accounting practices have further tarnished the industry's reputation. As 2002 progressed, management turnover proliferated, and replacement management turned away from risky, high-growth endeavors and turned back to basics--the core businesses of providing electricity and natural gas in the most efficient manner possible. International business units, which served mostly as capital drains and distractions for management, were closed or divested. In addition, energy trading businesses not backed by physical assets were abandoned or wound down. Companies shored up stressed balance sheets by issuing new equity and selling "non-core" assets to reduce debt. Thus far in 2003, further progress has been made along these lines by most of the troubled companies in the sector. Balance sheets appear to be healthier, and there continue to be improvements in debt-to-capital ratios, as well as companies' ability to service interest costs. We view 2003 as a transition year, with continued progress towards restored financial health. Investors have also embraced the back to basics concept, and many utility stock values have been helped by the sector's return to favor. Gone are expectations and pressure on utility managements to far exceed a low- to mid-single 2 digit earnings growth rate. Investors now recognize that higher growth rates--if achievable at all--require traditional regulated utility managements to engage in risky, highly uncertain strategies with which they are mostly unfamiliar. Investors have realized the value in the steady stream of cash flows that come from a utility's core distribution business and the natural hedge against risk of owned, rather than contracted or purchased, power generation. Cash flows underpin a company's ability to fund capital expenditures as well as dividends and, therefore, are an accurate and meaningful sign of the operating and financial health of a utility. Fortunately, DNP's strategy has emphasized just these types of companies--stable and regulated distribution businesses with secure dividend streams. We intend to continue with this investment strategy in the future. Board of Director's Meeting: At the July Board of Directors' meeting, the Board declared the following monthly dividends: Cents Per Share Record Date Payable Date --------------- ------------ ------------ 6.5...... August 29 September 10 6.5...... September 30 October 10 6.5...... October 31 November 10 Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan and Direct Deposit Service--The Fund has a dividend reinvestment plan available as a benefit to all registered shareholders. As long as the market price of the common stock of the Fund exceeds or is equal to the net asset value per share, new shares for the dividend reinvestment program are issued at the greater of either 95% of the market price or net asset value. If the market price per share of common stock is below the net asset value per share, shares are purchased in the open market at prevailing market prices, plus any brokerage commissions paid by The Bank of New York. Those shareholders whose shares are held for them by a brokerage house or nominee in "street-name" may not participate in the Fund's automatic dividend reinvestment plan. For such shareholders desiring automatic dividend reinvestment, we suggest you contact your broker or other nominee. As an added service, without cost to the shareholder, the Fund offers direct deposit service through electronic funds transfer to all registered shareholders currently receiving a monthly dividend check. This service is offered through The Bank of New York. For more information and/or an authorization form on automatic dividend reinvestment or direct deposit, please contact The Bank of New York (1-877-381-2537 or http://stock.bankofny.com). Visit us on the Web--You can obtain the most recent shareholder financial report and dividend information at our web site, http://www.dnpselectincome.com. We appreciate your interest in DNP Select Income Fund Inc., and we will continue to do our best to be of service to you. /s/ Claire V. Hansen /s/ Nathan I. Partain Claire V. Hansen, CFA Nathan I. Partain, CFA Chairman President and Chief Executive Officer 3 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 COMMON STOCKS--83.6% Market Value Shares Company (Note 1) --------- ------- ------------ [_] ELECTRIC--46.3% 1,000,000 Allete Inc................................. $ 26,550,000 1,001,000 Ameren Corp................................ 44,144,100 800,000 Cinergy Corp............................... 29,432,000 1,000,000 Consolidated Edison Inc.................... 43,280,000 796,000 Dominion Resources......................... 51,158,920 2,000,000 DQE Inc.................................... 30,140,000 1,000,000 DTE Energy Co.............................. 38,640,000 1,100,000 Energy East Corp........................... 22,836,000 1,000,000 Exelon Corp................................ 59,810,000 1,375,000 FirstEnergy Corp........................... 52,868,750 900,000 FPL Group Inc.............................. 60,165,000 1,080,000 Iberdrola S.A. (Spain)..................... 18,702,587 215,000 National Grid Group PLC ADR................ 7,333,650 770,000 National Grid Transco PLC (United Kingdom). 5,222,191 1,318,600 NSTAR...................................... 60,062,230 1,375,000 Progress Energy Inc........................ 60,362,500 1,000,000 Public Service Enterprise Group............ 42,250,000 850,000 Scottish & Southern Energy (United Kingdom) 8,738,305 100,000 Scottish & Southern Energy ADR............. 10,296,860 2,300,000 Southern Co................................ 71,668,000 1,500,000 Vectren Corp............................... 37,575,000 ------------ 781,236,093 [_] GAS--7.4% 926,000 AGL Resources.............................. 23,557,440 1,000,000 Keyspan Corp............................... 35,450,000 900,000 Peoples Energy Corp........................ 38,601,000 1,000,000 WGL Holdings Inc........................... 26,700,000 ------------ 124,308,440 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 4 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 Market Value Shares Company (Note 1) --------- ------- ------------ [_] TELECOMMUNICATION--15.6% 1,000,000 Alltel Corp.......................... $ 48,220,000 1,730,000 BellSouth Corp....................... 46,069,900 1,637,230 SBC Communications Inc............... 41,831,226 411,000 Swisscom AG ADR...................... 11,647,740 856,250 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand Ltd. ADR 20,858,250 534,000 Telefonica S.A. ADR.................. 18,460,380 1,068,400 Telstra Corp. ADR.................... 15,865,740 1,519,000 Verizon Communications............... 59,924,550 ------------ 262,877,786 [_] NON-UTILITY--14.3% 177,450 Archstone Smith Trust................ 4,258,800 80,000 Arden Realty Inc..................... 2,076,000 309,400 Boston Properties Inc................ 13,551,720 109,200 Camden Property Trust................ 3,816,540 347,984 CBL & Associates Properties Inc...... 14,963,312 224,770 Centerpoint Properties Corp.......... 13,767,162 435,000 Chelsea GCA Realty Inc............... 17,534,850 100,000 Colonial Properties Trust............ 3,519,000 209,589 Corporate Office Properties Trust.... 3,548,342 410,605 Developers Diversified Realty Corp... 11,677,606 200,000 Duke Realty Corp..................... 5,510,000 186,550 Equity Office Properties Trust....... 5,038,715 191,100 Equity Residential Properties Trust.. 4,959,045 75,621 Essex Property Trust Inc............. 4,329,302 250,250 General Growth Properties, Inc....... 15,625,610 67,000 Health Care Property Investors Inc... 2,837,450 127,930 Health Care Realty Trust Inc......... 3,729,160 95,000 Hospitality Properties Trust......... 2,968,750 242,424 iStar Financial Inc.................. 8,848,476 250,250 The Macerich Co...................... 8,791,283 183,075 Maguire Properties Inc............... 3,524,194 273,000 Pan Pacific Retail Properties Inc.... 10,742,550 495,600 ProLogis Trust....................... 13,529,880 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 5 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 Market Value Shares Company (Note 1) --------- ------- -------------- 90,000 Realty Income Corp......................... $ 3,427,200 263,900 S.L. Green Realty Properties Inc........... 9,207,471 108,624 Shurgard Storage Centers Inc............... 3,593,282 352,170 Simon Property Group....................... 13,745,195 527,800 United Dominion Realty Trust............... 9,088,716 315,000 Vornado Realty Trust....................... 13,734,000 210,892 Weingarten Realty Investors................ 8,836,375 -------------- 240,779,986 -------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost--$1,307,884,752). 1,409,202,305 -------------- PREFERRED STOCKS--17.1% [_] UTILITY--17.1% 200,000 Alltel Corp. 7 3/4% due 5/17/05............ 9,950,000 750,000 Ameren Corp. 9 3/4% due 5/15/05............ 21,315,000 1,200,000 Centurytel Inc. 6 7/8% due 5/15/05......... 34,080,000 626,200 Cinergy Corp. 9 1/2% due 2/16/05........... 37,096,088 450,000 Dominion Resources Inc. 9 1/2% due 11/16/04 26,532,000 986,700 DTE Energy Co. 8 3/4% due 8/16/05.......... 25,940,343 550,000 Duke Energy Corp. 8 1/4% due 5/18/04....... 8,723,000 223,500 EIX Trust II Series B 8.60% due 10/29/29 ** 6,392,100 500,000 FPL Group Inc. 8 1/2% due 2/16/05.......... 29,815,000 412,000 Keyspan Corp. 8 3/4% due 5/16/05........... 21,815,400 775,000 Oneok Inc. 8 1/2% due 2/16/06.............. 21,839,500 500,000 Sempra Energy 8 1/2% due 5/17/05........... 13,720,000 17,100 Southern Union 5 3/4% due 8/16/05.......... 911,430 400,000 TXU Corp. 8 3/4% due 11/16/05.............. 13,240,000 500,000 TXU Corp. 8 1/8% due 5/16/06............... 17,270,000 -------------- Total Preferred Stocks (Cost--$282,187,804) 288,639,861 -------------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 6 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 BONDS--40.7% Ratings -------------------------- Standard Market and Value Par Value Company Fitch Moody's Poor's (Note 1) --------- ------- --------- ------- -------- ------------ [_] ELECTRIC--11.5% $ 8,571,000 Cleveland Electric Illuminating 9%, due 7/01/23................. BBB Baa2 BBB $ 9,001,616 18,050,000 Comed Financing II 8 1/2%, due 1/15/27............. Not Rated Baa2 BBB 21,064,747 7,500,000 Commonwealth Edison Co. 9 7/8%, due 6/15/20............. A- A3 A- 8,724,585 6,000,000 Dayton Power and Light 8.15% due 1/15/26............... A A2 BBB 6,254,100 24,000,000 Dominion Resources Capital Trust 7.83%, due 12/01/27............. Not Rated Baa2 BBB- 26,900,712 5,000,000 Gulf States Utilities 8.94%, due 1/01/22.............. Not Rated Baa3 BBB- 5,206,935 5,000,000 Illinois Power Co. 7 1/2, due 7/15/25.............. CCC+ B3 B 4,650,000 13,725,000 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 8 7/8, due 5/15/07.............. Not Rated Baa3 A- 16,523,816 5,000,000 Progress Energy Inc 73/4%, due 3/1/31............... BBB- Baa2 BBB 6,028,350 9,000,000 PSEG Power 8 5/8%, due 4/15/31............. Not Rated Baa1 BBB 11,645,136 22,750,000 Puget Capital Trust 8.231%, due 6/01/27............. Not Rated Ba1 BB 22,709,505 13,000,000 Southern Co. Capital Trust 8.14%, due 2/15/27.............. Not Rated Baa1 BBB+ 14,969,552 9,000,000 Texas Utilities Corp. 7 7/8%, due 3/1/23.............. A- Baa1 BBB 9,413,550 10,000,000 Virginia Electric & Power Co. 8 5/8%, due 10/01/24............ Not Rated A2 A- 11,140,020 17,700,000 Virginia Electric & Power Co. 8 1/4%, due 3/01/25............. Not Rated A2 A- 19,910,358 ------------ 194,142,982 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 7 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 Ratings -------------------------- Standard Market and Value Par Value Company Fitch Moody's Poor's (Note 1) --------- ------- --------- ------- -------- ------------ [_] GAS--4.3% $ 5,000,000 KN Energy Inc. 71/4%, due 3/01/28........... BBB Baa2 BBB $ 5,806,950 10,000,000 Northern Border Partners L.P. 8 7/8%, due 6/15/10.......... BBB+ Baa2 BBB+ 12,208,410 15,000,000 Panhandle Eastern 8 5/8%, due 4/15/25.......... BBB Baa3 BBB 16,755,150 6,488,000 Southern Union Co. 7.60%, due 2/01/24........... BBB Baa3 BBB 7,334,989 8,850,000 Southern Union Co. 81/4%, due 11/15/29.......... BBB Baa3 BBB 10,357,350 10,000,000 TE Products Pipeline Co. 7.51%, due 1/15/28........... Not Rated Baa3 BBB 10,497,760 9,000,000 Trans-Canada Pipeline 9 1/8%, due 4/20/06.......... Not Rated A3 BBB+ 10,366,650 ------------ 73,327,259 [_] TELECOMMUNICATION--8.6% 15,000,000 AT&T Corporation 8.35%, due 1/15/25........... BBB+ Baa2 BBB+ 16,023,495 10,000,000 BellSouth Capital Funding 7 7/8%, due 2/15/30.......... A+ A1 A+ 13,098,780 25,000,000 British Telecom PLC 8 7/8%, due 12/15/30......... A Baa1 A- 34,241,150 5,000,000 Centurytel Inc. 6 7/8%, due 1/15/28.......... Not Rated Baa2 BBB+ 5,723,805 10,000,000 Centurytel Inc. 8 3/8%, due 10/15/10......... Not Rated Baa2 BBB+ 12,639,760 10,000,000 France Telecom 7 3/4%, due 3/01/11.......... BBB- Baa3 BBB 12,607,560 13,250,000 GTE California Inc. 8.07%, due 4/15/24........... AA A1 A+ 14,317,738 17,625,000 GTE Corp. 7.90%, due 2/01/27........... A+ A3 A+ 20,083,176 5,000,000 GTE North Inc., Series C 7 5/8%, due 5/15/26.......... AA A1 A+ 5,476,080 4,314,000 Tritel PCS Inc. 10 3/8%, due 1/15/11......... BBB Baa2 BBB 5,295,435 5,000,000 Vodafone Group PLC 7 7/8%, due 2/15/30.......... A A2 A 6,465,870 ------------ 145,972,849 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 8 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 Ratings ---------------------- Standard Market and Value Par Value Company Fitch Moody's Poor's (Note 1) --------- ------- ----- ------- -------- ------------ [_] NON-UTILITY--16.3% #$15,000,000 American General Finance Corp. 1.46%, due 5/28/04............. A+ A1 A+ $ 15,000,000 # 25,000,000 Belford U.S. Capital Co. LLC 1.29%, due 6/18/04............. AAA NR AAA 25,012,600 # 25,000,000 CIT Group Inc. 2.03%, due 4/8/04.............. A A2 A 25,085,500 # 25,000,000 Daimler Chrysler NA Holdings 1.51%, due 8/21/03............. NR A3 BBB+ 25,001,000 8,000,000 Dayton Hudson Corp. 9 7/8%, due 7/01/20............ A A2 A+ 11,667,000 19,940,000 EOP Operating LP 71/2%, due 4/19/29............. BBB+ Baa1 BBB+ 23,039,015 # 25,000,000 General Electric Capital Corp. 1.58%, due 10/22/03............ NR Aaa AAA 25,009,700 # 25,000,000 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 1.59%, due 11/07/03............ BBB+ A3 BBB 24,964,000 # 25,000,000 Household Finance Corp. 1.63%, due 5/28/04............. A A1 A 25,086,400 # 25,000,000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 1.55%, due 5/18/04............. AA- Aa3 A+ 25,086,050 # 25,000,000 Northern Rock PLC 1.56%, due 7/22/03............. A+ NR A 25,002,350 # 25,000,000 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 1.64%, due 5/07/04............. AA+ Aa1 AA- 25,045,200 ------------ 274,998,815 ------------ Total Bonds (Cost--$645,545,252)...................... 688,441,905 ------------ U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATION--0.1% 2,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bond 10 3/4%, due 8/15/05.................................. 2,393,360 ------------ Total U.S. Treasury Obligation (Cost--$2,172,756).................................... 2,393,360 ------------ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 9 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 Market Value Par Value Company (Note 1) --------- ------- --------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS--9.4% $125,000,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9%, due 2/26/04........................................................... $ 131,460,375 25,000,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9%, due 11/15/13.......................................................... 27,515,925 --------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost--$158,926,534)............. 158,976,300 --------------- MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS--15.4% # 2,859,917 AIM STIC Liquid Assets Portfolio.......................................... 2,859,917 # 25,000,000 CCN Orchard Park LLC 1.435%, due 10/06/03...................................................... 25,000,000 # 19,193,000 Concord Minuteman Capital CP Series A 1.20%, due 7/01/03........................................................ 19,193,000 # 24,000,000 Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. Repurchase Agreement, 1.435%, dated 6/30/03, due 7/01/03, collateralized by $24,480,000 MSDWC 2001-NC4 M2 2.685% CMO due 1/25/32........................................ 24,000,000 40,000,000 General Electric Capital Corp. 1.25%, due 7/01/03........................................................ 40,000,000 # 19,039,025 Janus Institutional Cash Reserves Fund.................................... 19,039,025 # 100,000,000 Merrill Lynch, Pierce Fenner & Smith Repurchase Agreement, 1.455%, dated 6/30/03, due 7/01/03, collateralized by $5,907,432 EOP Operating LP 7% due 7/15/11; $6,661,750 Canadian National Railways 7.375% due 10/15/31; $10,537,844 Time Warner Entertainment 8.375% due 7/15/33; $7,907,103 Sears Roebuck Acceptance 6.75% due 8/15/11; $5,450,876 Marathon Oil Corp. 5.375% due 6/01/07; $7,022,181 Federated Dept. Stores 8.5% due 6/01/10; $6,514,236 Spieker Properties LP 7.35% due 12/01/17; $8,975,638 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners 7.40% due 3/15/31; $5,809,700 Spieker Properties LP 7.25% due 5/01/09; $6,232,554 Spieker Properties LP 6.80% due 5/01/04; $8,998,435 Spieker Properties LP 7.125% due 12/01/06; $7,330,706 Avalon Bay Communities 6.80% due 7/15/06; $9,456,853 Prologis Trust 7.10% due 4/15/08; $7,620,874 AOL Time Warner Inc. 7.625% due 4/15/31; $5,906 Valassis Communications 1.08% 144A due 5/22/33............................ 100,000,000 # 7,205,745 NYLIM Institutional Prime Cash Fund....................................... 7,205,745 # 22,000,000 Regency Markets No. 1 LLC Fund Discount CP 1.07%, due 7/21/03........................................................ 22,000,000 --------------- Total Money Market Instruments (Amortized Cost--$259,279,361)............. 259,297,687 --------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS (Cost--$2,655,996,459) (166.3%)....................................... $2,806,951,418 --------------- -------- ** Dividends currently are deferred. # This security was purchased with the cash proceeds from securities loans. The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of that category as a percentage of the net assets applicable to common shares of the Fund. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 10 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 ASSETS: Investments at market value: Common stocks (cost $1,307,884,752)....................................................... $1,409,202,305 Preferred stocks cost ($282,187,804)...................................................... 288,639,861 Bonds (cost $645,545,252)................................................................. 688,441,905 U.S. Treasury obligation (cost $2,172,756)................................................ 2,393,360 U.S. government agency obligations (cost $158,926,534).................................... 158,976,300 Money market instruments (amortized cost $259,279,361).................................... 259,297,687 -------------- Total investments at value (cost--$2,655,996,459) including $445,950,507 of securities loaned................................................................................ 2,806,951,418 Interest-bearing deposits with custodian................................................... 5,852,225 Receivables: Securites sold............................................................................ 46,796,800 Interest.................................................................................. 9,922,713 Dividends................................................................................. 7,264,904 Securities lending income................................................................. 86,688 Securities lending broker rebates......................................................... 227,841 Prepaid expenses........................................................................... 177,808 -------------- Total Assets............................................................................ $2,877,280,397 ============== LIABILITIES: Payable for securities purchased........................................................... 11,280,353 Due to Adviser (Note 2).................................................................... 3,263,073 Due to Administrator (Note 2).............................................................. 839,677 Dividends payable on common stock.......................................................... 14,137,525 Dividends payable on remarketed preferred stock............................................ 410,940 Accrued expenses........................................................................... 502,271 Commercial paper outstanding (Note 6)...................................................... 198,755,057 Payable upon return of securities on loan.................................................. 459,546,575 -------------- Total Liabilities....................................................................... $ 688,735,471 -------------- Remarketed preferred stock ($.001 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized and 5,000 shares issued and outstanding, liquidation preference $100,000 per share) (Note 5).............. 500,000,000 -------------- CAPITAL: Common stock ($.001 par value; 250,000,000 shares authorized and 217,500,379 shares issued and outstanding) (Note 4)................................................................ 217,500 Paid-in surplus (Note 4)................................................................... 1,948,726,347 Accumulated net realized loss on investments............................................... (407,628,925) Distributions in excess of book net investment income...................................... (3,726,281) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, foreign currency translation and collateral held for securities on loan................................................... 150,956,285 Net assets applicable to common stock (equivalent to $7.76 per share based on 217,500,379 shares outstanding...................................................................... 1,688,544,926 -------------- Total Liabilities, Remarketed Preferred Stock and Capital............................... $2,877,280,397 ============== The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 11 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (UNAUDITED) For the six months ended June 30, 2003 INVESTMENT INCOME: Interest................................................................................ $ 17,077,245 Dividends (less withholding tax of $277,782)............................................ 80,845,528 Securities lending income, net.......................................................... 514,310 ------------ Total investment income............................................................... 98,437,083 EXPENSES: Management fees (Note 2)................................................................ 6,381,810 Commercial paper interest expense (Note 6 )............................................. 1,518,694 Administrative fees (Note 2)............................................................ 1,648,356 Transfer agent fees..................................................................... 235,300 Custodian fees.......................................................................... 253,400 Remarketing agent fees.................................................................. 628,472 Shareholder reports..................................................................... 325,800 Professional fees....................................................................... 203,300 Directors' fees (Note 2)................................................................ 253,400 Other expenses.......................................................................... 590,379 ------------ Total expenses........................................................................ 12,038,911 ------------ Net investment income................................................................. 86,398,172 REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS): Net realized loss on investments........................................................ (40,997,409) Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, collateral held for securities on loan and foreign currency translation................................... 125,034,978 ------------ Net realized and unrealized gain........................................................ 84,037,569 DISTRIBUTIONS TO PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income.............................................................. (3,262,369) ------------ Net increase in net assets applicable to common shares resulting from operations........ $167,173,372 ============ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 12 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the six months For the year ended ended June 30, 2003 December 31, (UNAUDITED) 2002 -------------- -------------- FROM OPERATIONS: Net investment income..................................................... $ 86,398,172 $ 169,842,194 Net realized loss......................................................... (40,997,409) (299,216,873) Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, collateral held for securities on loan, and foreign currency translation 125,034,978 (87,406,287) Distributions to preferred shareholders from net investment income........ (3,262,369) (8,213,811) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares resulting from operations............................................. 167,173,372 (224,994,777) DISTRIBUTIONS TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS FROM: Net investment income--(Note 3)........................................... (84,610,969) (167,637,718) -------------- -------------- Total distributions to common stockholders.............................. (84,610,969) (167,637,718) FROM CAPITAL STOCK TRANSACTIONS (Note 4): Shares issued to common stockholders from dividend reinvestment........... 13,012,090 25,906,297 -------------- -------------- Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions........ 13,012,090 25,906,297 -------------- -------------- Total increase (decrease)............................................... 95,574,493 (366,726,198) TOTAL NET ASSETS APPLICABLE TO COMMON SHARES: Beginning of period....................................................... 1,592,970,433 1,959,696,631 -------------- -------------- End of period (including distributions in excess of book net investment income of $3,726,281, and $2,418,188, respectively)..................... $1,688,544,926 $1,592,970,433 ============== ============== The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 13 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDITED) For the six months ended June 30, 2003 Cash Flows From (For): OPERATING ACTIVITIES Interest received....................................................... $ 18,308,025 Income dividends received............................................... 77,359,598 Securities lending income, net.......................................... 539,378 Operating expenses paid (excluding interest)............................ (10,825,785) Interest paid on commercial paper....................................... (2,078,462) --------------- Net cash provided by operating activities........................................... 83,302,754 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of investment securities....................................... (2,911,810,513) Proceeds from sale/redemption of investment securities.................. 2,897,456,481 Amortization of premiums and discounts on debt securities............... 5,695,476 --------------- Net cash used in investing activities............................................... (8,658,556) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid.......................................................... (87,949,623) Proceeds from issuance of common stock under dividend reinvestment plan.................................................................. 13,012,090 Change in net proceeds from issuance of commercial paper................ 799,618 --------------- Net cash used in financing activities............................................... (74,137,915) ------------ Net increase in cash and cash equivalents................................................. 506,283 Cash and cash equivalents--beginning of period............................................ 5,345,942 ------------ Cash and cash equivalents--end of period.................................................. $ 5,852,225 ============ Reconciliation of net investment income to net cash provided by operating activities: Net investment income................................................................... $ 86,398,172 Adjustments to reconcile net investment income to net cash provided by operating activities: Decrease in interest receivable....................................... 1,230,780 Increase in dividends receivable...................................... (3,485,930) Decrease in accrued expenses.......................................... (865,336) Decrease in other receivable.......................................... 25,068 --------------- Total adjustments............................................................... 3,095,418 ------------ Net cash provided by operating activities............................................... $ 83,302,754 ============ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 14 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 (1) SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. (the "Fund", formerly Duff & Phelps Utilities Income Inc.) was incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland on November 26, 1986. The Fund commenced operations on January 21, 1987, as a closed-end diversified management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The primary investment objectives of the Fund are current income and long-term growth of income. Capital appreciation is a secondary objective. The following are the significant accounting policies of the Fund: (a) The market values for securities are determined as follows: Equity securities traded on a national securities exchange or traded over-the-counter and quoted on the NASDAQ System are valued at last sales prices. Fixed income securities and any other securities for which it is determined that market prices are unavailable or inappropriate are valued at a fair value using a procedure determined in good faith by the Board of Directors which includes the use of a pricing service. Each money market instrument having a maturity of 60 days or less is valued on an amortized cost basis, which approximates market value. (b) No provision is made for Federal income taxes since the Fund has elected to be taxed as a "regulated investment company" and has made such distributions to its shareholders deemed necessary to be relieved of all Federal income taxes under provisions of current Federal tax law. The Fund intends to utilize provisions of Federal income tax laws which allow a realized capital loss to be carried forward for eight years following the year of loss and offset such losses against any future realized gains. At December 31, 2002, the Fund had tax capital loss carry forwards of $199,205,932 which expire beginning on December 31, 2003. For the period November 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002, the Fund incurred net realized capital losses of $181,983,140. The Fund intends to treat these losses as having occurred on January 1, 2003. At December 31, 2002, on a tax basis, the Fund had undistributed net investment income of $2,103,117; and based on a $2,792,953,260 tax cost of investments, gross unrealized appreciation of $139,857,445 and unrealized depreciation of $126,699,675. The difference between the book basis and tax basis of distributable earnings are primarily a result of tax deferral of wash sale losses, the accretion of market discount and amortization of premiums. (c) The accounts of the Fund are kept on the accrual basis of accounting. Security transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains or losses from sales of securities are determined on the specific identified cost basis. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date. Interest income and expense are recognized on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on securities are amortized over the lives of the respective securities for book purposes. Discounts and premiums are not amortized for tax purposes. (d) The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. (e) As required, effective January 1, 2002, the Fund has adopted the classification requirement of EITF D-98, Classification and Measurement of Redeemable Securities. EITF D-98 requires that preferred stock be presented separately at liquidation preference on the balance sheet. Accordingly, certain reclassifications have been made to the statement of operations, statement of changes in net assets and financial highlights for all periods presented. The adoption of EITF D-98 had no impact on the net asset value of the common stock of the Fund. 15 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 (2) MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: The Fund has engaged Duff & Phelps Investment Management Co. (the "Adviser") to provide professional investment management services for the Fund and has engaged J. J. B. Hilliard, W. L. Lyons, Inc. (the "Administrator") to provide administrative and management services for the Fund. The Adviser receives a quarterly fee at an annual rate of .60% of the average weekly net assets of the Fund up to $1.5 billion and .50% of average weekly net assets in excess thereof. The Administrator receives a quarterly fee at annual rates of .25% of average weekly net assets up to $100 million, .20% of average weekly net assets from $100 million to $1 billion, and .10% of average weekly net assets over $1 billion. For purposes of the foregoing calculations, "average weekly net assets" is defined as the sum of (i) the aggregate net asset value of the Fund's common stock (ii) the aggregate liquidation preference of the Fund's preferred stock and (iii) the aggregate proceeds to the Fund of commercial paper issued by the Fund. Directors of the Fund not affiliated with the Adviser receive a fee of $25,000 per year plus $2,000 per board meeting, plus $1,500 per committee meeting attended. Committee Chairmen receive an additional fee of $5,000 per year. Total fees paid to directors for the six months ended June 30, 2003 were $247,195. Transfer agent and custodian fees are paid to The Bank of New York. (3) DIVIDENDS: The Board of Directors has authorized the following distributions to common stockholders from investment income in 2003: Record Payable Dividend Record Payable Dividend Date Date Per Share Date Date Per Share -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- --------- 01-31-03 02-10-03 $.065 04-30-03 05-12-03 $.065 02-28-03 03-10-03 .065 05-30-03 06-10-03 .065 03-31-03 04-10-03 .065 06-30-03 07-10-03 .065 The tax basis for all distributions was ordinary income. (4) CAPITAL STOCK TRANSACTIONS: The Fund may purchase shares of its own stock in open market or private transactions, from time to time and in such amounts and at such prices (not exceeding $100,000 plus accumulated and unpaid dividends in the case of the Fund's remarketed preferred stock and less than net asset value in the case of the Fund's common stock) as management may deem advisable. Since any such purchases of the Fund's common stock would be made at prices below net asset value, they would increase the net asset value per share of the remaining shares of common stock outstanding. The Fund has not purchased any shares of its common stock. Transactions in common stock and paid-in surplus during 2002 and for the six months ended June 30, 2003 were as follows: Shares Amount ----------- -------------- For the year ended December 31, 2002: Beginning capitalization............ 213,521,241 $1,910,025,460 Dividend reinvestment............... 2,648,274 25,906,297 ----------- -------------- Total capitalization............ 216,169,515 $1,935,931,757 =========== ============== For the six months ended June 30, 2003: Beginning capitalization............ 216,169,515 $1,935,931,757 Dividend reinvestment............... 1,330,864 13,012,090 ----------- -------------- Total capitalization............ 217,500,379 $1,948,943,847 =========== ============== 16 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--(Continued) (UNAUDITED) June 30, 2003 (5) REMARKETED PREFERRED STOCK: In 1988, the Fund issued 5,000 shares of Remarketed Preferred Stock ("RP") in five series of 1,000 shares each at a public offering price of $100,000 per share. The underwriting discount and other expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the RP were recorded as a reduction of paid-in surplus on common stock. Dividends on the RP are cumulative at a rate which was initially established for each series at its offering. Since the initial offering of each series, the dividend rate on each series has been reset every 49 days by a remarketing process. Dividend rates ranged from 1.05% to 1.43% during the six months ended June 30, 2003. The RP is redeemable at the option of the Fund on any dividend payment date at a redemption price equal to $100,000 per share, plus accumulated and unpaid dividends. The Fund is required to maintain certain asset coverage with respect to the RP, and the RP is subject to mandatory redemption if that asset coverage is not maintained. Each series of RP is also subject to mandatory redemption on a date certain as follows: Series A--November 28, 2012; Series B--November 18, 2015; Series C--November 7, 2018; Series D--December 22, 2021; and Series E--December 11, 2024. In general, the holders of the RP and of the Common Stock have equal voting rights of one vote per share, except that the holders of the RP, as a class, vote to elect two members of the Board of Directors, and separate class votes are required on certain matters that affect the respective interests of the RP and the Common Stock. The RP has a liquidation preference of $100,000 per share plus accumulated and unpaid dividends. (6) COMMERCIAL PAPER: The Board of Directors has authorized the Fund to issue up to $200,000,000 of Commercial Paper Notes (the "Notes") in minimum denominations of $100,000 with maturities up to 270 days. The Notes generally will be sold on a discount basis, but may be sold on an interest-bearing basis. The Notes are not redeemable by the Fund nor are they subject to voluntary prepayment prior to maturity. The aggregate amount of Notes outstanding changes from time to time. The Notes are unsecured, general obligations of the Fund. The Fund has entered into a credit agreement to provide liquidity. The Fund is able to request loans under the credit agreement of up to $100,000,000 at any one time, subject to certain restrictions. Interest rates on the Notes ranged from 1.23% to 1.40% during the six months ended June 30, 2003. At June 30, 2003, the Fund had Notes outstanding of $198,755,057. (7) INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS: For the six months ended June 30, 2003, purchases and sales of investment securities (excluding short-term securities) were $2,843,676,518 and $2,829,268,803, respectively. The Fund may lend portfolio securities to a broker/dealer. Loans are required to be secured at all times by collateral at least equal to the market value of securities loaned. The Fund receives a portion of the income earned on the securities held as collateral and continues to earn income on the loaned securities. Security loans are subject to the risk of failure by the borrower to return the loaned securities in which case the Fund could incur a loss. At June 30, 2003, the Fund had loaned portfolio securities with a market value of $445,950,507 to a broker/dealer and received $459,546,575 of cash collateral. This cash was invested in securities as shown in the Schedule of Investments. 17 DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS--SELECTED PER SHARE DATA AND RATIOS The table below provides information about income and capital changes for a share of common stock outstanding throughout the periods indicated: For the six months ended For the year ended December 31 June 30, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------ (UNAUDITED) 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Net asset value: Beginning of period........ $ 7.37 $ 9.18 $ 10.51 $ 8.77 $ 10.36 $ 9.90 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Net investment income...... 0.40 0.79 0.77 0.88 0.89 0.88 Net realized gain (loss) and change in unrealized appreciation/ (depreciation) on investments.............. 0.40 (1.78) (1.23) 1.76 (1.59) 0.46 Dividends on preferred stock from net investment income........ (0.02) (0.04) (0.08) (0.11) (0.10) (0.10) Total from investment operations applicable to common shares............ 0.78 (1.03) (0.54) 2.53 (0.80) 1.24 Dividends on common stock from net investment income........ (0.39) (0.78) (0.79) (0.79) (0.79) (0.78) Net asset value: End of period.............. $ 7.76 $ 7.37 $ 9.18 $ 10.51 $ 8.77 $ 10.36 ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== Per share market value: End of period.............. $ 10.87 $ 9.90 $ 11.06 $ 10.50 $ 8.31 $ 11.25 Ratio of expenses to average net assets applicable to common stock.............. 1.53%* 1.44% 1.57% 1.79% 1.66% 1.46% Ratio of net investment income to average net assets applicable to common stock.............. 11.00%* 9.63% 8.63% 9.73% 9.40% 8.85% Total investment return..... 14.21% (3.04%) 13.67% 37.37% (19.85%) 19.95% Portfolio turnover rate..... 128.24% 197.27% 213.48% 229.70% 223.78% 251.19% Net assets applicable to common stock, end of period (000s omitted)..... $1,583,655 $1,592,970 $1,959,697 $2,216,014 $1,828,128 $2,131,692 -------- * Annualized 18 Board of Directors FRANKLIN A. COLE GORDON B. DAVIDSON CONNIE K. DUCKWORTH ROBERT J. GENETSKI CLAIRE V. HANSEN, CFA FRANCIS E. JEFFRIES, CFA NANCY LAMPTON CHRISTIAN H. POINDEXTER CARL F. POLLARD DAVID J. VITALE Officers CLAIRE V. HANSEN, CFA Chairman NATHAN I. PARTAIN, CFA President and Chief Executive Officer T. BROOKS BEITTEL, CFA Senior Vice President, and Secretary MICHAEL SCHATT Senior Vice President JOSEPH C. CURRY, JR. Vice President and Treasurer DIANNA P. WENGLER Assistant Secretary DNP Select Income Fund Inc. Common stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DNP 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 368-5510 Shareholder inquiries please contact Transfer Agent Dividend Disbursing Agent and Custodian The Bank of New York Shareholder Relations Church Street Station P.O. Box 11258 New York, New York 10286-1258 (877) 381-2537 Investment Adviser Duff & Phelps Investment Management Co. 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Administrator J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc. Hilliard Lyons Center Louisville, Kentucky 40202 (888) 878-7845 Legal Counsel Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw 190 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Independent Auditors Ernst & Young LLP 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 19 DNP Select Income Fund Inc. Semi-Annual Report June 30, 2003 [LOGO] ITEM 2. CODE OF ETHICS. Not applicable to semi-annual reports. ITEM 3. AUDIT COMMITTEE FINANCIAL EXPERT. Not applicable to semi-annual reports. ITEM 4. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT FEES AND SERVICES. Not applicable to semi-annual reports. ITEM 5. AUDIT COMMITTEE OF LISTED REGISTRANTS Not applicable to semi-annual reports. ITEM 6. [RESERVED] ITEM 7. DISCLOSURE OF PROXY VOTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CLOSED-END MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Not applicable to semi-annual reports. ITEM 8 [RESERVED] ITEM 9. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES. (a) Within the 90-day period prior to the filing of this report, the registrant's management carried out an evaluation, with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940). Based on their evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer believe that the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures are effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the registrant on Form N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in Securities and Exchange Commission rules and forms. (b) There have been no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting. ITEM 10. EXHIBITS. (a)(1) Not applicable to semi-annual reports. (a)(2) Exhibit 99.CERT Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. (b) Exhibit 99.906CERT Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) DNP SELECT INCOME FUND INC. By (Signature and Title) /s/ NATHAN I. PARTAIN ----------------------------------------------------- Nathan I. Partain President and Chief Executive Officer Date August 22, 2003 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. By (Signature and Title) /s/ NATHAN I. PARTAIN ------------------------------------------------------ Nathan I. Partain President and Chief Executive Officer Date August 22, 2003 By (Signature and Title) /s/ JOSEPH C. CURRY, JR. ------------------------------------------------------ Joseph C. Curry Vice President and Treasurer Date August 22, 2003